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I was in some room with a guy who goes under the handle "Ironwood"
Ironwood: who are you?
Me: I don't need to answer to you bud, I came here for my reasons
Ironwood: you murdered soldiers, men and women with families with no remorse.
Me: shouldn't have attacked me
Ironwood: I should have your head
Me: you'll die to old age before you can even get the balls to try
He reached for his gun before a female came up and grabbed his wrist.
????: not now
Ironwood: Winter.....will you be able to deal with him
Winter: I can try
She sat down at the table I was at.
Winter: you must be "Y/N"
Me: you guess right, what's with the tool bag
Winter: it's been a rough day for us all, he has to call families and things like that
Me: he sent them, I was defending myself
Winter: did they really hurt you when they made it to that size?
Me: nah
Winter: why did you kill them then?
Me: they got in my way
Winter: for what? To see some girl?
Me: not just any girl, listen, I've been worshipped as a god for thousands of years, I need to go out there and meet someone
Winter: how old are you?
Me: 20,000 years, give or take 50
Winter: you don't know your age?
Me: I always say 20,000, but when you live as long as I have you start to lose track of these things.
Winter: so tell me, are you Faunus?.....or something else?
Me: I'm Kaiju
The sound of thunder was heard in the distance and it started to rain.
Winter: wait here
Me: sure....I mean I could leave any time but you haven't been a *speaks louder for Ironwood to hear* Massive Dick!
Winter POV
I got up and left the room. I went into a waiting room where Velvet was sitting
Me: hi....I need you to come with me
She got up and followed
Me: I would like you to tell me everything that happened, from when you made it to that island, to when we picked you up
Velvet: I went with my team on a mission, we heard a roar and the sound of distort, rocks came from the guy, the escaped while I stayed back.
Me: where did you get the cuts?
Velvet: the Plant life on that island were nightmares, they are hard and sharp like metal. And there was this creature, and these natives, they worshipped him, they used me as a sacrifice, he.....he killed them
Me: then?
Velvet: he saw us leaving, then what happened earlier today, we saw him blocking out the sun, then distort, death, then I realized he was here for me. I went to a building and he stopped where I was, he created a 50 meter version of his Kaiju form, he spoke to me. Telling me about how he was given sacrifices, he was tired of it, now he's here
Me: is that all?
Velvet: then you guys came
Me: and you're telling the entire truth?
Velvet: everything I can remember
Me: that's all I needed to know
Ironwood *down the hall*: speak asshole!
Y/N: lets go bitch, I'm older than you but I'll still punch your balls off
Ironwood: you're a kid
Y/N: I'm 20,000 years of experience, I can fuck you up
Ironwood walked into the room.
Ironwood: can you deal with him again?
Me: I thought you have everything under control?
Ironwood: oh Quiet you?
Y/N: tell me, is Ironwood your name since you were 12, you sitting on the toilet and you say "holy shit my first erection, Ironwood sounds great"

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