Chapter 3

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I wake with a start. My surroundings aren't recognizable to me. I am sitting in a king size bed with a big comforter, silk sheets, and a nightstand with a lamp and clock next to it. There is a giant dresser in the back corner, a 50 inch flat screen TV, and a giant walk in closet filled with clothes and shoes.

I get out of the bed and feel something smooth brush against my body. I look down and see that someone had put me in a silk nightgown when I was passed out. It was only then that the events of yesterday came back to me.

I panic and I run into the closet. I grab a pair of jeans, combat boots, a t-shirt, and my leather jacket, which I was surprised to see since it should have been shredded after I shifted. I then grab my bag and run for the window. I tried to open it, but it was locked. 'Of course.' I thought to myself. They wouldn't have left it unlocked when they knew I would just run away, and I couldn't break it because the noise would attract attention.

Not giving up I head to the door and try it, no such luck there.

"Damn it!" I yell getting upset and I kick the door. My wolf is also angry. She wants out because she knows that in our wolf form I could break the door easily and fight through the guards and traps on the other side without breaking a sweat.

While throwing my tantrum and trying to fight my wolf I barely hear the sound of a key entering the door. I back up and get ready to defend myself. My wolf prepares herself, too, in case I let my guard down so she can come out and fight.

When the door opens, all thoughts of fighting cease to exist to my wolf. She was as happy as can be and no one would have thought she wanted to kill everyone here not 30 seconds ago. I, on the other hand, stayed in my fighting stance because not only did my mate just walk in, but my Alpha mate.

He smirked, coming at me as if I was a five year old in the middle of a tantrum.

"Do you really think you can fight your way pass me?" He asks while keeping the smirk.

Wow, his voice is sexy, it's deep, and holds all the power an Alpha's voice should have.

"I was planning to and I'm pretty sure I can," I reply, trying stay focused and show him I am not a submissive she-wolf that will follow his commands and that I am on his level of authority.

He chuckles, "Wow, your tough, beautiful and stubborn, I like that," He said. He has an accent I can't place. As he continues talking he looks at me with affection as if I hadn't just threatened him. He's really beginning to piss me off.

"What's your name and why am I here?" I asked in an authoritative tone showing him I mean business.

"My apologies, I am Gabriel Blackwood, soon to be Alpha of the Bloodmoon pack. And your name is....?" He answers with a gesture of his hand and just like that every thought of fighting left my mind. The Bloodmoon pack is the largest and strongest pack in the world with over 300 pack members in the U.S. and territory that spread over all of Minnesota as well as North and South Dakota. It has also been said the family has territory in Europe. Even if I did escape, they own so much territory and have too many allies that he would find me eventually.

Even though I know escape is impossible, I still try. "My name is Tessa Parker and it has been an honor to meet you but I have places to be," I reply as I walk towards the door.

As soon as he realizes I am being serious all the friendliness and affection leaves him. Like any typical Alpha when they get angry, his eyes turn black and he slams the door shut hard enough to put a crack in it and then he pushes me up against the wall making me bump my head. "Ow! What the hell!?" I yell.

He grabs my hands and pins them above my head and presses his body against mine, making me immobile. "You are mine and you will not leave here!" He yells with a tone only an Alpha would use on a Wolf to make them submit, but since I am a Guardian Wolf it doesn't  work on me. I wiggle my body to get free. When I am finally able to put my legs in between us, I call a little of my very pissed off Wolf to come and lend me some of her strength and kick Gabriel hard enough let go of me. He stumbles, and falls, letting go of me in the process.

I take this opportunity and race for the door but as soon as my fingers touch the handle, Gabriel grabs my ankle, " Please Tessa,  don't leave. I'm sorry my wolf acted out not me, please, don't leave me." I turn back to look at Gabriel. His eyes are green again and I see the regret and pain in them. He feels sorry for trying to hurt me and I see the worry he has about me leaving him and I know he is telling the truth. His wolf is stronger than his human self and it acted out.

Then it hit me. I've spent my life running from Alphas, why not hide from Alphas by staying with a soon-to-be Alpha and hope he doesn't find out about my secret? And besides, he's starting to grow on me.

I look him in the eyes almost cave at the love, the likes of which I haven't seen in eight months, directed at me. But I cannot show him weakness. Still needing to stay stubborn and tough I say, " Fine I'll stay, but only cause I like this place." I gesture around the room to emphasize my point.
     He smiles and laughs a genuine laugh. "Thank you, and I'm glad you will stick around and not run off," He says while letting go of my ankle and getting up off the floor. It was then that I realize the accent is British.

When he got up and looked at me, I saw that he really trusts me and I felt my protective wall around my heart crack a little. All because of my hot, respectable, British, alpha.

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