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jihoon wakes up at dawn, with the crown of his head on the crook of soonyoung's neck and his sweet scent slowly filling his senses

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jihoon wakes up at dawn, with the crown of his head on the crook of soonyoung's neck and his sweet scent slowly filling his senses. it's almost six in the morning and he barely remembers falling asleep to the songs playing on soonyoung's phone. on the other hand, soonyoung is wide awake. he has been holding jihoon in his arms for quite a long time now, making sure that he doesn't get cold. and while the boy was asleep, he spent the hours singing softly to him as he brushed his hair with his fingers.

here comes the blooming sun on the horizon, filling the sky with blended hues of soft purple, rose pink and baby blue. the morning stars are faintly visible on earth's ceiling and the clouds are bathed in a rosy glow. It's the first sunrise of the year and the sunlight hasn't kissed jihoon's skin this way before. it's a different kind of warmth, almost as gentle as soonyoung's touch. jihoon continues to admire the breathtaking scenery as he snuggles close to his boyfriend.

"you're awake," soonyoung flashes a smile as soon as jihoon looks at him, "good morning, love."

"It's only what? a few hours of us being together and you're already calling me that. so cheesy," jihoon says with a chuckle, his eyes closing as he buries his face more onto soonyoung's chest.

"but you fell for me in just a few days, jihoon. have you forgotten? you're so head over heels for me."

instead of agreeing, jihoon pushes him away and gives a snarky reply. "you know what? shut the fuck up. If I only knew that you're this too full of yourself, I would've rejected you earlier." typical jihoon, soonyoung thinks to himself. this reaction doesn't faze him, he's used to it.

"it's okay that you fell for me in days, because i fell faster, jihoon." soonyoung mutters as he plays with jihoon's ear, "if gravity is 9.8m/s², I must have been .294km in the +z direction because it only took 60 seconds for me to fall into you."

jihoon rolls his eyes. "nerd."

"your nerd," soonyoung moves closer to jihoon. th latter places his palm against woonyoung's face and pushes him away.

"you're disgusting."

"who says things like that while blushing?" soonyoung teases, then snuggles closer to the boy to kiss the tip of his nose. jihoon's cheeks turn into a shade of red. "I really like you, jihoon."

that moment, more sunlight fills the sky, seeping through the clouds. jihoon draws a deep breath and traces lines on soonyoung's arm with his finger, torn between drifting to sleep and staying awake to take in more of this beautiful scenery. "soonyoung," jihoon calls as a cold breeze folds over his body.


"I'm so happy that I met you, but I'm scared too. this feeling is so strange and overwhelming. they say that falling in love is just the easy part and I could see that. but how do we know if we're really for each other? how do we know if we're going to last?"

soonyoung reaches for jihoon's hand, his thumb caressing the back of his palm. "there's no reason to know, love. the universe will do its thing and you should just trust it. what matters is that I love you, and whatever happens, whether this heart beats in a different lifetime, in a different place-it is yours and yours only."

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