98| Ray Palmer imagine

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Self confidence. That's what you've been lacking in recently. Why? Because of Nora Darhk and how close she and Ray are. You loved your boyfriend and you knew he loved you but there was some part of you that felt that he loved her now. She was pretty, funny, smart and she could is magic which you thought was amazing. Even though everyone told you that you were pretty, funny and smart you just didn't feel it since they first met.

"Y/N?" Someone asks you, snapping you out of your daydream. You in the direction of where the voice came from. It was Ray.

"Yeah?" You murmured, taking a sip of your drink

"Are you okay? You've been very distant recently" he asks, worry in his voice. You looked down and you felt him place his hands on your shoulders from behind.

"Yeah I'm fine" you lie, scratching your cheek. He turned your around so you were facing him.

"You scratched your cheek, you're lying" he replies. You sigh, god he knew you well. "Now please tell me what's wrong baby" he adds, concern in eyes. You nod your head, knowing that you had to tell him.

"I'm just not feeling as confident as I used to be" you admit, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear.

"And why's that baby?" He asks, rubbing your cheek

"Nora" you mumble but loud enough for him to hear

"Nora? Why Nora?" He asks again

"You've been really close to her recently and I'm starting to feel like you don't love me anymore. I feel like I'm ugly and I'm not good enough for you" you admit, a rogue tear falling down your cheek. Ray wipes that tear away and frowns.

"Y/N, why do you think that I would stop loving you? I would never stop loving. It's not that you're not good enough it's that you're to good for me" he replies truthfully. You sigh in relief.

"And don't say that you're ugly. You are beautiful. Gorgeous. Super attractive. I don't want you thinking anything different" he adds, causing you to laugh. "Ah that laugh that I love so much" he laughs.

"I love you Ray" you say, moving your face closer to his

"And I love you Y/N" he replies, moving in too, connecting your lips.

"Now promise me, if you ever start feeling like this again please talk to me" Ray instructs, you nod your head knowing that it would be the right thing to do

"I promise"

Authors Note:

I hope you all like this, especially shadowslayer601 cuz this is for you lovely

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