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three hours later, soonyoung has to go get ready for school

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three hours later, soonyoung has to go get ready for school. He walks around the room like how jihoon did in the morning, looking for his stuff. while the other just sat on the bed, watching him.

"you know you should get some sleep while I'm out, right?" soonyoung asks

"i have physics homework."

"go get sleep and I'll help you with that later when i get back."

jihoon raises an eyebrow and his mouth pulls up in a smile that he tries to hide. soonyoung doesn't notice anyway, all because he's too busy in front of the mirror with a makeup palette. about that, jihoon doesn't bother asking. surely, every person has their own way of boosting their confidence.

he could clearly hear soonyoung cussing every time he fucks up with his face. and to him, it's funny. obviously, the guy isn't the best with whatever he's doing. but then ten minutes later, jihoon's jaw drops at soonyoung's appearance; his sharp eyes lined black together with the slightest hint of faded red-orange powder smothered around. his eye makeup, along with his jet black hair, is enough to give him an intimidating, almost alluring aura.

to make it simpler, jihoon thinks soonyoung looks scarily sexy.

why does he look like a fucking god? jihoon asks himself. in his eyes, soonyoung has literally been a boy with full cheeks, cute smile and a soft aura. guess he has to rethink that now.

"do I look good?" soonyoung asks with a hint of hesitation. jihoon almost chokes on his saliva, "you look...hot"

"hot?" soonyoung says with a chuckle. That's one word he wasn't expecting jihoon to use. "you look great, I mean. do you usually go to school like that?" jihoon quickly adds in an attempt to avoid further embarrassment.

"no no, I have a performance today at the auditorium," soonyoung enthusiastically answers, fixing his backpack "at the upcoming new year's event, you should come and watch me perform. I'll get tickets for you and your friends. sounds good?"

"um.." jihoon mutters "sure. I didn't know that you dance."

"that's because you never asked, silly. What did you think? I'm some lame ass nerd? Nah."

soonyoung carries his bag on his shoulder and tells his roommate to get some sleep. if not, then he won't be getting a tutorial later. "ooh what a threat," jihoon jokingly says, soonyoung simply glares as a reply, and the younger blushes madly, avoiding his stare.

he clears his throat just about the time soonyoung reaches the door to look for his winter coat.

"I'm wearing your coat, I was in a rush earlier and I thought it was mine."

"mhmm," soonyoung nods. that jacket is his favorite, and the one he plans to wear to school for the day. but because it keeps his roommate warm, he decides to shrug it off, "i'll just grab a different one. see you later, ji!"

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