Military Attack (Apoligies)

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Alright before I start this chapter I apologize for waiting months to update it, I got caught up with other stories and eventually school started to take up so much of my time, I am sorry for this talking so long.

After 10 minutes of knocking I finally got the right dorm.
????: hello?
Me: you Coco?
Coco: what did you do to her?!
She grabbed Velvet and put her on a bed, she grabbed a suitcase, transforming it into a mini gun.
Coco: speak.....
Me: I got her flustered to a point where she passed out.
The barrels began spinning.
Me: shit....
I quickly made my skin scaly and metallic and braced, the bullets were stinging, but nothing major, though she was absolutely relentless.
I looked around to see dorm doors opening as this crazy bitch is still shooting me.
Velvet POV
I woke up to the sound of gunshots to see Coco in the doorway holding her mini gun. I then saw who she was shooting.
Me: Coco stop.
She stopped firing and she turned around and hugged me. I looked in the hallway to see Y/N gone.
Me: where did he go?
Coco: who cares you're safe.
I walked out of Beacon to see a bunch of mechs.
Ironwood: don't move.
Me: oh....hi Irondick.
Ironwood: surrender now.
Me: or?
3rd POV
Above Y/N was an emp harpoon, could definitely do some serious damage to him.
Ironwood: make this easy, final warning.
Y/N: I think I'm good.
Ironwood: Open Fire!
The harpoons fired and both of them stuck out of Y/N and through his chest. Blood flew out of his mouth as he went to one knee coughing, blood was dripping from his chest onto the ground. A bunch of students in the lobby of Beacon witnessed this, Velvet got out of the elevator and saw Y/N through the glass with her team and RWBY.
Velvet: No!
Ironwood walked up to Y/N and grabbed his head and got close.
Ironwood: you don't fuck with me....the cosmos fought hard to keep you a secret....and now you die for nothing.
Y/N desperately grabbed Ironwood's coat with his blood covered hand. He was having trouble speaking, this was one of the first times in Y/N's life that he was weakened by a man made object.
Ironwood: in a matter of seconds the EMP should end you in a controlled way, you'll go off like a fire cracker. Enough to make sure you're gone but to make sure that no innocence is harmed.....I won't lie it was somewhat entertaining, but this game needed to end quickly, for the good of human and Faunus kind.
Ironwood then started walking away and pressed a small red button, Y/N felt the EMP running through his body, blood started pouring out of his mouth and chest. Then finally a huge lightning strike came down and hit Y/N. Ironwood turned around, waiting for Y/N to burst.
Ironwood: his destruction is imminent.
Velvet watched inside and started to tear up.
Fox: damn.
Yang: he....he's dead.....
Velvet: no.....he's in much pain....Blake do you feel that?
Blake: I do....
Velvet ran outside before her arm being grabbed. It was Jaune.
Jaune: don't do this! He's going to blow at any second, you'll get hurt or even worse killed if you go near him!
Velvet: I can't let him die alone!
Ruby tried to help Jaune.
Ruby: Velvet, don't do this, don't throw your life away, you haven't known him for long.
Velvet: he's special!
Y/N's body remained absolutely dormant, but his thoughts ran wild. He was seeing images of people. People from his past and present.

 People from his past and present

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But one thought

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But one thought....set him off.

Y/N's eyes shot open and his pupils narrowed like a reptile

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Y/N's eyes shot open and his pupils narrowed like a reptile.

Y/N's eyes shot open and his pupils narrowed like a reptile

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