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"jihoon, jihoon!"

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"jihoon, jihoon!"

mingyu hears and turns around, seeing soonyoung in what seems to be his pajamas, running down the hallway a few minutes before the bell rings. he taps his friend's shoulder before pointing at the boy. "ji, I guess your boyfriend forgot to greet you a good morning today."

jihoon furrows his brows, then his mouth drops open when he turns to see soonyoung. "oh my god why is he dressed like that?" he mumbles. as soon as his boyfriend catches up, he asks him why he's in a rush.

"you forgot your lunch!" the boy hands him a small packed bag, "i ran all the way from our dorm and i'm really tired right now but it's okay! i also wanted to tell you good luck on your finals today!" jihoon's mouth pulls up into a smile then hugs soonyoung tightly, "i love you, you're the best!"

"also," soonyoung pants, "i already have reserved tickets for y'all later at the new year's talent showcase. be sure to come after your exams, alright?"

"sure, bud," mingyu nods, "good luck on your dance performance. is it a competition?"

"not just a dance performance," soonyoung chuckles, "we sing too. and yes, it is a competition, but not a formal one, if that makes sense." mingyu presses his palms on his forehead. "good god, jihoon, your boyfriend sings and dances and aces all his subjects," he says "that's a whole package right there."

"and he's hot too, isn't he?" jihoon asks, causing soonyoung to let out a shy laugh. "okay boys, enough talking about me. good luck to the three of you, alright? do well!" he cheers and runs away, but then makes a turn to come back. he forgot to kiss his boyfriend.

"ah, jihoonie! one last thing!" he adds, "remember everything we learned last night, okay?" jihoon replies with yes, and soonyoung plants a kiss on his forehead before running off for the second time. jihoon watches his lover reach the end of the hall, where he turns around and gives a flying kiss before turning right, even bumping into another student. jihoon shakes his head, laughing. soonyoung is so embarrassing, and he loves it.

to ruin the moment, mingyu teases, "I wonder what happened last night. I'm intrigued."

jihoon's cheeks flush at the thought and he hits mingyu's arm. "we just studied, shithead."

"studied what? anatomy?"

"will you shut the fuck up?" jihoon grouches, already blushing madly. "I don't want to deal with your dirty mind right now."

wonwoo chuckles, "ah, I can't believe our jihoon grew up so fast."

"dude, he doesn't grow."

"one more, mingyu, I will fucking kill you."

the cold air in the classroom welcomes jihoon as he enters. he badly wants to leave right away so he turns to exit but mingyu blocks the way and pushes him back inside. a string of curses leave jihoon's mouth because he doesn't have a choice but to stay in his chair and wait for the exam to start. his body feels cold and he feels the knots tighten inside his stomach as he sings a few theories in his head. looking to his right, he notices that mingyu is taking his sweet time to take a nap. unbelievable.

a few minutes after the professor arrived, the exam materials are distributed and they are given three and a half hours to finish the exam. the boy starts to sweat at the first five minutes of taking the test, his leg bouncing up and down in anxiousness. everything he sees on the paper doesn't really look familiar and it's giving him the idea that he's definitely going to fuck his grades up.

what the fuck is bow shock? he asks himself and closes his eyes, hoping to find an answer. But all he could think of is soonyoung.

just soonyoung.

"not now, baby, please," jihoon mutters to himself, then hears mingyu chuckling in his seat. he turns his head to take a look.

"not now, baby, please," mingyu mocks him and shakes his head. "fuckin weirdo."

jihoon flashes his middle finger at the boy and focuses back. then remembers the small notes, the short poems and song parts he did that are all related to his lessons, all of the little things he wrote while he was next to soonyoung, facing the same old desk with a variety of colored tulips set on the center. slowly, he recalls his own words and understanding of the concepts combined with the melodies he made - exactly how wonwoo advised him to study. this went on for the rest of the period, with him being heavily inspired and mentally active at the same time.

mingyu finishes after two and a half hours, ten minutes earlier than jihoon so he makes his way to exit the room. jihoon stays in his seat for a little more, solving problems and rechecking a few of his answers. once he's finished, he stands up to pass his paper and crosses his fingers to hope for the best.

"wow, look who's happy," mingyu nudges wonwoo once they see jihoon exit the classroom with a smile on his face, "how did you do?"

"I fucked some equations up, but I'm good!" jihoon cheers. "I think I did well."

"that was the worst three hours of my life. It felt like a decade and I was young before I entered that room," mingyu says, feeling his face. while the three of them are discussing their answers to the exam, the new years event at the university auditorium is already about to start.

"he'll be here, don't worry," junhui tells soonyoung. the boy has been freaking out for ten minutes straight because the show will be starting in a few seconds and jihoon still hasn't arrived to the venue. "dude, I'm telling you, chill," junhui continues to make them boy calm down, but nothing seems to be working. soonyoung keeps looking for his boyfriend in the audience but he couldn't spot him.

"hey, we'll be the third to perform," chan arrives, fixing his top and microphone, "is soonyoung hyung alright?"

"ah, he's just wondering where jihoon is right now," junhui answers

"you mean the boy who sent you flowers before? cute. he'll be there to watch, don't worry soonie hyung," chan says.

by the time they are about to perform, soonyoung still couldn't contain himself. his members give him a pat on the shoulder before the lights dim and they walk to the stage. as he gets into his initial position, his eyes wander around, looking for jihoon until he suddenly bumps into minghao and curses to himself. embarrassing. maybe mihoon isn't coming tonight, he sighs, then their song starts. soonyoung still gives his everything in the performance, though he feels like he's lacking. through the whole song, his eyes couldn't stop searching for that person he wishes to see.

as usual, the four boys receive a massive round of applause at the end of their performance. soonyoung walks to the backstage with a frown on his face. "he didn't come," he tells junhui, who immediately gives him a hug

"maybe jihoon is just tired."

"yeah, maybe he just forgot to be at one of the most important events in my life," soonyoung mutters, "i understand. not a huge deal."

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