Baby Girl...

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"Don't worry, baby girl. Daddy will be back before you know it." I said softly as I tried to calm Reagan down. She had been crying non-stop since I pulled my suitcase out and started packing. Trying to explain things to a child is a really hard task.

I picked her up and sat her on my lap.

"Bu-...bu-...but daddy I'm gonna be myselffff!" she struggled to say as she cried and hiccupped at the same time. My baby was crying super hard. Her little face was red hot.

It hurt me to see my baby girl cry. She's my everything and I'm all she really knows.

"Rae-rae, you're gonna be fine. You have Pawpaw, Uncle Drew, Tee-tee, man-man and Auntie Mo'. You won't be alone, baby girl." I explained to her as I wiped her tears away.

"But I want my daddy." She said softly. Her crying subsided but she was still sniffling.

"Reagan, I'll be back in 7 days. During that time we can talk on the phone whenever you start to miss me. But, I will need you to be a good girl for Pawpaw and not give him a hard time. Will you promise daddy that you'll be on your best behavior while he's gone?" I asked her.

She nodded her head, yes. Then she climbed on me, wrapped her little arms around my neck and laid her head on my shoulder. I caressed her back until I heard her begin to snore softly. After all that crying I knew that it wasn't going to be long before she cried herself to sleep.

I sat against my headboard with Reagan in my arms for about thirty minutes. I sat there thinking about finally getting to see Joyful in person. I'm hyped but scared at the same time. One of the heaviest things on my mind was tryna explain Reagan to Joyful.

"Yes?" I said as there was a knock at my bedroom door.

My father peeked his head into my room. "Hey son, come to my room. I want to talk to you about something." He said. I nodded in response.

As soon as he closed my door I sighed. I laid Reagan down on my bed, surrounded her with a few pillows so she wouldn't roll off and kissed her on her forehead before I walked out my room, headed toward my dad's room.  I already knew what he wanted to talk about. He wanted to talk about me going to see Joyful. He was cool with my relationship until he found out that I was going to LA to see her.

"Dad?" I called out as I knocked on his door.

"Come in, son." He responded to me.

"Wassup dad, I gotta finish packing." I said, trying to rush this unwanted conversation.

"Be safe, Storm." He stated simply.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.  "That's it, dad?" I asked.

"Yes, Storm. I really don't have anything else to say." He started, then paused.  "At first I was angry that you were going over a thousand miles to see some girl you don't really know...but then I thought about it. Besides when you're with Reagan, I've never seen you smile so much or be in such a great mood. Especially since your mom and Regina passed away. You deserve to be happy, Storm. Go and stake your claim with that woman." He continued with a smile.

I couldn't help but smile in response.

"Thanks for supporting me, dad." I said before he pulled me in for a hug.

"No problem, son. When are you going to introduce her to Reagan?" He expressed.

I shook my head, "I don't know."

"Do it more sooner than later. That's all I'm gonna say." He said with a final nod.

With that I walked back to my room to do some much needed thinking.

Before I laid down with Reagan, I took out my phone and sent Joyful a simple text.

"I love you, baby."


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