Making Up

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            I don’t know how to feel about Storm right now. My feelings are genuinely hurt. After all this hard work we put in to making our relationship work, how could he ever fathom me cheating on him? I have no feelings for Trey whatsoever. That’s a downgrade to be honest. Storm is the only man that I want. He’s the one that I want to spend the rest of my life with. Storm is my husband, my man, my boo. I love that man.

“Reagan, baby, are you ready?!” I yelled up the stairs.

“I’m coming!” her tiny voiced yelled out.

Just because I was upset with Storm, that had no bearing on my relationship with Reagan. The date that I wanted to have with her yesterday was simply moved to today.

“Hey, mommy!” she greeted me. She was the most adorable thing ever.

“Hi baby girl. How are you feeling?” I asked her.

“I’m feeling good. Where’s daddy?” she asked looking around. I know she missed her daddy. They haven’t spent much time together since they’ve been out here and normally they’re inseparable.

“Daddy stayed home. We’ll see him later though. Is that okay, hun?” I asked her.

“Yes.” She replied simply.

“Faith, let’s go!” I yelled out. I knew she was somewhere in this house but I didn’t know exactly where. While I waited for her to surface, I decided to take a selfie with Reagan. We took one with regular smiles and then did one with crazy faces.  I posted it on Instagram with the caption: “Mommy/Daughter day with my baby!!! In my darkest moments she brings the sunshine.” I went ahead and tagged Storm in it just so that he knows that I’m not depressed and that our daughter is safe.

            By the time I was finished, Faith was downstairs, ready to go.


“What’s going on with you, Joy?” Faith asked as we sat at our respective nail technicians stations. After doing a little shopping, we decided to stop by the beauty salon. Reagan was on the other side of the shop with the hair stylist getting her hair braided up into a cute little bun so, we finally had a moment to talk.

“Storm and I got into an argument this morning.” I said with a sigh.

“What could you two love birds possibly get into an argument about?” she asked with a giggle.

“Trey came by the bakery last night. He came to apologize and in the midst of that he tried to come on to me. I stood firm but then he leaned in and kissed me. Unbeknownst to me, he had the paparazzi on hand and by the time I got home to tell Storm about what happened, he had already sent Storm a picture message. Storm was pissed off and really thought that I had cheated on him. I drove him back down to the bakery and showed him the security tapes.” I told her.

“What was his reaction?” she asked.

“He felt bad and he tried to apologize but by that time the damage was done. My feelings were hurt. That’s why this morning we got into it.  I went off on him and told him that there’s no reason for him not to trust me. I told him that without trust there is no relationship and I took off my engagement ring.” I revealed to her.

“You did what???!!!” Faith practically yelled, making everyone look our way.

I simply lowered my head. I wasn’t ready for a lecture but I know I had no choice.

“Joy what were you thinking?” she asked me in disbelief.

“He needed to learn a lesson, Faith. I wanted him to hurt just like I was hurting.” I confessed.

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