14- The Visitation

441 15 5

30th February 2017

Harris' pov

I hated rehab so much. I had been there 5 days and I found it so boring omg. We had to have an early start every morning, so I had to sleep early. We would start the day with a healthy breakfast and lunch. We weren't allowed any of our own gadgets we were only allowed one big TV for all the patients and it was often hard to agree on what to watch which meant that we had to interact with everyone else.

 I had a physical and psychological assessment in the past few days. A psychiatrist, who specialises in the addiction, assessed me for issues such as anxiety and bipolar and that determined the approach they took in detoxifying me. It had been 10 days where I hadn't had weed in my system. I felt physically better but mentally worse. I felt helllla upset. 

The good thing was, my Doctor had allowed Dina to visiT. I was hella excited, it had been three whole weeks. She wrote me a few letters though. They were the sweetest thing. One of the only things that kept me going. I went to my room in the centre and picked out what I was going to wear and went and had breakfast before she came. After a while I heard a knock on the door. 

"Harris, a visitor is here for you" One of the workers said.  I looked in the mirror quickly before I opened the door and there, down the hallway, I saw her.  She saw me too. She ran down the hallway and screamed.

"Haaaarrissss" she shouted as she jumped and I caught her. I span her around and she hugged me so tightly, almost that it hurt.

"Dina" I said with a sigh. I was so relieved she was here. Whenever I was with her I felt secure. She didn't let go, she was like a moth to a flame. "Baby let go I wanna talk to you" I said. I felt her shake her head. I laughed. "ite least lets go inside at least" I said. She finally let go and we walked inside. I sat on the bed and she put her bag on the floor, took her coat off and sat on my lap facing me. I had my arms around her waist. I could feel how warm she was. I looked at her in the eyes and kissed her softly, We pulled away and I started to kiss her neck, I heard her moan slightly.

"Ive missed you too much. How you doing on your own?" I asked her.

"Later baby" She said as she grabbed my face towards her, she smiled before we kissed intensely, I could taste her vanilla lipstick, her fingers went through my hair. I could smell her perfume. We really had missed each other.

Dinas pov

He was stroking my back before we finally pulled away. I slowly let go of him and got up and sat on the chair opposite the bed. 

"Can I just say that I'm so appreciative that you've done this." I said looking directly at him.

"Its so hard Dina you don't understand. The things Ill do for you man I swear" He said looking at me desperately.

"You accepted help. You entered rehab. One way different from any help you've ever received. So now the real work begins... for both of us. I actually hope and pray that your able to focus and work hard on getting better, I also pray that I am able to support you how you need to be supported. After every prayer I make Dua for you wallah" I said, he looked at me then smiled. 

"Means a lot baby girl

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"Means a lot baby girl." he said as he was laying on the bed. He looked so good. I had to tell him now. That I was pregnant.

"Harris?" I said reaching out to hold his hands. He got up to reach my hands. I played with his ring. "I need to tell you something"

"Anything Deans" He said looking worried. I carried on playing with his ring. I didn't know how to say it, emotions rushed through me. I felt the butterflies flying in my stomach. I didn't know how he was going to react. I said it.

"Im pregnant" I whispered, I looked up to see his reaction.

"No way" He said "Say Wallah" He looked at me like this.

"No way" He said "Say Wallah" He looked at me like this

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"wallah baby" I said. He smiled and let got of my hands to get up. He got up and walked towards me. He put his hand on my stomach and stroked it.

"You mean, I'm going to be a father?" he said looking at me.

"Yeahhh" I got cut off as he kissed me on my cheek then a kiss on my lips, hands still on my stomach. He seemed so happy. I saw his eyes glistening. Was that a tear I saw? The smile soon changed into a frown. 

"I need to leave here" He whispered, hands still on my stomach. "I need to be at home with you I need to take care of you"

"No stop" I said " Don't think like that" 

"No word of a lie I'm thinking of leaving, bun the money, bun the treatment, I need to be with you and my baby" He said now he was slightly stressing.

"Look at you. Look how much better you've become. You need to stay here to better yourself for the long term, so that our baby can have a healthy happy dad" I said. "Please don't ever think of leaving here until your discharged. You have so much to look forward to. The sex of the baby. The birth of the baby. The wedding." We still hadn't had our actual wedding party because the place we wanted it at, Merridian Grand, had burnt down and it would only be ready at the end of this year. As I said all this Harris still had his hand on my stomach.

"Yeah" He said looking down. "I understand. For my child Ima be a better man"

"I love you so much." He said hugging me tightly.

"I love you more." I replied. We had stayed in that position for about 5 whole minutes. We heard a knock on the door. It had already been an hour.

"Visitation hour is over" The lady said, knowing not to come in.

"Come, ill walk you out Deans" Harris said picking up my bag for me. He helped me put my coat on too. He held my hands and looked in my eyes. "I genuinely cant wait" 

"Me too" I smiled. I kissed him before he opened the door for me. I walked out, he closed his room door after me and held my hand tightly, fingers interlocking. We got to the end of the hallway and to the reception. 

"Take care Deans" He smiled at me as he let go of my hand and he watched me walk out. 

We were going to be parents.


Harris J - not as it seems😕Where stories live. Discover now