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Velvet POV
Days have passed since I saw that creature, nothing has ever compared to it.....but.....why did it let me live. The label that man gave it..... "King of the Monsters".......what could it mean. Since then the tides have gotten higher and Grimm activity has increased.
Coco: hey Velvet, you still thinking about that thing?
Me:'s weird, that thing could've killed us....but it didn't attack us...
Yatsuhasi: perhaps it didn't want you as a sacrifice
Me: but it killed all those people
Fox: it's a way of life, the animal will turn on the trainer, no matter how well, they will always have wild nature's that a man will never tame
Coco: you are very mystical at times you know that
Fox: I try
I heard running from down the hall, the door busted open and it was Jaune
Jaune: guys, come take a look at this
We all ran into their dorm, RWBY was already in their, with a news report of a moving landmass.
Coco: what about it?
Jaune: don't those "trees" look familiar
Coco's eyes widened.
Coco: isn't that
Me: the king of the Monsters
Yang: where is it heading?
Pyrrha: Before you all came in, they said it was a 65% chance of Vale
Me: why would it come here, it has an entire island
Reporter: as you can see the Landmass is moving at approximately five miles an hour. Normally it's a few centimeters a just in its......diving?
The tv showed the "landmass" diving and the last thing seen was a gigantic tail go with it.
Reporter: that's not a landmass.....ITS A MONSTER
The reporter ran out of her chair and the door was heard from the tv.
Weiss: well she took that well
Me: guys look.....the waves....they're rising
The tides put everyone off the beach, it reached the streets it was so big.
Coco: amazing.....
Ruby: what do we do?
Me: the city needs to be evacuated
Yatsuhasi: Fox and I will go to Ozpin, you guys get to the Bullhead
Me: right....come on
We all ran out to the Bullhead that was already there, Glynda was inside
Glynda: move it come on, we have to evacuate right away
TimeSkip, ???? POV
There different since they've first come out.....still it amazes me how far humans have gotten.....compared to those islanders me a small hope in the world.....
As I was swimming I saw an armada....been a while since I've seen boats try and stop me. It's cute really
Velvet POV
I looked into the distance and saw a giant sillohuete, it was a dark shape in the setting sun. I can't believe how gigantic it was.
Glynda: my god

Glynda: my god

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Nora: it''s that big?
Me: we were on the island....we never got a chance to look at it like this.....besides when we left.....but now.....we sink it all in....
Blake: could anything be so big
Weiss: those men out there are going to die
In the distance I heard a low distortion sound, just like on the island.
Me: Blake did you hear that?
Blake: uh huh
Pyrrha: It's so......
Pyrrha couldn't finish her sentence, I looked at her and this is the first time I've ever seen her scared before, never intimidated by anything, but she looks horrified.
Jaune: P-Pyrrha....
They both started to comfort eachother.
Me: why?! We left it in peace
Yang: what if the sacrifice was incomplete and now it's searching for you to finish it?
We all looked at Yang in horror.
Me: what do we do
Coco: I don't know.....
Glynda: we won't be fighting it, I can't risk having any of you getting killed, I need you all to worry about the evacuation
Everyone: Right
A loud sound was heard in the distance as the sillohuete was getting larger, slowly but surely.
The pilot started landing the Bullhead in the middle of the city, and short after that, the evacuation began.
???? POV
There it is....Vale....Velvet, I will see you again, you interest me more than anything else really, let us hope you aren't anything like that old man on the island.....Or I may have to kill you and the city

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