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"Im nothing compared to you..." I yelled.

She began laughing like a mad man and glared at me giving me a creepy smile.

"I can sense it in you."

I kept my gun pointed at her and began to back up.

She was definitely crazy but I wouldn't let her know I was scared.

I kept backing away. More screams filled my ears as I got farther away.

She took a small step and I stopped in my place.

"Stop." I said while my hand was shaking on the gun.

"Come now dear." She said reaching out her hand "Don't be scared."

I felt fear wave over me and she looked down at the floor. I rejected her hand.

This must have pissed her off because as she slowly raised her head she gave me a quick smile and ran at me. I screamed in horror and pulled the triggers back. A few shots went off hitting her twice in the stomach and once in the neck.

She fell down to the ground and I began breating heavily.

I slowly approched her and looked down at her body. She was laying there. Legs and arms spread out well blood fell from her.

I heard footsteps come running up behind me and I swiftly turned around.

It must have been the cops in this town.

One of them gave me a strange look then looked at there partner.

He pulled out his gun "But your hands up." He shouted.

I reached in my pocket and they seemed to get more distressed.


I pulled out my police badage and held in out infront of them.

The male cop stopped and gave a sigh of relief.

I handed him the badge "I'm asuming you thought id pull out another gun." I laughed.

"Ye actually I did." He replied laughing back.

He inspected my badage and nodded his head, "Seems legit."

"So whats a cop from Pheonix Drop doing up here?" He asked leaning against the wall.

"Well." I said putting my badge away, "I guess you could say I'm on vacation."

He laughed a bit and smiled at me. I smiled back and turned to the lady.

She still laid motionless on the floor.

But to be honest it was better that way anyways.

I heard yelling and I turned my head over a bit. Paramedics began rushing into the room.

They set up a stretcher for the lady and lifted her up on it.

The paramedics quickly ran back down the stairs and I turned to the lady.

I moved in closer to her and looked down.

I felt kinda bad shooting her. But it was me or her and I wasn't going to die.

I sighed and noticed something written on her arm. I looked in closer. The words were carved into her arm. She must have used a knife or something you could see the blood.

I bent down closer and could only read a few words,

Mistakes You ....

What else it said? I had no idea.

I looked back up at the lady. A smile began to creep onto her face and I screamed. I fell onto the ground and my heart started pounding out of my chest. It was that same sickening smile from before.

People quickly ran over to me swarming around me like a pack of segals.

"S-she s-smiled.." I stuttered breathing quickly.

They got away from me and went to check on the lady. My heart was still racing as I got up off the floor. I looked at her and someone held there thumb to where her pulse was.

"Shes dead." He replied.

"I thinks its time I go." I mumbled.

I turned around and as I was headed for the door I heard a voice.


I turned my head back and heard it again.

"Y-You are crazy as well."

I quickly looked around me trying to find the sorce of the voice. But no one could have said it.

No body seemed to hear it either. If they heard it they would have been freaking out like me.

I turned back around and took in a deep breath.

You are not crazy Aphmau.

You're perfectly normal.

She was just crazy and maybe you are hearing things.

I began to take a few steps forward and eventually I found myself spriting.

My body ran on its own as I ran out of the hotel. I ran down the stairs as fast as I could and slammed the exit door open.

Running to my car I quickly unlocked the car and hoped in.

Was I really crazy.

I was hearing and seeing things.

I don't think I'm crazy though. This only happened twice.

So much for sleep as well. I got out of my car with an idea in my head.

I walked back inside the hotel and to the front desk. The lady was reading a book and as I approched she looked up.

"Is there some way I can get a new room since they are investigating up there?" I asked.

She nodded her head and turned around. Taking a key off the frame she put it on the desk. I put my key that I had before on the desk and took the new one.

I looked at the key and it showed,

Room 112 first floor

I sighed in relief and headed down the hall. I looked up at each room number as I went by and stopped.

Room 112.

I put the key in the door and slowly opened it up. I peaked inside and flicked on the light. The room lit up and I took the key out of the door. I closed the door softly bebind me and walked over to my bed.

I didn't feel as safe here anymore. Not saying I ever did but after that I was even scared of myself.

I got under the bed covers and got comfy. I yawned and pulled the covers more over me. Wiping my eyes I feel into a deep sleep.

Aarmau AU  ¤♡ Xs And Os ♡¤Where stories live. Discover now