My Life...

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"Faith can you grab those cupcakes off of the cooling rack in the back so we can get started with the frosting?" I asked my sister as I walked up to the front of my bakery with the frosting bags.

I've always had an obsession with treats and sweets. I dreamed of opening up my own bakery and sweets shop ever since I was a little girl and after my high school graduation, my parents helped my dreams come true. All they asked was that I got a degree. So I went to a local university, majored in business and graduated early because I doubled up on my classes. I also took culinary classes at the local junior college. I wasted no time in getting my dream accomplished.

A year and a half ago I opened up Joyful Temptations. At first, running a business was challenging. But, after I advertised and established a steady clientele business took off and I've been busy ever since. Always coming up with new ideas and additions to the store. Like tomorrow an ice cream machine is gonna be delivered. Who knows what I'll think of next.

"Here you go, Joy." Faith said, handing me the tray of red velvet cupcakes. She watched intently as I squeezed the cream cheese frosting onto a few of the cupcakes then bumped me out of the way so that she could take over. I grabbed a nearby stool and watched as she finished frosting the cupcakes.

"Are we still on for tonight?" Faith asked.

"Of course." I said with a smile. "I wouldn't miss it for the world.

Besides our parents, Faith and I only have each other so, we have made it a point to create the tightest bond possible between us. Every Friday we go out for happy hour and to catch up. I always look forward to it because Faith is the only person that knows the whole scope of the relationship that I have with Storm. At times she still gets skeptical about it but at the end of the day I know she's supportive of it. She's just worried about the well-being of her sister and I can understand that.


"So what's up with you and Storm? How are you guys doing?" Faith asked me later on that night as I sipped my watermelon margarita at Chili's.

"Last time we talked, we were doing fine. That was like a week ago though. I haven't really heard from him." I said, instantly starting to feel some type of way. My feelings were so deep for Storm that it really hurts when we don't talk. I begin to worry a little.

"Don't worry, Joy, He's probably going through some things. Give him some time. He loves you a lot and I doubt that he would just up and leave you." She reasoned.

"I guess so." I said with a shrug.

"There's nothing to guess. You know and I know that you know. You're just over thinking it. He's not Trey, Joyful." Faith said.

"Oh my gosh, Faith! Why do you always have to bring Trey up?" I asked, getting a little angry at the mention of my ex-boyfriend.

Trey was a guy I met when I first entered college. We dated and everything was fine. He meant the world to me and I meant the world to him. At least that's what I thought. After the first year of our relationship Trey went to study abroad in France. We Skyped for the first week while he was out there and that was it. He stopped replying to my text messages and we never talked again. It hurt me so bad. I felt like I wasn't going to recover but, meeting Storm brought me out of that.

           But, being that Storm is a long distance relationship, sometimes I feel like the same thing that happened with Trey is going to happen with us.

"I'm sorry, Joy. I didn't mean it like that." Faith said, nervously tucking her hair behind her ear.

"I know Faith. I didn't mean to snap at you. I just get a little scared. I just don't want a repeat of my last relationship. I feel like it's happening again." I expressed as tears formed in my eyes.

"I don't think you have to worry." She said with a slight smile.

"What makes you so sure?" I asked confused.

She pointed over to my vibrating phone.

It was Storm calling.

"Hey boo." I answered, smiling like he could see me and wiping my eyes.

"What's up, baby? How are you?" he asked.

"I'm doing ok besides missing you. I'm out with Faith now though, can I Skype you in an hour?" I asked.

"That's cool, babe. I'll wait up for you." He replied.

"Alright, boo." I told him.

"I love you, Joyful. Be safe." He told me.

"I love you too, Storm. I will." I assured him and hung up the phone.

"Aww you guys are so adorable." Faith cooed.

"I know right." I giggled "So let me get home so I can talk to my man." I said with a smile.

"Alrighty, girlie." I said as I hugged her. We requested to-go boxes, paid the bill, and then departed.

I made it home to my loft apartment in less than thirty minutes. I took a shower and changed into something comfortable. I then grabbed my laptop, settled in bed, and called Storm on Skype.

"Hi boo." I greeted, cheesing as he appeared on the screen. I smiled even harder when I realized that he was shirtless.

"Wassup, ma. I see you made it home safely. That's good." He said with a smile.

"Yeah. How have you been? I've been missing you baby." I said with a slight pout.

He sighed and then started messing with his ear. I noticed that he did that when he was nervous, stressed out, or tired. I don't know which one he's feeling tonight though.

"It's just that a lot has been going on lately. I don't mean to ignore you boo. It stresses me out that on top of all of what I have going on here I don't have my girl here with me. You're my right hand and I be needing you, Joy. In order to avoid the pain and frustration I try to shut it out of my mind." He confessed.

I just stared at him for second. I wished that I could climb through the screen and cuddle up in my baby's arms and then everything would be ok. Even if it's just for a moment.

"Don't shut me out baby. Please don't. I care about you too much and when you shut me out, all I can think is negative thoughts. I really thought that you was done with me." I said, pouring out my true feelings.

"Never that, baby. We've come too far for me to even think about leaving what we have. We're gonna grow baby. Our relationship is going to go far babe. And you know what?" he asked.

"What?" I asked curiously. I watched as he leaned over and grabbed a folder.

"It's gonna start to grow as soon as I land in LA." He said as he held a plane ticket up to the screen.

I paused for a second then I screamed. I couldn't help myself.

I had no words. All I could do was scream and smile as tears of happiness cascaded down my cheeks.

After a year of enduring a long distance relationship, I was that much closer to seeing my baby in person.

"I love you, Storm."

"I love you more, Joyful." He said with a huge smile.

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