35- Labour

354 14 11

Harris' pov

It was 1am and by then we had said our goodbyes to our parents as they all had to go due to work in the morning. It was just me, deans and the boys in the waiting room. Dina was crying. She wasn't dilating wide enough. She kept having contraction after contraction. She kept panting and her face was a mess. I stayed by her side through it all and helped her whenever she needed it.

It was 2am and It looked like Dina was still a long way to go. The nurse said that premature births cause the mother to spend at least 8-12 hours in labour. It had only been 4. I saw the look on dinas face as the nurse was telling her this. She went through another contraction and was going through so much pain but I held her hand and reassured her every time.

It was 5am and Dina had gone for a quick nap in between her contractions. As she slowly rested her eyes I went to go and grab myself a coffee. I went to Starbucks inside the hospital and there I saw all my brothers in there.

"How are you man still awake" I walked in rubbing my eyes.

"We told you well stay till the baby's born" reunelle said putting his phone down on the table. "How is everything?"

"Rahhh you man, try get some sleep please. And it's not going well, they say she has a few hours left till hopefully she'll have dilated fully." I explained.

"Wth does dilated mean" aj laughed.

"Oi na I beg someone explain to him" I laughed.

"My guy" shaddy said to aj. "It's when the lady's ting is stretched wide enough for the baby to come out"

Aj laughed.

"Yeah I need to get me a coffee tho I'll be one sec" I left their table to go to order a strong coffee. It was very needed. After I had got it I went back to their table.

"Harris do you need anything? Anything from your yard or anything?" Aaron asked me.

"Na im all good bro but what I need is for you man to go sleep." I sighed worried for them.

"Ite sn sn well sleep ina min yeahh" Aaron laughed.

"Ina bit yhh" I said to them before I headed to the door.

"Good luck" some of them shouted.

Dinas pov

It had been 11 hours. My hair was wet with sweat. My face was dripping with tears. My back was aching with pain. And the baby STILL didn't want to come out. Harris had been with me the whole time. Right there. On the lilac chair next to my bed. I felt another contraction. I painted. Harris shot up and let me grab him as a way of coping. It was over. I breathed again. The tears ran down my face. Harris took a tissue from the box and slowly wiped my tears.

"You got this Dina, not long left." He smiled moving the hair that was on my face to behind my ears.

"Harris" I said holding his arm. "Why doesn't he want to come out" I emotionally said.

"You know what beautiful, I think it's because you've made such a beautiful home for him that he doesn't wanna leave" he stroked my stomach.

"What?" I looked at him in the eyes. "That's so cute" he looked back.

The moment had to be interrupted. I started panting again. This was one of the worst ones I had had yet. I screamed of pain. The nurse came in and looked underneath the hospital gown I had on.

"I think your ready to go to the delivery room" she said.

"What?" Harris said.

"Wait what?" I shouted.

"Your gonna be a mum" she smiled. I looked at Harris and he instantly went in to softly kiss me on my lips. I kissed him back and nodded as if to say that we were in this together.

The nurse wheeled me away. Harris told me he'll be there in 5.

Harris' pov

It was almost time. I told Dina I'll be back i had to let everyone know that Dina was finally going to the delivery room. I went into the waiting room to see shaddy and Aaron awake but the rest asleep.

"Dinas going into the delivery room now!" I said quickly to them. They jumped out of their seats.

"Wagwan what you doing here, go be with her man" shaddy said.

"Yeah yeah yeah I'm going I just needed to let you man know, tell my brothers yeah" I said with a smile beaming.

"I gotchu dw" shaddy said patting me on the back.

"Az I need you to call dinas parents please tell them dinas going into the delivery room" I addressed Aaron.

"Yeah I'm on it my guy" he said reaching for his phone. "Go go back in she needs you" he patted me

"Itee, ina bit" I said quickly going back to the room they had just taken her in. I must have got the wrong room but there was an empty bed. And I saw something that I still refuse to believe I saw. But then again it could not be mistaken.

I thought I saw Omar lying there.


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