The Tribe

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Velvet POV
The rustling continued, it was all around. I heard breathing next to me, I looked to my left and I saw this creature, it looked metallic, had razor sharp teeth, red eyes, and it had a body in its mouth.

 I heard breathing next to me, I looked to my left and I saw this creature, it looked metallic, had razor sharp teeth, red eyes, and it had a body in its mouth

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I have never seen anything like this, it's definitely not a creature of Grimm. It dropped the body, I have never seen an outfit like this, must be the style for the people here.....
The creature started sniffing the air and did a low growl. There was more rustling on my right, but it wasn't like this monster, it was a little more stealthy. From the bushes there was a person with a spear and stabbed the creature in the neck, making it turn and fight them. I used this opportunity to crawl away as fast as I could.
TimeSkip 5 minutes
I was almost to the other side of the beach an arrow landed in front of me. I looked up to see four people standing right there, they all looked like they were apart of a native tried
(Language used is Xhosa)
Tribesman: Ngubani lo wesifazane
Tribeswoman: Mhlawumbi intsikelelo ukukholisa umsindo
Me: I'm sorry for intruding on your island, I just want to get off it
Tribesman: Ngelelo?
I started moving backwards slowly to bump into something, I looked behind me to see another tribesman. He bent down and touched one of my ears.
Tribesman: Umvundla
I pushed his hand away and they all looked at me with anger
Tribesman: Mkhiphe apha
Two of them grabbed me and picked me up, they started dragging me through the jungle, I got cut on a few leaves. After five minutes of being dragged I noticed a village and was thrown in the middle.
Tribesman: Sinombingelelo onomsindo
They all started looking at me in awe. I heard the sounds of bones rattling as an old man started walking towards me. He had to be the chieftain.
Chieftain: Faunus ..... uza kwenza isipho esilungeleyo
Me: listen you don't understand, I don't belong here, I need to get back to Vale
They all hissed at me until the chieftain raised his hand
Chieftain: Vale usibeke apha ..... awufanelanga iVale ...... ndifumane inyama
Me: please....I want to go home
I looked to my left to see a necklace of meat.
Me: what's that?
Chieftain: Sifanele sikulungiselele ukuvutha komsindo, uyacaphuka ngabahlaseli, akukho nanye esele esaphila, uya kwenza
Me: I don't know what you are saying....does that necklace have something to do with me
The old man started laughing manically.
Chieftain: yes
Me eyes widened as they grabbed me and pulled my hair to keep me still. They put the necklace of meat on me and pushed me to the ground, I was grabbed and dragged to a giant chasm, the trees in their had to be atleast a thousand feet tall. They had chains set up, it was an altar, just like in that monster movie my ex made me watch.
Tribesman: Ukuthula ..... ulinde apha kude kube sebusuku .... yebo busuku .... ukhanyisa isibhakabhaka ngomlilo omkhulu, vumela umntu othukutheleyo azi ukuba siyaxolisa
They started putting the chains around my ankles and my wrist, the cut on my leg still hurts when I put pressure on it.
TimeSkip Night, Coco POV
Me: she's gone Professor Ozpin.....
Ozpin: I....we lost a friend on that island? What was on there
Me: plants hard as metal....and rocks, the rocks cane out of no where....and there was this was so loud; no animal should ever make that noise.
Ozpin: what did it sound like?
Me: it was had a little bit of pitch for the first second of its sound....then went deep.
Ozpin: your scrolls....they pick up sounds....let's hear that sound
Me: R-right

(It's the first roar in the video)
Ozpin: That is odd.....I don't know what it is
Me: we don't know either.....but it happened right after the rocks fell
Ozpin: this is weird, it can't be Grimm
Fox: what could it be
Ozpin: I wish I could tell you
Glynda: perhaps we should ask Ms. Belladonna, she normally knows these things
Me: can we?
Ozpin presses a button on his desk
Ozpin: Ms Blake Belladonna....please report to my office
After a few minutes Blake came in
Blake: hello Professor needed something
Ozpin: I need you to listen to this sound, I need to know if you've heard it before
He played the sound on the scroll and Blake's eyes widened
Me: do you know what it is?
Blake: how did you find that sound
Me: we believe it's the reason Velvet is dead, after rocks came from the sky we heard that.
Blake: I don't know what the name is....but that's the sound of an angered god from an ancient tribe....they worshipped large beasts known as Kaiju....if you're lucky it isn't the true God
Yatsuhasi: we noticed the island was different, the air was heavy
Me: was weird...and the Plants were hard like metal
Blake: thats weird
Fox: do you know about all of this
Blake: that's a lot of reading and audiobooks....I never expected them to get the sound right though.
Me: what do we do?
Ozpin: we will send Ironwood a message, send any spare personnel he has
Me: I want Velvet here.....but she's dead
Blake: how do you know?
Me:  The rocks.....she wasn't there when they fell
Blake: the ancient tribes believed in sacrifice....she could be the next one
I covered my mouth and started tearing up.
Me: Velvet.....I'm sorry
Ozpin: get your teams ready, you'll be heading back to that island, we need you to get Velvet back.

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