08| Ray Palmer x Sara Lance x reader (part 1)

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This was requested by SarahCobbler and it is a pretty sick idea and yes, it is in two parts!

I love her pt1

It was 2018 and the wave rider landed was in Central City because it was needing some repairs. Your phone beeped, alerting you that someone sent you a message.

"Hey, do you wanna meet up?" Your friend messaged you. You smiled to yourself, this friend attracted you in some way and you missed them so much.

"I would love to, 5pm at Jitters?" You reply, placing it down onto your bedside table. You start to get changed into something casual, a white blouse and some high waisted jeans. Your phone beeped again, you quickly picked it up too see another message.

"That sounds great! Can't wait to see you again" it read. You smiled and continued to get ready. You curled you hair and put on some neutral make-up.

"Y/N, can you help-" Ray started to say but saw that you were dressed up "who's got you dressed up like that?" He asks, giving you a smirk.

"I'm not dressed up Raymond, I'm just going out with Elle, you remember her?" You reply, finishing your mascara off. He smiles and nods his head.

"I do, now I'm going to say some cringy big brother stuff, but don't me home too late, and no kissing any boys" he states, placing his hand on your shoulder.

"Like I'd be kissing any boys" you reply, crossing your arms. He laughs, shaking his head, and walks away, going to get someone else to help him with whatever he needed help with.

You started to head towards Jitters as soon as you're watch read 4:45. You were nervous for some reason, it's not like you and Elle have been friends for years. You walked into Jitters to see Elle sat at a table wearing a skater skirt and a black blouse. Her blond hair was curled and it framed her face perfectly. Her lips were tinted red with her infamous tinted lip-balm. She looked over towards you and flashed you a smile and gave you a little wave.

"Y/N Palmer, it's been too long" she greets, engulfing you into a hug. You accepted her hug, you smelt her sent. Roses. Her usual smell. You missed that smell. You shake your head mentally not knowing what was going on. You pull away and you sit opposite her on the table.

"I got you your usual" she say, pointing towards the mug in front of you. You smile at her and take a sip from the mug.

"So how have you been?" You ask her, trying to start a conversation after a few minutes of silence.

"I've been great, even though my boyfriend dumped me because I came out of bisexual" she says, smiling. This news was not new to you. Well the boyfriend bit yes but the bisexual bit no. You were the first one to know and while you were saving the world she must of came out to everyone.

"You've told everyone! I'm so happy for you. Plus, I always knew that Jack was a jerk" you reply, laughing at the end. Elle laughs also, taking a sip of her coffee.

"What about you, how you've been?" She asks you.

"I've been great, saving the world is not as easy as you think" you reply, whispering the last part. Elle was the only friend of yours, that isn't already a hero, that knew about you time traveling and saving the world.

"At least you're still alive" she replies, giggling a little. You smile, loving the sound of her laugh. You mentally shake your head, confused about what was happening.

You and Elle spoke for a long time, so long that you had to be kicked out of Jitters because it was closing. You decided that you were going to walk Elle home and she gladly accepted it.

"How long are you staying for?" She asks, lacing her fingers in between yours. This didn't surprise you because you used to do it all the time in school because hey, isn't that what best friends do? However, this time felt different. It felt right.

"Well, the waverider is getting some repairs but Ray and my friend Jax are fixing it so it'll be done soon" you start to say, at the last bit you saw Elle's face drop "but I could ask my Captain if we could stay a bit longer so we could hang out again" you quickly add on, causing Elle's face to smile.

You soon ended in front of Elle's house. She turned to face you and gave you a smile. You smiled back and started to turn away when you felt Elle grab hold of your wrist and turn you around gently. She placed her right hand on your cheek and left on your waist. She lent in slowly and kissed you. You kissed her back, knowing that this moment in time it felt perfect. Elle was the one to pull away. She smiled at you lovingly.

"Well, good bye then" she finishes and she turns away and walks into her house. You turned around and walked back to the waverider. As soon as you were out of Elle's view from the house. You ran. Ran as fast as you could. You soon got back to the waverider.

"Sara?" You shout, running to her quarters. You saw Sara sat in her bed, reading a book. She looked up to see you all hot and flustered.

"Y/N, are you okay?" She asks you, placing the book on her bedside table. She then pats a spot next to her. You clambered onto her bed and crossed your legs.

"Something scary just happened" you tell her, running your hand through your hair. Sara places her hands on your shoulders and tells you to breath slowly.

"Slow breaths and tell me what happened" she commands, but gently.

You take a deep breath and start to tell her the whole story "and then we kissed" you finished, running your hand through your hair again. Sara smiled, but the dropped when she saw your face. "Sara, I'm scared. I've never done that before" you add on, your voice breaking as if you were going to cry.

"Y/N, don't worry. It's a kiss, just like you would do with any boy. The first question is, did you enjoy it?" She asks. You slowly nod your head. "Then there is no need to worry, you just need to text her and ask her what is happening" she continues, bringing you into a hug to comfort you. "You also need to tell your brother" she adds on. You pull away and quickly shake your head.

"I can't do that Sara" you tell her

"Will you if I help you and if i was there?" She asks you. You think about it but slowly nod your head.

"But not until i figure out what's happening with Elle" you reply, getting out your phone, ready to message Elle. "Thank you Sara" you tell her. She gives you a reassuring smile and nods her head, waiting for you to message Elle.

Authors Note:

This is the first part and I hope you enjoyed it! Thank you SarahCobbler for this request. I actually love it so much! Also, 1k reads already?! Thank you all for spending some of your life reading books based off a 15 year olds obsession, I love you all😘

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