60| Nate x reader

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WARNING: spoilers for s4e1 of legends. don't say I didn't warn ya!

You were walking around Woodstock with Zari looking for Ray's girlfriend, Nora. Well, not his girlfriend but whatever.

"Have you spotted her yet? She's got to be close if that body was there" Ray says down the comms.

"What body?" You hear Nate reply

"Nothing baby. Why are you here?" You ask, looking into a tent.

"My Dad said that Woodstock turned into a massacre" he replied as you met up.

"Your dad?" You asked him. He nods his head looking at Mick.

"His mum makes lovely sandwiches" Mick says. Your eyes opened wide.

"He met your parents before me?" You ask, crossing your arms. Nate slowly nods his head knowing how badly you wanted to meet his parents.

"I'm sorry baby but yeah he did" Nate admits wrapping his arms around your waist. You move away from him and stand next to Zari.

"Let's just stop this Woodstock massacre okay" you say, wiping a rogue tear which ran down your cheek.

~~ After Gary got his nipple bitten off ~~

You sat in your bed, playing with the ruffles on one of your pillows when there was a faint knock on the door. It opened with Nate standing in the door way.

"You don't need to knock, it's your room too" you say, turning onto your other side.

"Y/N, are you mad with me?" Nate asks you, sitting on the side with your back facing him. You murmured in agreement.

"Come with me, I need to show you something" he says. You groan as he pulls you towards the door. Nate walks you to this posh neighbourhood with big houses and nice gardens.

"Nathaniel why are we here?" You ask, taking in your surroundings. He didn't reply he just led you to the door of one of the many houses. He rang the doorbell and smiled at you. You smiled back and looked at the door.

"Nathaniel, you're back!" A woman says as she opened the door.

"I am back and mom I'd like to introduce you to my girlfriend Y/N" he says. You look at him with shock because you were in the worst outfit ever, especially when meeting your boyfriends parents for the first time.

"Ah Y/N, it's lovely to meet you" Nate's mum states, welcoming you into her home. You walk in front of Nate as his mum leads you into the dining room.

"Who's this?" The man sat at the table asks, presumably Henry, Nate's dad.

"Dad, this is my girlfriend Y/N" Nate introduces wrapping his arm around your waist.

"Someone who wants to be with my son, what a surprise" Hank says, laughing afterward when his wife came into the room with drinks.

~ After drinks and food ~

You rested your head on Nate's chest as he played with your hair.

"You happy you met them?" He asks you. You nod your head as you felt yourself fall asleep. "Now it's time for me to meet your parents" he adds.

"Just letting you know Ray's already met my parents" you say, falling asleep.

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