A Day At The Beach

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Once breakfast was finished we all separated to go get ready to go to the beach. The torrid heat and the blistering sun gave me an implication that at some point I would be completely burnt head to toe so I packed plenty of sun cream. Since the beach was literally right there I was already in my bikini with a large t-shirt over the top with my sunglasses on and a bag with towel hanging over my shoulder. I wasn't planning on taking my t-shirt off, lately I've been feeling really self-conscious about my body now that my wounds had healed and had left nasty scars, bad enough having the bandage round my infected cut. I packed everything I needed and left with Dan to meet up with the guys at the lobby. Sam said he'd stay, he didn't really like humid heat.

We found the perfect spot half way down the beach and placed down some towels, there was only 4 so someone was going to miss out. The guys soon took off their tops getting ready to go into the sea while I sat myself down and plugged in my earphones and started reading my book. I peeked a glare at each of their bodies; defined, toned and well built. A warm flush creeped onto my cheeks, of course I blamed it on the weather

"You're not coming?" Asked Kyle.

"No way, I'm not getting wet, I'm staying right here." I explained. They begged for me to come but I finally persuaded them that I definitely wasn't coming. I watched them race with each other down to the shore where they splashed about and swam with the waves. They looked like they were having fun. I laid back onto the towel and felt myself cook away under the heat of the sun like an egg frying on the pan.

It must of been about half an hour the guys spent out in the sea. I gave up on my book and with my eyes closed I relaxed until I felt someone blocking my light, I peeked my eye open to see four dripping wet bodies standing over me. I took my earphones out and asked them what they were doing, but the only response I got was Dan shouting;


At the sound of Dan's voice each one of them grabbed either one of my arms or my legs. I was lifted high up into the air and taken towards the sea by at this point I had realised their plan.

No, no, no, no, no.

"Guys no, I don't want to get wet! No! Stop! Please!" I repeated this many times but each time they would ignore me and smirk.

I squirmed as hard as I could but yet again, my strength was no match for one man never mind four. We eventually approached the sea where they took me far out from the shore and dunked me into the water. I swam to the surface to see the four of them laughing away. I folded my arms and scowled at them then started to splash them to show how annoyed I was.

"I can't believe you guys!" My angered voice soon turned into laughter as they splashed back. Dan swam over to me taking ahold of me wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Was this your idea?" I suspiciously asked squinting my eyes. He deliberately put on his 'guilty' face and smiled. I splashed water in his face and he did the same back. Will, Woody and Kyle started to trudge their way back to our spot but Dan and I stayed in the sea. I wrapped my arms around his neck, our heads getting closer and closer then eventually, our lips met leading on to a passionate kiss that seemed to last forever. My hand grabbed the back of his head gripping a handful of hair and gently tugging making him give a slight moan, meanwhile his hands were exploring my back pulling me closer to him. The moment lasted until a massive wave towered over the top us making us go underwater. We held onto each other until we resurfaced, we just turned to look at each other and laughed.

"C'mon let's head back before we drown." He joked wrapping his arm around my shoulder. I wanted to dry off as soon as possible but it wasn't helping that I had a big, wet, dripping t-shirt on.

Fuck it, who cares?

I pulled my t-shirt off to reveal my stomach and the rest of my bikini, after debating with myself about whether I made the right decision I looked down to see and big red marks blotched around my body, scars obvious in the sunlight and bruises that were the same colour as the sea, I winced and turned away. I walked ahead of Dan to avoid him seeing me and stopped to rinse out my t-shirt. I thought that he would just carry on walking but he stopped and waited for me which was the last thing I wanted him to do. I squeezed my t-shirt until every drop had dripped hoping that the longer I stood there the quicker Dan would get bored and walk away. When I saw that he still standing there I built up the courage to turn round and face Dan, I had no other choice. I held the t-shirt close to me trying use it to cover up my body, but he noticed the way I was weirdly holding my top and pulled it away from me revealing my body. He looked down me up and down then sighed knowing why I was acting weirdly. He tried to get into my line of vision but I would just refuse to look at him in the eye. I sighed with contempt.

"Is that why you didn't want to get wet?" He asked placing his hand underneath my chin and guiding my face to look at his. I simply nodded.

"I just get really self-conscious about it." I mumbled. Almost immediately after I stopped talking he argued back.

"You have no reason to be, who cares what people think, it doesn't change anything. I think you have an amazing body that any woman would be jealous of." He whispered placing his forehead on mine smiling. I blushed and smiled back. We returned to our spot to see Kyle, Will and Woody all sunbathing in the sun dry to the bone. Dan ran to the only remaining towel giggling like a child, while I was left standing. I looked over to where I was sitting before I was brutally dragged into the sea to see Kyle making himself comfortable. I cleared my throat to gain his attention.

"Eh, you took my space." I complained placing my hands on my hips. Kyle looked up at me and puckered his lip to which I responded by kicking sand all over him making him jump up and shake it off. I took back my place and placed my hands behind my head.

"I will drag you back out again." He threatened pointing to the sea.

"You wouldn't dare." I sneered.

"He would." Added Will. I ignored his comment and crossed my feet over and relaxed.

"Hmmm I could lie here aaaalllllll day, it's so comfy." I teased while Dan laughed along. Kyle looked at Dan worryingly hoping that somehow he would do something about it like I was his pet that was out of control, but he just shrugged his shoulders. Kyle scoffed then folded his arms tapping his foot against the sand.

"You have 10 seconds before I drag back into the sea."

"She won't care." Dan advised, but ignoring Dan, Kyle started to count down. With each second that he counted down I did nothing, only to sit and relax. By the time Kyle reached 3 he started to sound more and more threatening.

"One." He finished. He ripped my arms away from underneath my head and pulled me up while I was cripilling with laughter. He stormed off dragging me behind refusing to walk. I heard the rest of the guys giggle behind me, I looked behind mentally asking for help but I felt betrayed when they all had their phones out recording not moving a muscle. I kept pulling Kyle back like a child refusing to go somewhere with their parent making him lose his balance. He soon got annoyed when he turned round and picked me up over his shoulder and strutted his way over to the shore but before we actually went into the water he stopped.

"Right. I am going to give you one more chance just because I'm feeling generous. If you do not give me back my space I will dunk you, head first, into the water. So Laura, what's it going to be?"

All that was going through my mind was;

Wow all this for a spot? Jesus Kyle.

"Fine fine have your stupid spot." I grumbled from behind his shoulder.

"Wise choice."

He gently placed me down and we both headed back up only to see Woody sitting in that exact place me and Kyle had just been arguing over.

"Hm Laura, you're right, this spot is too comfy to give up."

"You bastard."

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