Chapter 11

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     It's been a few day's since me and Stiles killed the bull moose and everyone is still congratulating us on it and true to his word, Gabriel had the moose stuffed and set in the pack house.

      I haven't seen much of Gabriel these last few days since he's getting ready for his Alpha coronation ceremony in about a week or two. Alpha Blackwood went back to his pack in Europe the day after Valerie's birthday but not before making sure I'd call him if we ever needed his help. I also found out Gabriel, Damon, Derek, their mates, and I won't be returning to school since we were preparing for becoming the new leader's of the pack. Even Stiles isn't going because he never started.

      I felt bad about not spending time with Gabriel so I decided to hang around his office while he did some sort of Alpha paperwork crap. The office was big. It has a big mahogany desk in front of a stain glass window showing a night sky with a Bloodmoon. One wall was cover in books and a couch and two chairs were situated around the room.

     At first I lounged on the couch and when I got bored, I sat on the desk and asked Gabriel what he was doing. And now I'm looking through the books. Everytime I'd pick one up, I'd close with a 'Nope' or 'uh-uh'. I was about to sit back down when a certain book caught my eye. I took it off the shelf and looked at the title. ' Supernaturals' was all that we the cover said.

     " There are other supernaturals!?" I asked Gabriel. He spun in his chair to look at me.

     " Of course. Did you really think we were the only ones?" He asked looking amused.

    I smirked," Of course not. I was just making sure you knew," I told him opening the book.

    The book was separated into three categories: Rare, Weres, and Others.

      The Were section came first. There were a lot. The common ones are werewolves, werelions, and werebears. There are other types but they weren't really talked about.

      The Others came next. This section consisted of fairies, merpeople, vampires, and many more. Vampires, it turns out, are bat looking creatures who walk on two legs and live in the forests of Russia, but only attack animals.

     The Rare section was last. It had only three creatures: Unicorn, Dragon, and Phoenix. This was the largest section yet. These certain creatures shared one thing and that is that they all have a bind to a certain person or them supernatural they won't hatch, or in a unicorns situation, show themselves until their bond partner is near or touches their egg.

    As I was reading about the phoenix, I was looking at the picture on the side that showed the phoenix's three stages of life from an egg to an adult. As I looked at the egg, I began to feel like I've seen it somewhere. Then I remembered and jumped up and ran to Gabriel's desk.

     " That's a Phoenix egg!" I exclaimed pointing at the fiery orange egg sitting at the corner of the desk.

      Gabriel jumped at my sudden movements and almost fell backwards off the chair. " Yes, it is. It's been in my family for generations. It's never hatched so we believed it's a dud," He said while coming to stand beside me.

    " They only hatch when their bond partner touches their egg. What made you think it was someone in you family?"

     " A fortune teller, an actual one, said that it was bonded to someone in this family so we kept it."  He said with a shrug.

     I went and leaned against the door, "Well then, I guess who ever it is will be really lucky," I said and began to examine my nails.

     There was a knock at the door and before I could move someone threw open the door. " Gabriel we need....." Valerie said before she saw me run into the desk and knock the Phoenix egg over with my hand. " Oh my god Tessa are you ok!?" Valerie as she came running towards me.

     " I'm fine," I said as I got up and retrieved the egg and placed it back on the stand.

    Gabriel chuckled along with Derek who saw what had happened. " What do you guys need?" Gabriel asked them when he was done.

     " We wanted to ask permission to go to Minneapolis. I want to take Valerie out to dinner," Derek said as Valerie gazed up at him adoringly.

      Gabriel tapped his chin. " That's a long drive Derek."

     " I know and we might stay at a hotel tonight and head back tomorrow which is why we need your permission."

     " Well, I guess so. You two deserve it."

     " Oh, Thank you Gabriel!" Valerie said and gave him a big hug. Just then a loud cracking sound sounded throughout the office.

     We all froze and glanced around. Then the sound came again and I saw movement to my left and looked down at it. The Phoenix egg was hatching!

      Gabriel saw it too and put his arm in front of me and we began to back up slowly. Derek did the same with Valerie and now we are all trapped in a corner with the boys in front of us. Then a piece of the egg shell fell off and a purple eye stared back at us. The with one movement of its head, the great of the egg fell apart and a little Phoenix was laying in front of us.

      It's about the size of a small chicken but looked like a peacock. It's feathers were fire like with yellow on the bottom with gradually transformed to the blue of a very hot fire. It looked around the room before resting its gorgeous eyes on the four of us huddled in the corner.

    Slowly it stood up from its position on the floor and stretched itself out. Right before our eyes the Phoenix grew. When it finally stopped growing it was the size of a golden eagle. It let out a chirp and began to walk towards us. Slowly the four of us circled around it and headed for the door. When we reached it, Derek threw open the door and we began to run for the front door.

     We ran outside and turned to face the door. The Phoenix came walking out of the door and looked around. When it didn't see us, it began to chirp as if looking for its mother. But instead of hearing chirps, I heard a voice. " Tessa? Where are you?" It was a female voice and I knew immediately that I was the Phoenixs' bond partner.

     I broke free of Gabriel and raced through the crowd that had gathered to see what was happening.  When she saw me, she spread out her wings, which had to be 7' in length, and flew over to me. She landed in front of me and looked up at me. " Hello Tessa. I've been waiting years to meet you."

     Then sparks flew from her body and then suddenly she was engulfed in blue flames. But instead of burning, she looked fine almost as if she didn't know she was burning. She walked closer to me and all I could feel was a warmth from the flames.

     She flapped her wings and flew up towards my head where she just flew around. The others gathered around and looked on in awe. " A blue Phoenix. Rarest of the rare." The oldest pack member said.

    I looked up at the Phoenix, "Do you have a name?"

    " What ever you decide will be my name."

     I thought about it for a second and a name popped into my mind. "Lissa. After my mother."

     "I love it."


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