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I looked at Gene.

"Your crazy." I stated.

"Well it will work will it not?" He asked me.

"It may but he is much smarter than you think you shouldn't underestimate him." I replied.

"Yes I understand but at the moment we don't have much time." He sighed.

He looked up at the clock and then back at us.

"We will send Aphmau to the bank. After she walks around for a bit the leader should appear and try to take her. After he appears we will come out of hiding and arrest him." Gene replied smirking.

Everyone seemed to be chatting and agreed with the idea.

"Alright then lets get going." Gene said.

"Now!?" I asked confused.

He nodded his head and everyone left for the door. We all got outside and headed into our own cars. Me and Gene hoped into mine and we made our way to the bank.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" I asked him.

"Yes it will be perfect." He said grinning.

"But what if he some how finds out." I whispered.

"Im sure he wouldn't." Gene laughed.

"Look Gene for someone who has been friends with my dad for a while. You sure are dumb." I growled.

The other cars infront of us were the other officers. I looked over and noticed Gene on his phone. I sighed and turned back to driving. We pulled up a block away from the bank and everyone got out. Gene stood up on my car and people turned to face him.

"Alright lets surrond the bank and keep a close eye on Aphmau. If we want this too work we have to be able to get him." Gene announced.

Everyone nodded there head and Gene pointed at two people.

"You two bring Aphmau around to the bank."

They nodded their heads and I walked up to them. We began to walk to the bank and the others headed off to do there own thing. We slowly approched the bank and I looked back. The officers stopped in there place and I turned around. They were both grinning from ear to ear and I looked at them confused.

"Whats going on." I growled.

"Nothing." One of them laughed.

I put my hand in my pocket and held onto my handgun. They both quickly pulled out there hand guns and as did I.

"I don't know why the boss hasn't killed you yet." One of them laughed.

"I had a feeling something was wrong." I giggled.

"Isn't your goal to get me to the place where Gene told you to go?" I asked.

"I can't wait till Gene finds out what your up too." I laughed.

One of them took a shot at me and I dodged it.

"Not today." I smirked.

I took a few shots at them and they both fell to the ground. I heard more shots go off and there was a mass of screaming and yelling. I began to dart it to the bank and slowed down when the shots stopped. I stopped at the corner and peaked around. They were surronded. Every officer was surronded.

But we were missing an officer:


I looked around in the crowd and I couldn't see him anywhere. I heard someone chuckle in the crowd of people and a figure jumped up. They jumped up to the top of the bank and sat beside him.

Gene sat beside there leader.

He smiled and looked down at the officers.

"Fools." He laughed.

I looked at him with eyes wide and turned around. I sprinted back and headed for my car. On my way back to it I grabbed the guns from the officers that betrayed me and ran to my car. Unlocking the door I got inside.

I had to get away.

I closed the door behind me and started it up. I smirked too myself and started driving forward. I looked ahead and noticed the people surronding the officers.

But maybe just maybe I could help them first.

I started driving at the people surronding them and bashed right into them. I rolled down my window and as I hit the people with my car I shot a few others that I missed. The officers began firing at Gene and I took a few shots as well. I hit Gene in the elbow and he fell to the ground. More shots were fired and it seemed like he was going to be hit. But something grabbed him and pulled him up. I drove my car into more people and tried to make a huge circle. People were going down like flies but more were coming in. I growled at that and my car stopped moving. I jumped out of my car and noticed a wheel was shot. I growled at this and loaded my gun. I shot more times than I could count. Hitting people down left and right. I hid behind my car and took a few shots at him. He dodged them all and noticed where I was. He took a remote out of his pocket and dangled it infront of us all. Everyone stopped in shock and some officers were tackled to the ground. More men came in and once again we were surronded.

"Now now lets make this easy. I can either have one of your officers betray you all or you will obey me." He smirked.

I glared at him and got out from behind the car.

"Hand over the remote." I yelled.

"Oh and why should I?" He laughed.

"Im willing to kill the traitor." I growled.

He looked at me and a huge grin appeared on his face.

"Oh really?"

"Yes." I replied.

"And what if the traitor was you?" He laughed.

"Impossible." I growled.

I began moving forward again and the beeping sound started. I stopped in place but the beeping didn't stop this time. I growled in annoyence and he began to apporach me. He stopped infront of me and held out the remote infront of me.

"No.." I mumbled.

"You want this to end?"

I nodded my head and he smiled.

"Then strip and come with me."

Aarmau AU  ¤♡ Xs And Os ♡¤Where stories live. Discover now