Chapter 10

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It took me only 10 minutes to get ready for the party. Mainly because I was only going to wear a light blue blouse and black jeans with flats. Valerie was taking a little longer though. She couldn't decide on a black dress or a red blouse and black dress pants. Eventually after about 10 minutes of bickering she chose the blouse but put a leather jacket over it, which I didn't mind since it was her birthday. She would be turning 18 and would officially become part of the pack.

As we were walking from my room, we met up with Gabriel and Stiles at the top of the stairs. Stiles cleaned up nicely. He is wearing a gray T- Shirt with ripped blue jeans with his black hair messy with it hanging in his blue eyes.

When he saw me staring he smiled sheepishly. " Derek loaned me the clothes and I just kept my hair how I normally have it." He looked down at the floor.

I took his face in my hands. " You look great. Just like before the accident," I said and he looked at me and I saw we were both thinking about the same thing. He gave me a hug and I looked over at Gabriel who smiled. I walked over to him and he wrapped his arm around my waist. He was dressed just like Stiles but had on a navy blue T-Shirt and snake skin cowboy boots. He looked very sexy.

" Shall we head to the party?" He asked.

"Sure thing govna," Stiles said in a fake British accent making everyone, even Gabriel, laugh.

When we made it outside, Valerie went off to find Derek and Stiles went to raid the food table leaving me and Gabriel alone.

" So you said Valerie becomes an official pack member today correct?" I asked him.

" Yeah. When a wolf turns 18, they join the adult pack members to hunt the local elk herd and that's when they become official pack members."

" So since I'm only 17 I won't get to go on the hunt right?" I said while looking at him.

" Normally, but since you are my mate, I think I'll let you and Stiles go on this hunt. Sort of a welcome to the pack thing." After he said that, he went to find his father.

The night went well. Two cakes were brought out to help feed everyone who turned out. There was music and I danced with Gabriel and Stiles. When the sun was setting, all the kids under 18 were sent home and some adults also went home leaving 30 people to go on the hunt.

Once everyone changed into their under garments, one by one we all shifted and followed Alpha Blackwood into the surrounding woods. The elk herd was near the farthest corner of the territory which is about 50 miles from the compound.

About 15 miles from the compound I heard a faint grunting noise. ' Gabriel, what's that noise?' I mind linked with him.

His wolf cocked his head slightly to the side and he listened. ' That's the bull moose. He's been here for years. We can't kill him because he's too big even for a pack this big. He killed some teens who thought they could take him and no one has tried ever since.'

I smirked. ' No one has tried until now.' I told him and quickly mind linked Stiles ' Bull moose near by. Ready to show these pups how it's done?' I said but decided to leave the link open so everyone in the group heard. They all stopped and shifted.

" Tessa. You are not hunting that moose. He'll kill you!" Gabriel said. Valerie, Derek, Damon, and Stiles joined us. The first three started arguing against me.

" It will kill you Tessa and I don't want my best friend dying on my birthday!" Valerie exclaimed.

" No matter how much I want to see this, he will kill you. He stands 7' at the shoulder and he has a 6' long set of antlers," Derek said and Damon's argument was pretty much the same.

We argue until Alpha Blackwood walks up and steps between us. "Enough! Now Gabriel, we have a rule about wolves who think they can take on something bigger than them. We let them do it." He said.

" But dad! She is my mate and if anything happened to her I would go ballistic!" Gabriel yells. While everyone was arguing, I grabbed Stiles and yanked him aside.

" Come on. Lets show them what we can do." He gives me a devilish grin.

" Just like old times." Just then Gabriel came towards us probably because he heard our conversation.

When I looked at him, I noticed his eyes were gold, his wolf was showing. But instead of stopping me, he leaned towards my ear, " Show them what my Guardian mate can do," He said. His wolf was defiantly in control. And I took control of that.

After shifting, Stiles and I followed the moose's scent. We came upon a clearing and in the center was the biggest bull moose I've seen in a long time. He was just like Derek described and even had a scar on his left flank.

' You circle around back and drive him towards me. I'll grab his neck and snap his neck.' Stiles nodded in understanding and disappeared into the brush. Another good thing about being a Guardian wolf is that our scent isn't like other werewolves so he won't get defensive about us.

I saw Stiles' blue eyes from in the bush just before he exploded out of the brush and bit the moose on the back, left leg, injuring him pretty badly.

The moose let out a terrified grunt and ran towards me. My muscles tensed, ready for the attack. Just before he reached my hiding place, I lept up and caught him in his neck flinging it back so fast it snapped and killed him instantly.

I howled in triumph and Stiles joined my call. The group came running into the clearing and shifted. They looked from me to the moose and back. Then they cheered and gathered around us and the moose.

I looked around and saw Gabriel standing near the back with a smile on his face and shaking his head. Maybe his wolf wasn't completely in charge. I ran towards him and shifted to human form halfway there.

When I reached him, he gave me a hug. " How did you kill him?" He asked.

I chuckled. " Always go for a back leg and bite as hard as you can making him lame and just attack." I said.

I looked at Stiles and people were patting his back and telling him congrats. I heard Damon tell Derek that he owed him 50 bucks and Valerie was laughing at his upset face.

We killed three elk and brought them all back to the compound where everyone gawked at the moose and Gabriel said he'd have it stuffed as a reminder of our glorious kill. We all ate great that night.

After eating, I helped Gabriel move my things into his bedroom since we decided it was better for us to move into the same room because we already sleep together. I changed into a pair of basketball shorts and a black tank top while Gabriel just put on a pair of basketball and stayed shirtless which didn't bother me none. I slept peacefully knowing I had a wonderful pack and my brother was back at my side.

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