Mr & Mrs Smith

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When people say 'all good things come to an end' they always miss the last bit out and forget to mention that 'all good things come to an end because of an over-excited Kyle banging on your front door.'

We both moaned in unison as we heard multiple banging sounds come from the door.

"Come on, we better answer him before he starts crying." I joked, he agreed and pulled me up giving me one last kiss. I put on the rest of my clothes and went to answer Kyle at the door, but before I did, Dan whispered something into my ear.

"I hope you've got a fun night planned out for me aswell." He cheekily smirked while winking at me. My inner teenage, hormonal self was screaming, holy shit. I kept my cool and answered the door to see Kyle and unexpectedly, Will and Woody.

"Oh hey guys! I thought it was just Kyle that was banging on the door like a lunatic."

"Yeah, Kyle got to the door before we could. Sorry if we were interrupting you guys." Will chuckled while looking at the love bite Dan had left on my neck. I blushed and covered with my hand as he walked past me. Kyle had already ran past me, running straight to Dan nearly toppling him over.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY MATE." He screamed as they hugged, I wasn't sure Dan had a choice whether he wanted a hug or not, but he got one. The others copied but less exaggerated.

"We're going to give you your present tonight. It's gonna be wickeeeeed!" Woody said in a high-pitched voice putting on a strong South London accent.

"Yeah man I'm really excited!" Kyle screeched.

"No shit." I muttered to myself raising my eyebrows.

We had a good long chat with each other, it mainly consisted of Dan telling us of past birthdays. I also asked him about his 10th birthday because I remembered seeing him in the picture with cake all over his mouth, he explained that someone had shoved him into the cake when he went to blow out the candles on the cake, he was so embarrassed. It was about 3 o'clock when Woody took us all out for lunch to a nice restaurant. It was nice, it wasn't one of those dead posh restaurants where you would expect to see waiters with a suit and tie and most inportantly, it wasn't too expensive. We paid the bill and exited the restaurant out into the reasonably nice weather.

"Listen guys I promised my parents I would visit them on my birthday so I'll need to go now if I want to be back in time for the party." They nodded their heads in acknowledgement and left saying their farewells.

"Do you want to come with me?"

I swore my heart skipped a beat.

Meet Dan's parents? Shit...

"Do you want me to come with you?"

"I just thought that since we've been seeing each other for a long time, maybe now's a good time for you to meet them." He gleamed.

"But...what if they don't like me? What if they ask me about my past? What will I say? I'm sure they won't be impressed that their son is going out with a jobless, former party rebel."

"Just be yourself okay? You made me like you instantly so I'm sure they will be the same."

After a long car journey we arrived at this beautiful, naturally decorated cottage at the far end of London. Vines grew all the way the white walls and colourful flowers caught the eye as soon as you walked into the front garden.

"Wow this is beautiful." I gasped.

"I think it's too much, my mum's really into her gardening." He said as he chapped the door. Dan's mum opened the door and she gasped as she saw Dan grabbing him in for a hug. For first impressions, she seemed really bubbly and lively, not like anyone I've ever seen before...

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