twelve ✪

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"Hey, look at me," Xukun said, cupping my cheeks. His thumb, caressing my face as he wipes my tears. "Let's get you out of here. Okay?"

I slowly nodded, "B-but I don't think I can walk."

I saw Xukun smile, "Well, I'll just have to carry you. Just like old times, yeah?"

I widen my eyes, realizing what he was saying, "No! I - I can walk, I just have to -"

He slowly laced his fingers with mine and pulled me up. "Just don't let go. I'm not going to leave you behind."

We haven't even gotten far from our last place when all the lights went out. Even the sound effects. All I could hear was our breathing.

Xukun squeezed my hand tight and pulled me closer, "Must be a blackout."

"This is insane. It's supposed to be a school festival and yet -"

"Did you bring your phone?"

I searched for my pockets but I felt nothing. "Oh no. I must've dropped it when that guy attacked me."

He let go of my hand and started searching for his phone, too. "Shit. I forgot I left it with So Hyun's."

I suddenly got pissed off hearing her name, "What? Why would you leave it with her?"

"Well, I'm sorry for rushing in to save you and forgetting my phone!"

"Forget it!" I exclaimed. This is insane. Why would I even think that by saving me, we would go back to normal again. "I'm going to go find the exit on my own. Just go find your girlfriend."

I was about to turn around when he held my wrist, "I told you I'm not going to leave you behind."

I tried to remove myself from his grip but he wouldn't budge. "Come on, Xukun. Don't make this harder for me. I really - I really don't want to get hurt again."

My wrist was slowly freed from his hold, "I didn't mean to hurt you like that."

"I thought with you coming back here to Korea we would patch things up and be okay like old times. But I was wrong," I sniffed, letting the tears fall. I've been holding it all this time. "You were still cold as ever."

He was quiet, not muttering anything. It sucks because all I can see is his dark figure but I can perfectly see his messy hair.

I bit my lip, "Maybe - maybe it's best if we don't talk to each other anymore. That way I can forget that I have fee -"

I wasn't able to finish my sentence when he closed the gap, putting his soft lips on mine. He held the back of my neck, pulling me closer. He deepened the kiss, asking for entrance.

I let him in as I slowly kissed back. My hands on his chest, gripping his shirt. His hands slowly moved down to my waist, circling around it.

We stopped for air as he put his forehead on mine, "Damn you, Xinyi for making me feel this way."

I bit my lip, trying to get hold of the situation.

What did he just say? I'm not hearing things, right? He just said that, right?!

"Xukun, what are you saying?"

He sighed, shaking his head. "Let's just leave this place. It's giving me the chills."


As we walk out of the horror house, there were lights flashing around us.

"Xinyi!" I heard my brother's voice as it came closer. He tackled me into a really really tight hug.

"O-ouch, c-can't bre-athe. Zhe-zheng-ting!"

"Oh, sorry," Zhengting released me and checked my cheeks, my nose, my ears, my eyes, "You're not hurt are you? Oh please tell me you aren't. Mom's going to bury me alive if you are."

"Now that, I would like to see." I smiled. Zhengting may be an idiot at times but I'm lucky to have him as a brother. "I'm fine ge. Nothing's broken, here."

I hear a familiar voice from behind him, "Xinyi?! Oh shit, where have you been? I've been looking for you everywhere."

"C-changbin?" I stuttered. I forgot, we were supposed to meet up at the entrance of this death house. "I'm sorry, I wasn't -"

Changbin got confused, "What are you saying sorry for? I went out to buy us some snacks and when I came back, Yoojung said you went to the horror house."

I blinked, "W-what? But you said -"

"I said what?"

I felt my hands shaking. I looked around trying to find a familiar face that I saw back there.

I saw So Hyun wiping Xukun's face.

I saw the Yuehua boys smiling at me.

I saw Yoojung, Vernon, Doyeon and Seungkwan standing beside each other. A face full of relief came over their faces as I waved at them.

But the worst part was, from the corner of my eyes, I saw Xiao Gui's figure. And I can't help but wonder - why does he have the same body built like the person inside?


A/N: I'm seriously crying right now 😭

Thank you so much for your comments and esp your votes. Irdk what to say

I honestly thought this would be a flop since I just write whatever comes to my mind so i don't know how this will go


anywAaay, aye! I see a lot of you ships changbin and xinyi


word count: 833 words

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