Chapter 6

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    When I woke the next morning, I glanced at Gabriel and saw that he was still asleep. I rolled as quietly as I could to the edge of the bed, but before I could get up, I felt the bed shift and a strong arm wrap around my waist. " Where are you going?" Gabriel asked in a sleepy voice.

     I turned around to look at him and saw that he had one eye opened and was looking at me. I chuckled and ran a hand through his messy, dark hair. " I'm just going to take a shower and get ready for school," I told him.

    He suddenly was wide awake. " Shit! I forgot today was school!"  He yelled while throwing the blanket off of himself and ran out of my room still yelling himself about being a moron and not setting the alarm.

    I laughed at him and walked into the bathroom to get ready.

    When I was ready I grabbed my bag and jacket and walked to the door. As I walked down the stairs I felt Gabriel come up behind me and before he could grab me I jumped the last ten steps and landed in a crouch at the bottom of the staircase. As I stood up I looked behind me at Gabriel and smirked at him then walked off. As I walked away I could hear him laughing.

    When I was in the front yard I stopped and looked around. It was beautiful. We seemed to be in the center of the woods. It had been a long time since I had been in the woods but it felt right, especially when Gabriel came and wrapped his arms around me.

    "Where is the garage?" I asked to ease the tension between us.

    He took the hint. " It's this way," He said while dragging me to the northern part of the village.

    When we reached it I almost squealed in joy because my car was sitting right in the center of the garage. Gabriel smiled, " I drove it back after I found your keys in your bag. There seemed to be some problem with your engine so one of my mechanics fixed it with original parts and we cleaned it up a little bit so it drives wonderfully now."

    I turned around and hugged him. Then I looked up and kissed him on the lips. " Thank you. I've never been able to fix the damn thing because no mechanic had the right parts. And thanks for driving it back, I don't know what I could do if someone would have stolen it," I hugged him again.

     " You're welcome. And the only reason we had the parts was because most of the cars here are classic muscle cars," He said and sure enough, when I looked around there were only about ten newer model cars and most were trucks. The other twenty were classics.

     " Which one is yours?" I asked. He pointed at one of the newer cars.

    " That's one of mine and the one I drive often."  It was a little 2013 black camaro.

   " Nice car. I've always liked them but something about older cars just appeals to me," I said while walking around the camaro. There were a few flaws but just like my car it is taken care of.

     " Well I bet my car can out pace your car any day," He said. His accent became more pronounced as he talked and add that with the smirk on his face it made him so damn sexy.

     "I'll take that challenge," I said while jumping into my Mustang. When I turned the key she purred to life. I heard the camaro start and without looking at him I sped out of the garage and took off down the road leading towards town. As I was driving over 100 miles per hour, I heard the roar of the camaro and looked in the rear view mirror. Just a few feet behind me was Gabriel. When he saw me looking he smiled and waved.

     I quickly shifted gears and sped off. As a turn came up I quickly turned the wheel and slid around the curve. Big mistake. While I was turning I left a space wide enough for Gabriel to slip through and take the lead. "SHIT!" I yelled. If he won, I'd never hear the end of it.

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