Chapter 1

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       'There was smoke everywhere. People were screaming and I couldn't see very far in front of me. As I ran out of the burning, two story house, I called out, "Mom, Dad!?" into the smokey blackness. I see a flash of silver and feel a pain in my cheek. With fear and adrenaline coursing through me, I push away from my attacker and continue calling out for my family. "Tessa run!" I heard my mother yell. It was quickly followed by a gunshot, a yell, and deep growls. I backpedal and search for a way out of the smoke and war zone. The sleek black of my car reflects in the fire and I hurry to it. After fumbling with the keys, I finally get the car unlocked and jump inside. When the car roars to life I put it in drive and speed off down the dirt road, all the while still hearing my name being called, "Tessa! Tessa!...."

"Tessa!" I yelp and fall off my bed as Mrs. Underwood bangs on my door and continues to yell my name to get me up in time to go to school.

     "Tessa Parker get up or I'll drag your lazy butt off that bed myself!" Mrs. Underwood yells again. I don't know why she bothers, I won't be staying in this boarding house or this town for long anyways, but when I tell her that, she ignores it and insists I go to Hollows Creek High School.

       After telling her I was awake, and pulling my aching body off the wood floor, I  began to slowly make my way to my bedroom's adjoining bathroom. As I make my way there I try to shake the remnants of the memory from my mind. I've been reliving that nightmare of a memory ever since that horrible night eight months ago. But that's a story I don't want to revel in right now.

    As I pass my dresser I stop and look at the small mirror sitting on it and groan again.

    I'm not bad looking. I'm 5'5" with a nice tan, a body isn't too skinny or too big thanks to werewolf genes, icy blue eyes, and long, black hair. Why did I groan? Because my normally beautiful, straight hair was everywhere!

     "I'll fix it later," I mumble to myself as I close the bathroom door.


      After taking a shower and brushing my teeth, I put on my ripped jeans, black,V- neck tank top, and my leather jacket. I let my hair stay slightly curly and put it in a high pony tail and apply some make up to my face to cover the six inch scar along my left cheek. I grab my pack, my credit card and $200 in cash along with my car keys and meager stack of clothes since I won't be coming back here, not that I would tell Mrs. Underwood that.

      I run down the steps to the kitchen. Mrs. Underwood had just set down a tray of warm sugar cookies and I grab two before she can hit my hand with a spoon. I smile deviously and say good-bye. I race through the front door, get into my black, 1967 Ford Mustang Fastback with the white stripe down the middle and speed off to my new school. Time to blend in to the human world once more.

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