A Planet Destroyer

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3rd POV
Y/N picked Miana up and looked at Maina.
Y/N: take her back to your tribe, she deserves a proper burial.....and tall Weiss....get these students out of here.
Winter: who do you thi-
Y/N looked at her with a face filled with rage.
Winter: fair point.
Velvet went by Y/N.
Velvet: I'm going with you.
Y/N: it's dangerous.
Velvet: I feel safer with you.
Y/N looked down at her and sighed.
Y/N: let us go.
They walked into the forest.
Weiss: that guy is something else.
Winter: copy, I need a Bullhead sent to my location, track my scroll to get my location.
Blake: what's your plan now? Another way of killing him?
Winter: quiet!
Yang: you wanted Y/N dead didn't you?
Winter: I-
Ruby: now he lost one of his friends because of you, I know you did something.
Weiss: my sister would never do that to someone.
Winter: Weiss....the child is right....I could've stopped her, but I just watched, I could've stopped Gala Gu, had enough time, but I didn't, I put my wants before the lives of others and she's dead, all because I wanted Godzilla dead for killing Ironwood. That'll forever be on my shoulders.
I walked through the forest and made it to the cave their people were in.
Maina: I'll warn them of your arrival.
Me: let's not.
3rd POV
He walked in, Velvet and Maina looked at each other. Y/N made it to the main area where a bunch of spears were pointed at him, along with arrows.
Y/N: I must speak to your chieftain, this one needs a burial.
They all saw he was carrying Miana. The chieftain walked up.
Chieftain: what....did you do?
Y/N: my best to save her.....
Chieftain: you murdered my daughter!
Maina: no father he didn't, it was a man called Gala Gu, Godzilla killed him.
Chieftain: and where is Godzilla? Putting fear into another tribe?!
Y/N: you're looking at him Chief, now take her before I personally go to your sacred areas and bury her there myself.
Chieftain: why can't such a creature filled with hatred just die!?
Maina: he's needed, the unborn Mothra spoke with us, before Miana....
Everyone in the area started mumbling.
Y/N: Velvet, get close to me.
She went up and put her hand on his shoulder and arm.
Y/N: what did your god say Maina?
Maina: that there is something more dangerous than you out there, though you have what it takes to defeat it.
Y/N: what's it called.
Maina: it doesn't have a name, but it is said to destroy planets.
Y/N: I'll worry about it when I get there.
The chieftain grabbed his daughter and walked off.
Chieftain: come with me Maina, I don't want you with this beast anymore.
All the tribe members went off, leaving Y/N and Velvet alone.
Velvet: Y/N....I'm sorry.
Y/N: Death is something one should get used too....shame I haven't....let me take you back to the bullhead.
Velvet: what will you do?
Y/N: I don't know.
Velvet: maybe you could try and learn about this monster Incase you have to fight it.
Y/N: it destroys planets, meaning this one will probably be next.
Velvet: come back with us Y/N....I miss you.
Y/N looked around and then he put his arms around Velvet.
Y/N: let's go.
They both walked out of the cave to see a Bullhead flying over head.
Y/N: I hate that woman.
Velvet: what happens now?
Y/N: get on my back.
Velvet: what?
Y/N: back...now, I have an idea.

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