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I was sitting in the interrogation room twiddling my thumbs, listening to the beautiful sound of a pissed off General. I heard something different however, it was like a stick was being pulled.....I know that sound.
An arrow landed right next to my head and two girls came from the ceiling.
Me: well if it ain't the cosmos, how's that egg treating you?
Cosmos: silence yourself
Me: you two really irritate me with that talking together, well at least you didn't worship me as a god like the other tribe
Cosmos: we don't worship evil
Me: then why the hell are you over here?
Cosmos: we don't worship evil, doesn't mean we can't be friendly with an asshole
Me: DAMN! Ok I didn't know you curse
Cosmos: listen, it wasn't our idea to get you out, to be fair we wanted to kill you, but that damn organ is hard for our arrows to reach
Me: nice to see you two care, but you know I can leave any time I want
Cosmos: we see that, but why don't you?
Me: I came here for a reason, though this wasn't on the list
Cosmos: was it a girl? Didn't expect you to go after someone for how old you are
Me: hey, I've seen 80 year olds active
Cosmos: don't make us laugh
Me: it was worth a shot
Cosmos: so what do you want to happen?
Me: well we can bust out of here....but I need to get something
Cosmos: the rabbit girl?
Me: how'd you know?
Cosmos: we see it in your, what's your plan
Me: tell the rabbit and the white haired chick to run when they hear the word lazer
Cosmos: why?
Me: only people besides you two that gave me respect without worship
Cosmos: alright, you have two minutes to do what you need
They ran out the door and the sounds of guards were heard.
Cosmos POV
Us: White haired, Rabbit! Run when he says Lazer
Rabbit: what's going on?
A blue beam came from the interrogation room, breaking everything in its way.
White: huh.....
Well that certainly made life easier....I think the 50 meter will do nicely.
I jumped out the window and slammed into the ground.
Velvet POV
I ran to the interrogation room Y/N was in and saw a bright glow. It dimmed down and a hand broke in, Palm up.
Me: Y/N?
The hand stayed.
Girls: are you serious Godzilla?!
A roar was heard outside
Girls: we had this plan set up, we didn't want you to transform!
Another roar was heard
Girls: you know what....fine, just get her out of here, we'll take care of the white haired one
Ironwood came around the corner with a gun.
Ironwood: what the ass?!
Y/N looked in through the window and growled. His mouth opened, a little blue was seen.
Girls: Godzilla don't do it!
The blue disappeared and Y/N grabbed me and put me on his shoulder.
3rd POV
Ironwood took out his gun and aimed it at the Cosmos.
Ironwood: you both are under arrest for aiding a prisoner
Cosmos:  we did what had to be done
Ironwood: why did it have to be done!?
Cosmos: a dark power is coming....without Godzilla, what's the point of this world
Ironwood: arrest them both! We will ask them questions later
Soldier: yes sir
They were cuffed and brought down to the portion of the prison that wasn't destroyed.
Winter: why....why try to help Velvet and I, not asking at a ranking officer, asking as a human being.
Cosmos: Godzilla can save the entire earth as long as he doesn't destroy it, we fear a dark power is coming, and we'll do anything to stop, problem is Mothra won't hatch for quite a while, so we have to put everything in Godzilla
Winter: this Godzilla you speak of....his name is Y/N right?
Cosmos: when did he start calling himself that?

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