Chapter 2

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Shocking I know, but being a werewolf means constant hiding when in public. Any strong emotions and our eyes change color or our teeth and claws elongate.

There are two different types of werewolf. One is the regular werewolves. This group consists of the Alpha, Betas, and Omegas. These wolves form the actual pack and are very numerous.

The second type of werewolf are Rogues. They are werewolves who have either left the pack or have been kicked out because of an awful betrayal to the pack. They never really bothered the packs because of one reason: Guardian Wolves.
These werewolves were once respected and cherished protectors of packs everywhere. That was until 50 years ago when the Alphas began to see them as a threat and started to kill them off. The Guardian Wolves were seen as a threat because they were bigger, stronger, and faster than normal Wolves, even the Alphas. They were identified as Guardian Wolves because of their coat which was a solid color but had a white design that started at their left front paw and spread across their body in what looked like a vine pattern, and their eyes which were bright blue.

This is the type of wolf I am. After my family was killed by an Alpha, I was the only one able to escape. This made me the last known Guardian Wolf. Now every Alpha is after me. Some want me destroyed while the others want to use me against their enemies. I never stay in one place long, because it risks me getting caught, which is why after school today I'll be hitting the road. I know I'm in a pack's territory and will need to leave soon.


After parking my car in a lonely space in a corner of the school parking lot, I slowly make my way across the parking lot to the front of the building.

As expected, the lingering students in front of the building give me odd looks. It was beginning to anger me so much that when I pass by a red haired girl, who just kept staring, I yelled, "What the hell are you looking at!?"

She jumped and scowled, "Bitch," I heard her mumble as she scurried away.

After I found the office and tell the secretary my name, she types in a few things and I find out Mrs. Underwood has registered me into the system as her niece. The plump, middle aged woman hands me my class schedule. After politely saying good-bye, I leave the office and begin to walk to my first period, which is World History, great. Before I can even get close to the classroom a scent assaults my nose that I had been dreading since I got here, it was werewolves. There are at least five and from judging the stronger scent one was an Alpha and a strong one too.

I quickly jump into the nearest room just as they get within earshot.

"Derek said he caught the scent yesterday near the western perimeter and said it's female," One of them said. Judging by the way he spoke he must be speaking to the Alpha but as an equal, he must have been a Beta.

"Did he track the scent?" The Alpha asks.

"Yeah, but it lead to a human boarding house and he couldn't look further in case the owner got suspicious." The Beta said. The Alpha laughs.

"Of course she would hide amongst humans. She knows we won't cause a scene and expose ourselves," While he still talking I slowly peak around the corner to see who I was up against. I wish I hadn't. He was about 6'3" with black hair that hung in his eyes, which were a forest green color, a dark tan, and a built body that could be seen through the tight shirt he was wearing. My wolf howled with joy. My mate was in front of me.

As I stood there looking at him, I didn't realize they had gotten closer. I quickly jump back into the room. When they pass by, the Alpha suddenly stops walking and sniffs at the air. He turns his head sharply towards me and his eyes change into a brilliant gold. He begins to advance and I panic.

As he makes his way towards me, I slam the door shut and lock it. I run to the nearest window and try to open it.  It's locked and I grab one of the desks and throw it at the window. As it shatters, the door shudders on its hinges. I perch on the window sill and just before jumping, I look back to hear the Alpha yelling and his pack members trying to calm him down and trying to get him to quit banging on the door. When a crack appears in the door, I take that as my cue and jump out the window just as the door splinters off the hinges.

After jumping I transformed into my horse sized, black and white wolf, grab my bag in my jaws, and race into the nearest section of woods.

  I barely make it a mile into the woods when I hear howls
all around me, apparently the Alpha told his pack to corner me. As they close in I stand to my full height and let out the most menacing growl I can manage. Some wolves falter in their advance towards me both because of my height and the growl.   
      Suddenly a growl rivaling my own echoes  through the woods. I quickly turn around to face the Alpha. As I do, I feel a sharp pain in my back leg. When I turn around And see a dart in my back left leg and looked up to see a man holding a tranquilizer gun. As my vision begins to blur and I stumble around, I turn to see the Alpha in his human form in only basketball shorts. As everyone crowds around to take me away, I barely hear the Alpha say "Don't hurt my mate," Just as everything went black.

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