Island of Storms

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3rd POV
The Bullhead was flying through the storms created by Godzilla, it was dark and dangerous.
Pilot: I barely see our landing point!
A lightning bolt hit the bullhead engine, making it catch fire and explode. The Bullhead began spinning out of control and landed in the forest.
Timeskip 15 minutes.

A servum flew over and landed by Velvet's unconscious body

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A servum flew over and landed by Velvet's unconscious body. Velvet woke up with rain dripping on her face. The Servum walked up to and started sniffing her. Velvet's eyes widened to see the Servum standing over her. It let off a low growl and stuck it's tongue out. Velvet moved her face to the right as the Servum ran its tongue over her face, hard enough to lift her cheek and leaving a trail on her face. Velvet closed her eyes as it ran across the other way.
Coco: Velvet! Are you there?!
The Servum looked up at where Coco was and ran off. Velvet slowly got up and put her hand to her cheek.
Velvet: eeewwwww.
Coco ran up to Velvet.
Coco: are you alright?
Velvet: I'm fine....
Glynda walked up with the other team members.
Glynda: this storms bad, we need to find shelter.
Velvet: what about Y/- er the Grimm?
Weiss: wait a minute, you brought us here to find Y/N didn't you?
Velvet looked down in shame.
Velvet: if I told you I knew you wouldn't come.
Weiss: WHY?!
Her scream was heard half way around the island, Godzilla's eye slightly opened and looked around. Weiss continued screaming making Godzilla move its head around and his body started moving. He slowly got up and was shrouded in darkness, not even the team could see his colossal size when he got up.
Velvet: I'm sorry.
Lightning struck quickly revealing Godzilla watching in the background.
Weiss: You don't lie to your friends!
Lightning struck again but Godzilla was closer. Velvet's ears pointed up.
Velvet: somethings coming.
Weiss: WHAT IS!?
Lightning struck again, Godzilla was bent down looking at Weiss. Growling was heard and more water trickled down on Weiss, she looked up to see Godzilla eyeing her, she was speechless. He began glowing again, lighting up the entire island, and the heat also rose. From behind a streak of missiles went up god back and he roared in pain. A newly built, 300 meter, MechaGodzilla flew through the sky and landed across from Godzilla.
Weiss: what is that?!
(Start the music at the top)
Godzilla roared, so powerful it shook the trees and knocked some over. Godzilla stood tall and blocked the teams from MechaGodzilla. A bullhead landed on the beaches, Winter and the Cosmos ran out, they looked up to see Godzilla roaring. MechaGodzilla Aimed his hands at Godzilla and fired a bunch of missiles at Godzilla, though when they made impact it was a cloud of light blue materials.
Gala Gu: a nano metal missile infused with a freeze compound to lower the heat, his atomic breath could become obsolete.
Winter: are you positive this will kill Godzilla?
Gala Gu: ma'am, if this doesn't then nothing will.
Maina: do you feel that Miana?
Miana: I do....
Godzilla then roared loudly and fired an atomic blast at MechaGodzilla, knocking it into the ocean. MechaGodzilla quickly got up and fired more freezing missiles to weaken the Atomic and it's skin even more. It then shot two circular saw things at Godzilla, nailing him right in the chest, making him roar in pain.
Velvet: Y/N!
Godzilla continued to roar as it grabbed the saw and started pulling them out.
Velvet: please Y/N! Don't do this! It's suicide!
Godzilla roared into the sky as he finally ripped out the saw and glared at MechaGodzilla. Godzilla then roared again making everyone cover their ears.

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