Chapter 18

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        After a hearty meal, we bid the rogues goodnight and we all headed to bed. Rachel went with Stiles and I couldn't help but smile at their bond to eachother. Gabriel came up behind me and snaked his arms around my waist. He leaned in and kissed my neck. "What are you smiling at?" He whispered in a deep husky voice.

       "Rachel and Stiles. They just met and already they are very happy. When we met you tore down a door and I tried to escape," we both laughed and I turned my waist and kissed him. " Come on, lets go to bed." I pushed him away from me and ran up the stairs. He growled and followed me. When we reached the floor, he grabbed me and swung me over his shoulder. I laughed and just laid there. "You have a nice butt," I said and I can feel his body shake with laughter.

     "You have a nice butt too," he patted my butt and I laughed. He kicked open our bedroom door and threw me on the bed. I got up on my elbows and Gabriel laid on top of held up by his elbows. He leaned down and kissed me hard. I laid down on the bed and ran my hands underneath his shirt, feeling his muscular back and his wonderful abs.

     We broke the kiss only to take off our shirts and he trailed kisses along my neck making me moan and I held on to his biceps. Then I pulled away. "Lets go to sleep." I winked and he grinned.

      When I woke up the next morning Gabriel was still asleep and I laid my head on his chest listening to his heart. A knock sounded at the door and I pulled the blanket over my body and Gabriel sat up. I laughed at how alert he was now when only a second ago he was fast asleep. We made sure we were covered and Gabriel gave the knocker permission to come in.

      Valerie came through the door in jeans and tank top, "Get dressed and come downstairs. It's time for some war planning," I laughed. She winked and walked out the door.

     "Lets go." He kissed me before getting up and going to the bathroom to take a shower. After we were both showered and dressed, we headed down to the kitchen. Our friends and the rogues were sitting around the big island eating bacon and eggs. Rachel and Stiles were the farthest away and she was sitting in his lap. He whispered something to her and she laughed. I smiled at them and got me a plate and piled it with eggs, bacon, and a biscuit with gravy.

      After we all ate we headed for the living room. The mood became very serious and we got down to business. "Ok, why don't you guys tell us what you know." Gabriel was in alpha mode and the rogues knew it.

     The older man began to speak, "Michael has gathered the Raven pack on his side and you know the Raven pack is the known as the most barbaric pack in America when it comes to war. He has also gathered both types of rogues. The ones who are completely wolf and the ones like us. I believe I heard the guards say there were about fifty of them.

       He also has a bear shifter and mountain lion shifter." Everyone in the room grew restless at the mention of these two creatures.

     "What's wrong?" I asked.

     Gabriel turned to me," These two shifters are very dangerous. A bear shifter is big and they don't show mercy. They are hard to take down and many wolves die fighting them. Mountain lion shifters are also incredibly dangerous. They are fast, strong, and love to torture their victims." My wolf growled at the mention of them and I knew we would need the European part of this pack.

       "So what do we do?"

       "We make a battle strategy and we train those who can fight." Valerie crossed her arms and looked ready to fight right now.

       " Then it's settled. I'll gather the pack members who will fight. Damon and Derek will scout for the best place to fight, Valerie and Alex will help us prepare for battle. Got it?" Everyone nodded and broke off to gather the pack.

      A knock sounded and I went to answer it. "Alpha Benjamin!" I gave Gabriel's dad a hug and he laughed.

      "It is good to see you too Tessa. Where is Gabriel?" I led him to the living room and Gabriel gave him a hug. "Tessa told me that Alpha Michael has threatened you with war."

     "Yes he has."

     "Well, I've brought a hundred of my best fighters to help. We'll show Michael what happens when you mess with Bloodmoon." When alpha Benjamin didn't put alpha in front of Michael's name, it basically means that he doesn't see him as an alpha anymore.

     Gabriel smiled, "Lets do this."


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