110| Brandon Routh imagine

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here is the first cast imagine so I hope you enjoy❤️

'And cut!' The director shouts, calling the end of the scene. You climb off Brandon's lap, who is playing your on screen boyfriend, and head over to the snack table. Your eyes skim across the table until it landed on donuts. Chocolate covered donuts. You smiled and picked one up, as well as a plate.

"Great job out there!" Brandon compliments, making you jump so that you almost dropped your plate. Brandon laughed a little at your reaction.

"Don't scare me like B!" You reply, laughing a little "but thank you, you did great out there too!" You add, taking a bite out of your donut.

"Y/N, can-can I ask you a question?" Brandon asks, picking up a marshmallow. You nod your head, not being able to answer due to the donut in your mouth.

"I was wondering if you would-" he starts but was soon interrupted by Caity calling you over. You hold up a hand telling her you'd be there in a second.

"Sorry you were saying" you ask the tall brunette

"I was wondering if" he starts but stops himself, "actually it doesn't matter" he says, you cock your eyebrows but nod

"Okay, I'm going to see what Caity wants, see you later?"

"Yeah, sure!"

You walk over to Caity to see her with a bit smirk on her face.

"What do you want?" You ask, crossing your arms.

"You and Brandon eh?" She annoys, nudging your side.

"What do you mean?" You ask, rubbing your 'wound'

"He was totally going to ask you out!"

"Shut up! No he wasn't!"

"Yes he was!" The blonde tells you. You laughs but shake your head, knowing that she was lying "why don't you ask him and find out for yourself"

"I would of known if you didn't call me over" you reply, pushing her shoulder gently. She laughs and shrugs her shoulders

"Just go get him!" She shouts, turning you around. You look around your surroundings to no longer see Brandon. You pull out your phone and texted Brandon, to find him back at his trailer.

You walk to Brandon's trailer, still in your characters costume which consisted of a plaid crop top, black skater skirt, tights and black doc martins, when suddenly it started raining.

"Are you for real?" You shout, running towards the trailer. You knock and the door and faster than you could say 'Legends of Tomorrow', the door opened.

"Y/N, you're soaking" Brandon laughs

"Can I come in?" Brandon nodded his head, stepping aside. You walked him and tied your hair up into a ponytail.

"So, How can I help you?" He asks, taking a sip of his drink

"So, erm, I heard you wanted to go get a drink with me" you ask. Brandon coughed a little in shock.

"W-where did you hear that?" He asks you, scratching the back of his head.

"That doesn't matter. I just want to know if it's true" you explain, grabbing a hold of his hands, "is it true B?"

The tall man nodded his head, "Yes, yes it's true"
A smile forms on your face

"So, are you going to ask me?"

"Y/N, will you like to go get a drink with me?" He asks

"Hm, I don't know" you say, taking you hand onto your chin, pretending you were thinking. A worried expression comes onto Brandon's face. You laugh, "I'm joking B, I'd love to get a drink with you" you reply. Brandon sighs and kisses your cheek,

"I'll pick you up at 6"

I hope you enjoyed this

also one week left until Legends comes back!!!

also one week left until Legends comes back!!!

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