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soonyoung watched the sea of crowds break down into individual puddles

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soonyoung watched the sea of crowds break down into individual puddles. everyone has been telling him that he did a great job but he just shrugs it off, although all of those are actually deeply appreciated. it's just that he's not in the mood to be cheerful and it's clear in his facial expression.

minghao, junhui and chan decided that soonyoung should take the trophy home because he's the leader of their little group. they have their own gold medals anyway. they won first place in the competition and soonyoung is thankful for it, thankful for his members for doing their best as a team. it's their first award for the year and he's just sad that he doesn't get to share his pure excitement with the one he loves - all because he's not there with him. his absence can really be felt and it's impossible to ignore.

soonyoung looks at his phone for the twentieth time in five minutes.

"he's not even texting me, and we're supposed to meet here after the show," soonyoung tells himself and runs his fingers through his hair. the boy waits for a few more minutes, letting his eyes roam all over the place, until it gets late and his own members have to leave. soonyoung simply smiles at them, then frowns once they have their backs turned. what if jihoon is already asleep? come to think of it, the boy wasn't in the crowd and it's taking too long for him to arrive at the backstage. not a great sign.

soonyoung is done, he isn't about to wait another second. "ah, well, shit happens," he says out loud. while fixing his things, he feels two arms wrap around his waist.

"looking for me?" jihoon adorably says. soonyoung just looks at him and continues to do his thing, "aw, are you mad?" soonyoung carries his bag and walks past jihoon, "who wouldn't be mad?"

"but look, I have tulips for you. all red this time." the younger waves the bouquet of flowers in front of his face.

"great, thanks," soonyoung replies. no heat in his voice, no emotion. that's when jihoon knows his boyfriend is mad because it's different. unlike most people he knows, soonyoung isn't the type to be direct and raise his voice. when soonyoung is mad, one can see it through his actions, but no matter what happens, jihoon doesn't seem to get to urge to smack him down.

"i suppose that you didn't see me in the crowd hm?"

soonyoung stops in his tracks and faces him. jihoon swears his stare is so cold, it could freeze the entire pacific in less than five seconds. "yeah, and I'm disappointed, jihoon but it's okay, not a huge deal." so passive-aggressive, jihoon muses. he flicks the boy's forehead. "I'll have you know, that's a fucking insult to me. actually, I should be the one who's mad."

soonyoung lets out a sarcastic snicker, "oh so it's my fault? amazing."

"i was at the front row, idiot!" jihoon tells him "you looked hella stupid trying to look for me throughout the whole performance! but yeah, i'm fucking small, i get it!"

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