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jihoon is covered with jackets twice as much compared to soonyoung, but he still feels colder than him

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jihoon is covered with jackets twice as much compared to soonyoung, but he still feels colder than him. what is this sorcery? he wonders, then notices his friend's hair covered in snow. jihoon could only chuckle to himself because soonyoung looks even more like a five year old.

soonyoung turns, "what's the laugh for?"

"for me, because my life is a sick joke."

"doesn't seem like it."

"whatever, soonyoung."

snow rests upon everything it could cover on the street, leaving it to look like a blank white canvas waiting to be painted. as jihoon takes a moment to glance up at the sky, intricate patterns of snowflakes drift down and glitter in the faint sunlight, gently kissing his cheeks. the air is colder this time and he clearly regrets leaving his gloves in the dorm so he blows on his bare hands, his breath visible in the frosty air.

he does it for a few more times until soonyoung breaks the ice. "I can lend you my gloves," he says, "I think you need them more than I do."

"n-no," jihoon replies, "they're fine when I hide them inside my jacket. I can live with that."

soonyoung shakes his head, "seungcheol said you can't handle the cold. let me lend you my gloves."


"unfair. I'll take them off as well, then."

"no, if you do that, I will be mad at you, soonyoung."

the older sighs in defeat. the continue to walk with the now awkward atmosphere between them, until soonyoung holds onto jihoon's left hand. obviously, the shorter's first move is to flinch and let go, but soonyoung's grip is tight enough to keep holding on.

"soonyoung, your hand."

"you won't use my gloves so I'll make you feel warm this way," soonyoung replies, enveloping jihoon's hand between his palms. the younger could feel the heat in his cheeks. he immediately looks away and tries to hide his blush while soonyoung suppresses a smile, still holding onto jihoon. he knows to himself that he likes to hold the boy's hand. without the gloves, it must feel soft and pampered, like the rest of jihoon himself.

to jihoon, it's pretty unusual to hold hands with someone, especially in public, especially with a roommate he doesn't have a romantic relationship with. god knows how much he wants to pull away from soonyoung's grip and keep his palms in the pockets of his jacket, but for some reason, a part of him doesn't want to. soonyoung then intertwines their fingers together and gives jihoon a small squeeze as they walk. no words were said.

fortunately, for the both of them, it wasn't long until they reached the coffee place, where they are welcomed by a warm atmosphere filled with coffee aroma. the carat cafe is very familiar to jihoon. it brings a nostalgic feeling and makes him remember his freshman days when he would spend his time studying here, back when his professors wouldn't give him a second to breathe. not like anything is new in year three though. he just got used to the familiar cycle of sleep deprivation. jihoon looks around, seeing mingyu and wonwoo seated at the far right corner with books covering their faces. he lets go of soonyoung and makes his way towards the lanky pair, slamming his hands on the table as soon as he gets to their table.

mingyu's book falls down, "you came! i thought you were going to die alone!" he then notices soonyoung making his way towards them, "oh, i see why you survived now."

"listen, i'm not here for your bullshit. just give me my book!"

"sometimes i wonder why we're friends, you mutt."

soonyoung laughs at the two, he also thinks it's adorable that jihoon has friends a thousand centimeters taller than him. he doesn't really tease jihoon for being the way he is, but his friends really do make him look extra fun sized. while all the ruckus between mingyu and jihoon is happening, wonwoo steals a sharp glance from soonyoung and clears his throat, "you must be jihoon's roommate."

"yes, i'm kwon soonyoung."

"i think i've seen you around the campus before- oh you're one of those dudes who performed at the year end event in the auditorium!" wonwoo gasps "i watched! jihoon and i-"

"okay wonwoo i think soonyoung has heard enough!" jihoon lets out a nervous laugh and covers the boy's mouth with his palm "we will be going back to the dorm now. you guys stress me out just by existing."

"stay for a bit, we would like to get to know soonyoung more," mingyu drags the boy to sit next to him. jihoon rolls his eyes but is left with no choice but to take a seat too, then he flips the pages of his physics book to recall some of the lessons he was taught.

"we're jihoon's friends. i know we met before but i never introduced myself properly. i'm kim mingyu and this guy over here is jeon wonwoo, a childhood friend of mine who became close to jihoon too," mingyu introduces "you dance really well, by the way. i would love to see you have a collaboration with our lee jihoon soon."

jihoon is quick to look up and he shoot a glare at the boy, mingyu, who laughs at him. on the other hand, soonyoung feels lost. "collaboration?" he asks

"he's a musical genius. he writes songs and all."

musical genius. jihoon hates the sound of that. he's been writing and producing his own songs for the past few years and his friends know that very well. however, he doesn't see himself as a "genius". to him, making music is nothing more than a hobby. he wouldn't be stuck in an academic major if he's meant to be a producer, as depressing as that sounds.

"jihoon, you never mentioned that to me!" soonyoung beams at the smaller one, whose face flushes in seconds. mingyu and wonwoo exchange stares.

"is it my obligation to let you know?" jihoon simply says, then slams his book shut "let's just go, soonyoung, it's so much warmer back at the dorm." the boy marches outside and soonyoung follows shortly after saying goodbye and exchanging numbers with mingyu and wonwoo.

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