Chapter 20

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Some of the wolves growled as the flames circled them. We waited, ready to jump in once the flames went out and turned to smoke. Through the fire I could see Michael waiting like we were. Then the flames went out.

Bloodmoon charged into the confused wolves and began to attack. Michael had disappeared when the smoke thickened and I was now fighting a brown she wolf who used her size against me.

She got a few good bites in before I got her by the neck and shook her, snapping her neck. I looked around and saw my friends in their own fights and before I could help, my path was blocked by a bear.

He was bigger than me but I decided that if I could keep him distracted someone else will come help me take him down. 'Why are you with Michael? What has he offered you?' We began circling one another.

'He has my family in his dungeon. If I disobey, he will kill them.'
I thought about something then. The rogues never mentioned a family being in the dungeon. 'Stiles ask Rachel is there were any families in the dungeon with them.' His reply broke my heart.

' Listen bear, Michael has killed your family. They were in the dungeons but they were being too aggressive so he had them killed!'
'You're lying!' He roared and charged at me. I managed to avoid his snapping jaws but not his claws. They dug into me and I cried out. I tried to get up and managed to stand on shaky legs. The marks were already healing but I wouldn't be able to dodge his next attack.

He charged, but two wolves ran into his side shoving him away from me. Stiles and Alexandria stood in front of me and the bear shifter roared in rage. He charged but we all managed to dodge. The wounds on my side healed and all three of us began circling the shifter. He seemed nervous about having three guardian wolves circling him.

Then we lunged. Stiles bit down on his back leg, Alex jumped onto his back and bit down on his neck, and I grabbed his neck from underneath. Using our strength we were able to bring him down. I stared at the lifeless bear and felt sad that he fought because of a lie. With a shake of my head I turned from him and jumped into the fray.

Wolf after wolf fell as I tore through the crowd. My coat was wet with blood and I still haven't seen Michael. Occasionally I see Gabriel only to have him swallowed up by fighting wolves. Then I see Michael.

He is pacing around the edge of the meadow and no wolf is trying to attack him. I lower my head, bare my teeth and begin to walk towards him. He stops pacing and waits for me. When I get a few feet away I stop and we stare at eachother.

'Smart using the fire. I thought you would fear it because of what happened to your parents.'
'What happened to my family is a thing of the past. And it is something you will pay for!' I lunged at him but he side stepped and I skidded along the ground until my claws dug into the ground and I turned to face him. He growled and lowered his head and began to stalk around me. I mirrored his stance and we circled eachother. We would lunged and snap at eachother barely missing being bit by the other.

Then he made a move to go right but switched tactics and ran into my side. He shoved me out of the meadow and into the surrounding woods. I reach around and tried to grab his neck but he jumped out of reach. We ran at eachother and clashed in a violent mass of teeth and fur. We both landed bite after bite and were tiring out quickly. We stood facing eachother panting and trying to analyse eachother's weaknesses. 'Tessa!' I heard Gabriel call out to me and knew it would only be a matter of time before he came upon us. I tried another attack but we only ended up tiring ourselves out more. Michael might not be a Guardian wolf but he was a really strong alpha.

As I was trying to decide on what move to make, a flash of black and white burst through the trees and rammed into Michael who went stumbling into a tree. Stiles stood beside me baring his teeth and growling. His eyes blazed with revenge as he stood staring at Michael. Gabriel, Derek, and Valerie came through the trees and stood next to me and Stiles.

'The battle is over Michael. Your forces have been subdued and it's time you surrender.' Gabriel spoke with authority and I stood up straighter knowing I needed to show Michael I was still able to fight if he tried something.

Michael shifted into a tall man with dark hair and blazing red eyes. He was covered in blood and had a crazed smile on his face. We all shifted too. "It's not over till I say it is. Clare!" Out of nowhere a large mountain lion came barreling through the woods and came right at me. Gabriel and the boys were too busy with Michael that he wouldn't reach me in time and I wouldn't be able to shift in time to protect myself. I held my arms over my face, but what happened next was too fast for me to stop.

Lissa came soaring through the trees and flung herself in front of the mountain lion. The lion bit down onto Lissa's neck and both went up in flames. When the fire went down all that remained of the lion was ashes and Lissa laid on the ground in a pool of blood. She shifted and I saw that this was a wound she wouldn't be able to heal. "LISSA!" I screamed and scrambled to her side.

I clutched her hand and began to cry. "No, NO! Stay with me Lis." She smiled but began to cough up blood.

"Don't worry Tessa, I'll be okay." She reached up and placed a trembling hand on my stomach. "They will be wonderful children." She gave me a weak smile before closing her eyes. Her hand went limp just as she let her last breath out.

"Noooo!" I screamed and cried. Someone pulled me away but I opened my eyes long enough to see her body go up in flames. When the fire died, a single blue feather laid on the ground. A caw sounded from above and I saw Dante land next to the feather. His sadness showed in his eyes. He looked at the feather then at me. I knew what he wanted and nodded. He gently grabbed the feather in his beak and took off.

I watched until he disappeared above the tree tops then I got up and walked over to the others. Derek had Michael's arms behind his back and Michael was laughing. " It's your fault she died! It's all your fault." He was trying to break me but I wouldn't let him.

"No. She did what she did on her terms. I didn't kill her. You did." I motioned for Stiles to come over. "This is my brother. The only other sibling you didn't kill. And he wants revenge." I turned to Stiles,"Do it." I went to Gabriel's side and watched as Stiles broke Michael's neck.

We headed back to the meadow and Gabriel told the survivors of Michael's forces that they could leave with their dead as long as they never bothered us again. They agreed and left. We lost a lot of wolves and buried them in the meadow. Each with their own grave stone and not just random unmarked graves. I went to the hospital and found out Lissa was right and I was pregnant with twins. We were going to recover from this.

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