Chapter Nine

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               I was up before the sun and laid in my bed staring at the ceiling. Usually I'd go for a run if I woke up too early, but I had a feeling if I did that, Masaomi, my eldest brother who seemed to be playing the 'dad' role of the house would flip his shit. I wouldn't put it past him to put me under house arrest. My back itched where the healing sutures were and it took every ounce of self-control I had to not wriggle around like a loon on my bed to itch them.

Masaomi said walking was fine, so he couldn't be mad if I went for a nice leisurely walk, with no running, what so ever. Maybe even light jogging would be okay- no- no jogging, he'd kill me if he caught me jogging. Walking. I hurriedly changed into a pair of black yoga capris with neon green seams and managed to get a grey sports bra on without disturbing my sutures and bandages before slipping into a loose flowy neon green tank top. From the small amount of frost on my window, I decided to throw on a loose fitted black jacket before stepping into my running shoes. Pulling my auburn hair up into a messy bun, I stepped into the hall only to blanch as I heard someone clear their throat from down the hall.

I turned with a cheesy smile to find my two eldest brothers exiting their rooms and looking at me in a disapproving manner. "Good morning, Masaomi-san, Ukyo-san."

"Evie, what are you doing?" Masaomi already looked tired, dealing with me as a patient took a lot out of him.

"Going for a walk, you know circulation and what not."

Masaomi frowned.

"No running, promise!"

"Rintarou-san said he didn't want you leaving the house until he got home." Masaomi said looking a little uncomfortable, he didn't want to put his foot down about it, but I knew he would since my dad asked him to and it irked me a little.

"And you're supposed to stop me at all cost?" I mused causing Ukyo and Masaomi to exchange wary looks.

"Please don't make this harder, Evie. Take this time to get some res-."

"I'm done resting." I shot coolly. "I already know I can outrun you." I looked in Masaomi's direction before turning my gaze to Ukyo, "I assume Lawyers don't get a chance to do a lot of running so I highly doubt you could catch me either, but if you two would like to give that a go, I'm down. Otherwise, I'll be going for a nice leisurely walk now and will see you two later. Have a good day at work." With that said I bowed politely and turned in the direction of the stairs. Neither of them followed for which I was grateful. My politeness only stretched so far, I was tired of them looking at me like I was trouble, I was tried of everyone always looking at me like I was trouble.

When I reached the ground floor and stepped out of the stairwell I nearly let out a string of curses as I almost ran into Subaru. He appeared to be going out for a run as well, but had taken the elevator down. His dark eyes shot in my direction and he tensed.

"Great." I groaned, "Which way are you going? I'll go the other way."

He pointed without a word to the left.

"Good." I brushed past him and made my way toward the sidewalk. Just as I was about to turn right, he spoke, stopping me in my tracks.

"He had to drink his meals through a straw for six months..." He was talking about his childhood best friend. Either he had no idea about his friend's real character, or he didn't care.

"And?" I turned to him with a dark look.

"You shattered his kneecap and ruined his dreams of making it pro..."

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