A Real Family

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“Joy….Joy” I woke up the next morning to someone whispering my name. I ignored it until I felt little hands patting my back.  I rolled over, careful not to wake Storm, and came face to face with Reagan. A smile immediately spread across my face.

“Good morning, baby. What’s wrong?” I whispered.

She put her finger over her lips and grabbed my hand, pulling me out of the bed. Once we got out of the bedroom she led me to the kitchen.

“Now will you tell me what’s wrong?” I asked her.  She shook her head.

“Can we make daddy breakfast and take it to him in his room like he does for me when I have a tummy ache?” she asked me. 

“I think that’s a good idea.” I replied picking her up and kissing her on the cheek. I sat her on the counter while I opened up the refrigerator. I was thankful and happy that it was fully stocked. 

“What does daddy like to eat for breakfast?” I asked her, visually scanning the refrigerator.

“Ummm…he eats bacon all the time but he steals my sausages off my plate. He likes eggs and he puts cheese on top.” She informed me. I started to pull out the eggs, cheese and breakfast meats.

“Okay. Does he like pancakes, waffles or french toast?” I asked her, while opening the cabinets looking for pancake mix.

“He likes waffles.” She told me. I found the pancake mix and plugged up the waffle maker that was sitting on the counter.

“Before we start, honey bun, let’s brush our teeth and wash our faces and hands.” I told her.

We quickly handled our hygiene and got straight to work cooking breakfast for Storm. When we finished cooking we plated his food and put it on a tray. I carried the tray to Storms’ room while Reagan ran ahead of me and jumped on his bed.

“Daddy!!!” Reagan yelled when she jumped on him. It startled him and the look on his face was priceless. He looked over at me and smiled.

“Good morning, baby.” I said placing the tray in front of him.

“Good morning, boo.” He said leaning over and giving me a peck on the lips. “You know you didn’t have to do this for me right?” he asked me.

“I know. But it wasn’t my idea anyway, it was Rae-rae’s.” I said nodding toward Reagan who was stealing sausages off of Storms plate.

“Aww thanks baby girl.” He said, kissing her on her cheeks.

“You’re welcome.” She mumbled through a mouth full of sausage. I giggled at her antics and then went to the kitchen to retrieve our plates.

For the next hour we ate, took selfies and joked around. It felt like we were a real little family. I liked the feeling. It felt right and it made me long for more. It made me really think about my next move. I looked around at Storm and Reagan and I smiled, with thoughts brewing.


The past couple of days Reagan, Storm and I have been inseparable. We explored the city and enjoyed ourselves together. It was the best feeling ever, and I didn’t want the feeling to end. I know that life isn’t a fairytale and that things won’t always be this is easy but, for Reagan and Storm I’m willing to take that chance. I love them both.

            Meeting Storms family was a great experience. His dad, Harold, loves me and is extremely happy about how our relationship has changed Storm for the better. Storm’s brother, Drew, was receptive of me as well. Hs wife has quickly become a good friend and they’re children are stuck to me just like Reagan is. But of course Reagan lets it be known that she’s number one.

            As we gathered around the table on my last night in Chicago I laughed at all the stories Harold told about Storm. I smiled as they recounted stories about Storm’s mom, Karen. Suddenly a feeling came over me and I withdrew from the conversation. I looked around at each and every person at that table and I made up my mind.

“Excuse me everyone. I have an announcement to make.” I said, getting everyone’s attention. All eyes were on me.

“What’s up, babe?” Storm asked.

I grabbed his hand and smiled. “This past week has been amazing. I’ve never felt more loved and at home than I do being around you all. To be honest, I don’t want the feeling to stop. I love Storm and Reagan and I think that our relationship is never gonna grow to its full potential with all the many miles between us. Now I know I haven’t discussed with you yet, Storm but I have decided to move to Chicago.” I expressed.

My heart started to race as I waited for a response. The room was quiet.

“So you gonna stay here with me and daddy?” Reagan asked with bright eyes and a smile on her face.

“Yes baby girl. As long as it’s okay with your father.” I said to her, looking at Storm.

“Of course it’s okay with me babe.” He said, pulling me into a passion-filled kiss. It read much more than a simple kiss. I looked around as his family clapped and cheered as they took in the good news.

When I looked up Storm was no longer by my side. I excused myself from the table and made my way to Storm’s bedroom. When I entered I saw him staring off into space like he was in deep thought.  I walked over to him and he looked up at me. As he looked up tears slid down his face.

“What’s wrong baby?” I asked him.

“Nothing, ma. I’m just happy that for once in my life everything is falling into place and I’m truly happy. I can’t get over it baby.” He expressed wholeheartedly.

“Well get over it and accept it.” I said with a smile.


I know its short but I'm exploring this idea that I have in my mind for Storm and Joy and I have to move the story along. Can you all do me a favor andd comment your predictions or your feelings. I would really appreciate it!!!!:-)

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