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"hoonie, you're so fast I couldn't keep up!" soonyoung whines

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"hoonie, you're so fast I couldn't keep up!" soonyoung whines.

"you're just a slow walker. and don't call me hoonie," replies jihoon, taking off his shoes and the layers of coat he's been wearing for the past hour. soonyoung just watches him with a pout on his face. he's clearly tired from a few minutes earlier, on the way home, when he was desperately trying to keep up with jihoon's pace. who knew he could walk extremely fast with shorter legs compared to soonyoung?

jihoon changes into his cozy clothes and casually throws himself on soonyoung's bed, scrolling through his phone. soonyoung, on the other hand, decides to take a warm shower first before doing the rest of his schoolwork for the day with jihoon.

while soonyoung is busy doing his thing, jihoon thought it would be best to walk around and clean up. he rolls off the bed to pile up all used clothes to take to the laundry later, arrange the study desk and refill the flower vase with fresh water. after a while, he goes back to soonyoung's bed to lay down and watch anime on his phone. the moment Soonyoung walks out of the bathroom with his soaking wet hair, jihoon instantly notices something.

"why are you wearing my shirt?" he asks. soonyoung stops drying up his hair with a towel to look back.

"oh, this is yours?"

clearly. jihoon points at the shirt he has on which happens to have the exact same print as the one soonyoung is wearing, except his shirt is white and jihoon's is black. "I forgot to bring one inside and I saw it hanging in there. let me just borrow it for now, it's not like I have some shirts left to wear at home anyway. I need to have them washed," soonyoung replies as he walks to his bed to sit next to jihoon. "hey, you cleaned the room. cute!"

jihoon furrows his brows. "what's so cute in that?"

"I don't know, it's just cute. and you put the clothes altogether for laundry. my stuff is in here?" asks the older, looking through the pile of clothes in the basket. jihoon just nods as an answer, then adds that he'll be taking them downstairs later. soonyoung insists on going with him but jihoon just tells him to stay. he doesn't want both of them to show up at the laundry shop with matching shirts. though, he secretly thinks soonyoung looks cute in his clothing. whatever, jihoon.

soonyoung rests his head on the headboard while jihoon lays down still next to him. he pulls the duvet up to his chest and surprisingly, jihoon slides under it, shuffling a little closer to him. "you watch that too?" soonyoung questions, looking at jihoon's phone. the latter answers a yes, sitting up and resting on the headboard as well so he could be the same as soonyoung. "I haven't seen that new episode, can we watch it together?" soonyoung asks again, to which jihoon simply nods. he then holds his phone up between them so his roommate could see the screen.

It's quiet for a little while and soonyoung isn't sure if jihoon had already fallen asleep. the boy's cheek is softly pressed against his left shoulder and the arm holding the phone up is starting to lose its balance. "jihoonie," mumbles soonyoung against his roommate's hair. no response.

after a while when soonyoung feels the weight of jihoon's head on his shoulder, he mumbles once more. "jihoonie." jihoon's arm completely loses its balance and lands on soonyoung's torso. this is gonna be awkward for a while, soonyoung thinks to himself. asAs he taps on the phone to pause the video they were watching, his hand brushes against jihoon's. he recalls, a few hours ago when they were out in the snow, he didn't get to hold onto the boy with his bare hands because of the gloves. but he was right about them: they feel perfectly soft and smooth, and his small hand perfectly fits in his.

jihoon buries his face in soonyoung's neck, just when soonyoung finally gets the courage to slide an arm around the smaller's waist. to his surprise, jihoon doesn't seem to mind. he's a sucker for warmth, he even snuggles closer until soonyoung's body is pressed against his own. they stay in a comfortable position for a little while, soaking up each other's warmth under the soft fleece blanket. soonyoung's fingers gently brush jihoon's soft, blonde hair. a familiar fresh fruity scent with a subtle hint of flowers fills his senses, then he realizes something - jihoon is using his shampoo. he doesn't mind though, the boy can use it all he wants. he gently leans onto jihoon and hugs him tighter, his eyelids feeling heavier with every passing second. this little touch of heaven seems to make the whole room warmer somehow, as if the snow had already melted away.

after what felt like hours, soonyoung wakes up alone. he looks around, seeing the door gently open. jihoon comes in with an empty laundry basket and places it down next to the shoe rack. "please don't leave again." mumbles soonyoung, soft enough for the other to hear. "I had to go downstairs, sorry." jihoon replies, though he doesn't really know why he's apologizing. It's not like he's required to stay in an embarrassing position next to his roommate until they decide get out of bed. they both know that bringing it up would make things awkward, so they decide to pretend it didn't happen.

later that evening, the two boys are back to their study session. speed, friction, momentum, acceleration, velocity are getting all mixed up and about in jihoon's brain, he could almost hear the gears grinding inside to make everything work.

why do i even need to know the speed of things? he tells himself. when the only speed he knows is the one at which soonyoung sends his heart in momentum, slamming out of his chest. the friction of soonyoung's opposite personality colliding with his in a positive acceleration therefore having greater velocity.

jihoon lets go of his pen and his hand rests on his chest. he breathes in and out, realizing that there is no way to escape the feeling building up inside of him. soonyoung had already entangled himself with his heart in a way, an atom for an atom until all laws wear off.

"soonyoung," he calls. the boy looks with his lips pursed. "hm?"

"I think I like you."

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