Chapter 7

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I spent the next day at home because Gabriel believed I needed a break from people. I spent most of the day in the bedroom, but I did go to the game room and played skee ball for a while.

About three hours before Gabriel was supposed to come home from school, I decided to go for a run since I hadn't let my wolf out since I'd been with the Bloodmoon pack and my wolf was getting anxious.

I went into the woods behind the house and stripped until I was just in my bra and underwear, since they don't rip when I shift. I began to concentrate on my wolf and felt a ripple go through me. When I opened my eyes I looked in a pool next to me and saw my wolf self reflected back at me. I slowly stretched and began to feel my muscles get taut, ready to run. I turned and ran into the woods.

Wolves that were patrolling the territory gave me strange looks but quickly realized who I was and sent me a greeting via a mind link. As I was running, I began to feel someone running beside me. I turned and saw a big gray wolf running beside me.

I immediately stopped and so did the mystery wolf. I changed forms and so did the wolf. I noticed that he had a chiseled face with a few lines and peppered hair. His eyes are what gave him away. They were the same color as Gabriel's.

" Alpha Blackwood, it's an honor to meet you," I said as I bowed my head in respect.

"You must be Tessa. Gabriel has said a lot about you." He said in an accent thicker than Gabriel's.

" Well I just hope it was good things," I said and we both laughed.

" Don't worry, it was all good things. But he didn't tell me about your wolf markings. They are very interesting in design and color," He narrowed his eyes and looked me up and down. My heart was pounding so hard I knew he could hear it. He knows. He's an Alpha and only they know about me and what I am.

" Genetics. My family had strange markings and it was part of our heritage," I was rambling, but maybe he would just drop it.

" Interesting. Must be a great lineage to keep the same markings like this," He smiled. He knew. He had too.

Before I could say anything, he ran to me and grabbed my forearms in his hands. " Listen Tessa, I know what you are but I'm not like the other Alphas. I want use or kill you, but there are three Alphas who are looking for you and they are forming a big pack just to track you, I knew what you were after Gabriel explained your wolf to me and I am proud you are part of this pack because it means there is a chance that Guardian wolves can come back. Even if an alpha, beta, omega, or a rogue is your mate, all the children you have will be Guardians. I just want you to know that I will protect you no matter what. I am leaving to go back home in a week and if anything happens, I want you to call me and tell me. Gabriel will be the alpha then but with these three packs merging they will be bigger than Bloodmoon. With my pack, we stand a chance. Just remember that." As soon as he said that, he shifted and ran into the woods.

As I was walking home, Gabriel mind linked me. ' Where are you?'


When I walked inside after putting my clothes on I saw Damon, Derek and their mates sitting in the kitchen. I never noticed until now but both boys were actually cute. Damon was lean. He stood about 6' and had brown, neatly cut hair, hazel eyes and a rugged yet boyish look.

Derek was lean yet built in all the right places, he had the body needed for a tracker and he was tan just like someone who spent a lot of time outside. he was ruggedly handsome and had shaggy, brown hair.

Both went perfectly with their mates. I felt a little jealous because even though they had problems, they overcame them and are now happy. And my problems will never go away and me and Gabriel will never have a normal life.

Gabriel walked in just as I was walking up the stairs. " Where are you going?" He asked puzzled.

" To take a shower. Why?" I asked a little to roughly.

He held his hands up and backed up a little bit. " Nevermind," He said and turned around and began talking to Damon about pack business. I turned back around and headed back up to the bedroom to shower.


By the time I got out of the shower it was 7:00. When I walked out of the bathroom I saw an amazing dress sitting on the bed.

It was a strappless, crimson dress with a silver star broch that had a celtic knot design on the inside and three black, teardrop shaped onyx stones hanging by red silk strings underneath the star. I loved it.

There was a note laying on top of the dress. ' Put this on and outside, love Gabriel.'

Since I was just in a towel, I just blow dried my hair leaving it wavy, slipped into the gorgeous dress and black flats, and made my way out to the backyard.

When I opened the back door and standing there was Gabriel. He looked so sexy standing there in a white, button up shirt with the first few buttons at the top undone showing off his lovely chest, faded black jeans, and black biker boots.

" I know you haven't had a good couple of days and I realized that me and you haven't been on a proper date, so I had our chefs cook up something romantic and thought we would get to know each other," He said almost sheepishly.

I laughed. " Ok," I said and he smiled.

His idea of a romantic dinner was lamb covered in a secret sauce that tasted wonderful, mashed potatoes, and peas. It was a wonderful dinner and dessert was even better because it was chocolate cake!

After that we walked along the trail. " So is it time to get to know eachother?" I asked looking at him.

" Yes it is. You go first. Ask any question you want," He said smiling down at me.

" Ok. Umm.... why do you live in Europe and have the accent, but you are future alpha of this pack?" I asked because it was the big, burning question in my mind.

" Easy. My uncle was alpha of this pack until he had a heart attack. Normally the alpha title will go to a son or daughter, but he had no children. So I was the oldest in the family which means that the title goes to me when I turn 18 in three weeks. My father is leading this pack until the end of the week because of problems with the pack in Europe that are making him leave early. The accent is because I lived in Britain for the first 15 years of my life and can't get rid of it," As he talked, I listened to his heartbeat and knew he wasn't lying.

" Ok, you're turn," I said dreading the question.

" Ok. Why can't you trust anyone when it was one person who hurt you?" He asked as we stopped near the edge of the territory.

" I have reason to believe that more were conspiring with that Alpha and I don't know who so for now, everyone is." When I finished talking, He turned to me and took both my hands in his.

" Do you trust me?" He asked and his heart began to pound as he waited for his answer.

I looked up at him and saw the look in his eyes, he loved me and I knew then that I trusted him with all my heart. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him close to me and kissed him lightly. " Of course."

He smiled and pulled me in for another kiss.

" Well isn't this romantic," said a deep voice from the woods.

" Who's there?" Gabriel yelled in his Alpha tone. 25 werewolves stepped from the shadows around the us and one sniff told me all I needed to know.

These were rogues. I growled low in my throat as a warning. Gabriel pushed me behind him. " You are on pack territory. Leave now and no harm will come of you," He told the one that seemed to be the leader.

He just laughed at that. "Now, I'm afraid we can't do that," He said before jumping and shifting into a brown wolf and launching himself at Gabriel.

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