Chapter 14

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      I don't know how long I ran. At some point in the run, my wolf had taken over and I gladly let her have at it. We were now in a small clearing and off of Bloodmoon territory. I shifted and began to walk around.

      As I was walking, a tree caught my eye. I turned and walked towards it. As I got closer, a black mark on the tree made me stumble back and choke on a sob. I had run to my old house. Apparently alpha Michael had tried to get rid of the evidence but missed this tree.

      Slowly I stood up and walked to the tree. I touched the burn mark. Then someone from behind me spoke, "Looks our little Guardian wolf has returned."

      I whirled and faced the newcomer. He was 6' with long, blonde hair and dark brown eyes. He had the beginning of a beard and stood with his arms crossed over his muscular chest and a smirk on his face.

      I gasped and touched my scar, "Y-you," I stammered in a whisper.

      He chuckled, "Ah, so you do remember. Well," The smirk dropped, "I'm here to finish the job." He jumped and shifted into a light brown wolf and charged at me.

     I jumped to the side and narrowly missed his snapping teeth. I shifted and we began to circle eachother. We lunged at the same time and went tumbling. He got a hold on my back and twisted. I howled in pain and fell on my back, loosening his hold and limped away. We growled and attacked again. This time, I moved to the side and grabbed him by the neck and threw him into a tree.

      He yelped and lied there. I shifted when he did and walked menacingly towards him. He was breathing hard and was struggling to get up. Then he began to laugh.

      " Kill me. It's not going to matter. We know that that Bloodmoon bastard is keeping you there. If you don't give yourself up in three weeks time, there is going to be a war. We have rogues and two other packs on our side. Bloodmoon won't stand a chance." He began laugh hysterically and I grabbed him by the hair and slammed his head into the tree. "That is no way to speak to an alpha." His eyes widened just before I snapped his neck. When he slumped to the ground, I stood and turned to the surrounding woods, " Tell alpha Michael that if it's a war he wants, then it's a war he gets! Tell him no one threatens my pack!"

       The bushes rustled as the wolf hiding there ran to relay my message to alpha Michael. I turned back to the wolf I killed. Something was glinting around his neck and I bent down and yanked it off his lifeless body.

      It was a necklace. The pendant was gold with a leaf pattern around the edges and a large ruby in the center. The chain was sterling silver. It was my fathers. My mother had given it to him for an anniversary gift. I clutched it to my chest. "Mine." I whispered and shifted, I needed to tell Gabriel about the looming war.

     As I got to the edge of the clearing, I turned and looked at it one more time. Then I let out a long, mournful howl before I began the journey home.

         When I got back, I found everyone in the living roomwith Gabriel pacing frantically. When he saw me he ran and engulfed me in a hug. He took in my scent, no doubt to calm his wolf. Everyone crowded around me. " Where were you?!" Stiles yelled and then he saw the necklace around my neck. He backed up and sat in the arm chair and put his face in his hands.

      I couldn't deal with him right now. "Gabriel. Alpha Michael is going to send an army here in three weeks time." Gabriel didn't look very worried about it. He turned and motioned for Damon and Alexandria to come up.

     " Alexandria, I know you wanted to wait for your birthday to be turned but if Michael does attack, I would like to know that you can defend yourself and you can master you wolf. Since your birthday is in two weeks, will you be willing to be turned tonight?" Alex looked at Damon who nodded. She then turned back to Gabriel.

       " I'll do it."

       " Tessa, in order for me to do it, it will have to be done on a full bloodmoon, which is in two weeks. A guardian wolf can turn someone at any time. Can you turn her?" I was stunned.

      " Gabriel if I turn her, she will be more Guardian wolf than an actual werewolf and they are harder to control!"

       "I can control it." Alex said, stepping from Damon's grasp.

      "Then it's settled. Tonight at midnight, you will turn her and you and Stiles can help her master being a Guardian wolf." With that he turned to begin preparations for tonight. Stiles had left during the conversation so I decided to call Gabriel's dad.

     The call didn't last long. We said hello and caught up on things. When I told him about the upcoming war and who was against us, he promised to send enough of his best fighters to help out.

     With nothing else to do but wait for tonight, I decided to take a nap till it was time for me to create another Guardian wolf.




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