No Stranger Danger

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I smiled at his last remark. We stared into each others eyes for a while until I stood up.

"Do you want tea? Or coffee?" I asked.

"It always has to be tea" he said as he winked. I swore my heart skipped a beat when he did that.

'Jesus Laura, he just helped you don't get distracted.' I thought.

I flicked the kettle on and waited for it to boil. I turned round to check on Dan who was packing away the first aid kit he used to clean my face. He got off the couch and headed towards the kitchen, I quickly turned my head and focused on making tea. My eyes widened as I felt his body press up against mine as he opened the left hand cupboard that I was standing under.

"Wow you're really small" he stated.

"Really? I didn't notice! Wow, all my life I thought I was a giant" I sarcastically said. I slammed down the spoon on the counter and I turned round to face him who was alarmingly close. He stared at me with his poker face and cornered me, obviously not liking my sarcastic remark. He raised his eyebrow at me.

"I could rip that plaster off your face just as easily as I put it on." He plainly said. I smirked and turned back around and continued on making tea.

"How'd you like your tea?" I asked.

"Just milk, please thanks" he answered. I passed him his cup and we both walked over to the couch. A couple seconds of awkward silence passed so I started the conversation.

"So what's it like being in a band?"

"Ah well you know, it has it's highs and lows" he said combing his hair with his fingers.


"Well that moment before you go on stage for a gig is just the worst, but after you go out and play it's the best feeling in the world. It's nice to know people actually turn up to your gigs and love your songs and spend time listening to them. You also get to travel around the world seeing places you'd never thought you'd see, but they're not as great as they would be if you didn't have such terrible jet lag. Sometimes I get gifts and presents from all the lovely fans. It's just crazy"

I sat there listening to every word that came out from his mouth. I was genuinely so interested.

"Wow, it must be great living a life like yours, mines is boring as shit. I've been living alone for about 8 years now. Moved away from my family when I was 16. My family were so uptight and strict, but when they realised that I was a loose cannon they chucked me out, they have never been proud of me. School marks were never great, I was out every night with my friends drinking. But then I realised I needed to get my act together, get a job, pay rent, feed myself and all that shit. I had no clue what I was doing, I was only 16! Life was putting weight on my shoulders and then I started to loose weight rapidly, I wasn't able to buy food for myself. I had a job for a while but then they had to close down leaving me unemployed and so far I've just been living off what I've got left."

My eyes were filling up with tears but I tried my hardest to hold them back but I wasn't strong enough.

"I'm not quite sure why I just told you all that, you probably don't wanna know, just ignore me." I sniffed. I then felt his warm hands touch my shoulders, I looked up at him and his face seemed to be full of sympathy.

"Of course I wanna know. Laura, I'm so sorry you had to go such a hard time. I wish I could've done something."

He pulled me closer and wrapped his arms around me and I did the same. I buried my head into shoulder and took in his scent which I adored. I then lifted my head.

"You have no reason to be sorry. Don't worry about it. I'm just glad you popped up when you did tonight." I felt his hand move to the back of my head.

"You are most certainly welcome"

We pulled apart and he took another sip of his tea. After hours upon hours of talking and getting to know each other, it was getting dark outside.

I felt a connection build between us. I felt like I had knew him my whole life and I was surprised with myself with how comfortable I felt around him.

"You've got to be the nicest stranger ever" I said shaking my head.

"What, by looks or...." He joked. I laughed and threw a cushion at him.

"Ah yes see, you're blushiiinnggg" he pointed out. I covered my face with my hands and he returned the cushion back by throwing it in my face.

"Hey, don't make me regret what I said." I said pointing at him. He acted like he didn't care and threw his hands up in the air and rolled his eyes. I stood up and grabbed the square cushion I was lying on, walked round to the back of the couch and slammed the cushion into the side of his head. I burst out laughing and I doubled over. I looked up to see his reaction but when I saw that he was jumping over the top of the couch I panicked and ran into the hall and headed into my bedroom. He closely followed me and I jumped up onto my bed.

"Oh ho ho, you're gonna get it now." He said evilly as he slammed the door shut giving me no chance of escape. I remained standing on my bed which was in the centre of the room. He stood directly me in front of me like it was simian shootout. I was in a dead-end. I grabbed my pillow for protection, it probably wasn't going to do much but I felt safer with it. Dan then stood up onto my bed. He was way taller and towered over me. I decided to make a run for it and swiftly moved to my right, but his reflexes were just too quick and wrapped his strong arm around my waist and pulled me back. I screamed in terror while he pulled me down so we were both lying on my bed and then started to tickle me.

"NO NO DAN PLEASE I'M SUPER TICKLY DON'T!" I squealed. I squirmed as much as I could but he eventually pinned me down with him sitting on top of me, my hands under his knees and my legs were pretty much useless at this point. He kept on tickling me up until I point where I was unable to breath which was bad for my asthma condition. I took deep breathes and calmed myself down. Dan had rolled over onto his side then I copied. We both stared into each other's eyes, the moment was perfect. I didn't want to move from this spot. I had really grown attached to this man.

"Thanks again for tonight, best night I've had in a long time despite my cheek and that guy and I shouldn't of been so clumsy, I mean, I'm so blind."



"Shut up."

He lifted his head and moved it closer to mine. Our lips made contact and I ravished the moment. Moments of intense kissing passed and he pulled away. I stared at his lips while I bit mine. He moved a strand of hair out of my face and gently moved his hand along my jawline.

"You're perfect Laura Anderson." he smiled.

It was late at night and I felt my eyes getting heavier, tiredness was taking over my body. The last thing I felt was Dan kissing my forehead.

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