38| Zari x reader

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I think I love you

You sat next to Zari as you played street fighter and she was kicking your ass. You looked towards the girl, admiring all her features. The way her brown hair was tied up into a perfect messy bun. The way her chocolate brown eyes lit up every times she pulled a good punch. Seeing her smile made your day 100 times better.

It soon hit you, you loved her. Ever since she joined the team you always found something to love her by and your love grew stronger every day. The way she fought. The way she played. The way she listened closely. The way she obeyed. The way she disobeyed.

You decided you couldn't hid it anymore. You flirted with her morning, evening and night and she did suspect anything. You came to the conclusion that you had to tell her. You wanted to tell her.

"Hey, Z?" You say, getting her attention from the game. She paused the game and looked towards you with her sweet eyes.

"Yes Y/N?" She replies

"I have to tell you that I love you and my love grows for you every day" you admit, fiddling with you hands. She looks at you and smiles. She grabs your hands to stop them from moving about constantly.

"Y/N, I'm glad you've told me this because, because I've kept myself to myself and I was trying so hard to tell you that I love you too! Ever since we first met" she replies, causing a wide grin to form on your face.

"So will you, erm...will you be my..."

"Girlfriend?" She finishes. You laugh and nod your head.

"Yeah, girlfriend" you shyly reply.

"I would love to be your girlfriend" she replies, placing her hand on your cheek. You lean in and kiss her. She gladly kisses back. She kissed the way you dreamed. Her lips were warm and plump and they fit perfectly with yours. You pulled away, a large grin on your face.

"That was..." you start to say.

"Perfect" Zari finishes. You laugh and nod your head in agreement.

"Perfect" You repeat. You both then get back to the game and you finally beat Zari at a game and you believe that she let you win.

Legends of Tomorrow Preferences and imagines (book 2)Where stories live. Discover now