112| Nick Zano imagine

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You were sat on your sofa, legs draped over Nick's legs as you sat and watched Friends. Your head rested on his shoulder and his rested on your head. You were watching the episode where Ross has to decided which five celebrities would be on his list, and let's just say you were confused on why it took him so long.

"Babe" you start lifting your head up, Nick mumbled a yes and looked towards you, "who's on your list?" You ask, tilting you head to the side.

"On my list? Oh erm... I don't know. Who's on yours?" He replies, scratching the side of his head

"Oh that's easy! Zac Efron, James McAvoy, Joe Cole, Roger Taylor and Hugh Grant" you blurt out in one breath.

"Really? Roger Taylor?"

"Babe, Roger Taylor is the sexiest drummer that's ever lived on this planet" You replied crossing your arms, shocked that Nick would ever think different. Nick held his hands up in defence on nodded his head

"Sorry sweetie" he laughed

"So, who's on yours?" You beg, really wanting to know.

"I haven't really thought about this" he admitted, running his hand through his hair "let me get back to you" he added. You sighed but agreed, turning back to the telly to continue watching friends

You were sat in bed, rubbing in your moisturiser when Nick came into the room, a large smile on his face.

"What's me you so happy?" You question, crossing your arms in confusion.

"I know who's on my list" he said excitedly, sitting next to you on your bed.

"Okay, great! Who?"

"Okay there is Jennifer Aniston, Megan Fox, Reese Witherspoon, Scarlett Johansson and Emilia Clarke" he replied, clapping his hands like a child would on Christmas morning.

"Great choices!" You reply, patting his shoulder. Nick climbed under the covers and brought you closer to him.

"God, I love you Y/N Zano" he confesses, kissing you passionately. You pulled away and rested your forehead on his.

"I love you too Nick Zano" You reply, laughing. Nick pulled a confused face but you just shook his head, indicating for him to drop it. You rested your head on his chest and soon enough fell asleep.

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