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Yeri's POV

" So right now we are here in jeju-do , what should we do oppa? " I said while walking on the white sand awkwardly smiling and somewhat holding his hands. I kept reminding myself that I have to act that we are in good terms since there were almost 4 cameras following the both of us.

There's a guy in front of us that films us , on the left and the right side , even far away from and also a drone above us. It felt like we were surrounded with so many eyes looking at us and we were both tense but we have to let it go away.

We signed a contract there would be no personal feelings allowed.

He looked at me while giving me his sweetest smile ever ' if only those smiles were real '

"Umm.. What do you want to do today? Is there something you really want to do ? "

We stopped walking and looked at the sun . It was shining so brightly , it was aesthetic. He motioned for us to sit on the bench .

" Since we just came here I want for the both of us to have a healing time, you know we both have schedules and stuffs we were busy with for the last couple days . What if we go on an island hopping? Or do you wanna go to the spa? His eyes were sparkling when I said ' spa ' . well I guess he really wanted a spa.

He clapped his hands happily and beemed a bright smile at me. ' how can he be this cute ? why do I keep thinking that this was all real? '

I snapped my mind into reality .

He would never like me.aishhh never mind I'm just going to enjoy this trip with no hard feelings

"Oh! Oh! Spa! Waaah me and my hyungs went to the spa couple months ago and we went spa. It was really good. I think we should both try it together . "

"Eo , geurae ( sure ) " I gave him a smile and he suddenly grabbed my hands while walking happily. I was a little bit taken a back.

"Sinanda!! ( I'm excited ) I really want to do this again yet I couldn't find a right time to do this since we were all so busy with concerts . "
I've never seen him like this . Like this happy , I didn't know that for a big idol like him could get happy in such a small things.

" CUT !! "

He let go of my hands and excused his self if he could use his phone for a sec. I could see him talking so happily from afar.

Someone tapped my back and told me that we are going to the spa house but in a separate van.
Well that is more comfortable for the both of us.

- at the van

I grabbed my phone and saw a message . I checked it and it was from sehun oppa.


Yeri yah , baekhyun hyung has been bothering me the whole day that he misses you a lot , he can't text you cause we are doing a photoshoot . is everything okay there?

Ne , oppa tell baekhyun oppa to don't worry about me too much and just enjoy the photoshoot. Everything is good here

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2020 ⏰

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