32- Uncle Azza

354 15 4

Saturday 24th July

Dinas pov

I had washed my face and put some light make up on then wore something comfortable. Iqra was coming round today. Harris was in the bathroom sorting his hair out and spraying perfume. Harris had kept in touch with the poor girl that got attacked at the mall and everythings going well for her alhamdulilah. I had also started getting the invitation list ready for our wedding party in December. Overdue I know but still.

I heard the doorbell ring. 

"Harris get the door please" I said, I was sat down on the sofa and felt too heavy to move. 

"Yeah okay Deans" He said putting his hair gel down and getting the door. I heard them say their hellos. I heard iqras high heels clack into the living room. 



She came and hugged me then sat next to me.

"Oh my god girl I've got a lot of stuff for the baby" she screamed. she was more excited than I was lool. She went back into the hallway and grabbed the huge bag she had for the baby. 

"Iqra you shouldn't have seriously" I said shocked at the amount of stuff that was in that bag. Harris came in.

"Dina Ima be off yeah, ill be back later b" He said bending down to kiss me. 

"Iqra thank you so much for the beautiful gifts honestly" He said to her.

"Honestly harris its my pleasure" She smiled.

"Ite bye girls" He said shutting the door.

"How are you in heels please" I said to Iqra laughing. "Let me get you some fluffy socks and something more comfortable to wear" I got up to get her something to wear from my room.

"Thank you babe, I just came from a meeting thats why" She laughed. I got her some more comfortable clothes and made her a hot chocolate while she got changed. We sat back down on the sofa. I dragged the huge bag towards me and saw a beautiful light blue card which said

To the couple who have enough love to carry a child through a lifetime. Iqra x

I took all the things out analysing them all and thanking her for each and every one of them. There was sooo much in there, clothes, shoes, some fluffy toys. I was so grateful to have a friend like her.

"These are all the cutest omd Thank you soo much Iqra" 

"Babes stop thanking me its nothinggg" She said sipping her hot chocolate.

"You hungry, I'm starving, I'm gonna call a takeaway place" I grabbed my phone.

I called for 2 large pizzas.

Comfy staying in days with Iqra had to be my favourites. 

Harris' pov

I had drove to a restaurant  which is near my parents house to meet Aaron. Seeing everything Iqra had bought for the baby was mad cute I swear. I parked outside the restaurant and saw my guy tryna park in the same place. I pulled the car window down.

"Oi, can you park somewhere else" I shouted. Aaron was shook until he realised it was me and then we both were laughing. 

"Theres a space there" he pointed down the road laughing. I drove down and parked and then walked towards Aaron who had just came out of the car. I spudded him.

"Wagwann" He said to me.

"Nuttin stilllll" I said opening the door and going up to the till to order the same that I always do. We sat outside cah it was too hot inside.

 We sat outside cah it was too hot inside

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"Hows Dina?" He asked me.

"Alhamdulilah she's fine, everythings going well" I said. " just over a month till she gives birth" 

"No way omd it was only the other day she announced she was was pregnant" he said shook that the time had passed so quickly. "Any names yet"

"Well I have one in mind, but idk if shell like it" I said.

"Ay whatever it is shell love it I'm sure" He said.

"Honestly azza its sooo much commitment being married let alone being a father, idk how I'm gonna cope uno" I opened up to him.

"Harris if theres one man thats fit for this job its you, trust me on this one" He reassured me. "You got this my ggg"

"Inshallah man" I said. "Ay Azza I gotta ask you suttin"

"of course, go onn" 

"God forbid anything happens to me or Dina, Id want you to take care of the baby" I declared. 

"Wait so you basically want me to be his godfather?" He asked.

"Basically yeahhhh" I said.

"Harris id be honoured too. But were only young I doubt anything will happen to you"

"I know but just in case innih, plus I cant think of a better person to be his godfather ngl, your close to me and Dina , we trust you and you'll make an amazing uncle" I said.

"That an honour I swear. Ayyyy cmon call man uncle Azza now" We both laughed. "Finna teach him how to rap and dat cmon he can join our little freestyle seshs"

"Inshalllahh" I said wishing baby Jung would be born already, everyone was toooo hyped for it. "Thank you Aaron"

"Anytime my g" He placed his hand on his heart. 


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