Chapter 4

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After our fight in my room, Gabriel thought it was best to give me some space for today and get use to my surroundings.

After he left to discuss my arrival with his father, I took the opportunity to look around the house. The room I am in is on the second story along with five others just like it, two public bathrooms, and a gameroom I spent longer than necessary "checking out."

On the first floor there is a large kitchen with a huge bar off to the side, and a two door refrigerator loaded with food and drinks. There is also an island in the center surrounded by bar stools.

The kitchen then leads into a large dining room with a mahogany table and ten chairs. The large foyer opens to a living room, and this is where I spent the rest of the day in watching shows on the theater sized tv.

By the time Gabriel left his office, it was almost 9:00. When he walked in he studied me for a few moments. Then he rushed over and scooped me up from the couch making me yelp in surprise.

"What are you doing!?" I yelled at him while pushing at his chest trying to get down.

He began laughing at my actions. " You looked tired so I'm just bringing you to your room so you can sleep," he said in that lovely accent. I immediately felt foolish for freaking out and I felt the blush crawling along my body which made him laugh more.

When we reached my room, he set me on the floor and let go of me and I suddenly felt empty without him touching me. We stood there for a few moments not knowing what to say to each other.

" Well, I best be heading to my room. Goodnight Tessa," He said and as he turned to walk away I suddenly felt afraid without him.

"Wait!" I called grabbing his wrist. As soon as I did that a wonderful tingling sensation spread through out my body and judging by the look in his face, he felt them too.

I quickly let go of him even though I didn't want to. "Can you stay with me? It's a new place and I don't want to be alone," I asked him even though I didn't want to seem weak in front of him, it was the only thing I could think of to keep him here with me.

He looked taken aback by my question but then he smiled. " Of course I will," He said softly and I smiled at him. He then reached up and traced my jaw with his finger leaving goosebumps in its wake. When he reached the tip of my scar I reached out and grabbed his hand to stop him from tracing it. " What happened?" He asked softly.

I couldn't answer him. I shook my head and turned away from him. He grabbed my arm to stop me from going to the bed. I turned around to look at him. I saw that he really wanted to know about the scar but the story brought back painful memories I didn't want to remember.

"Not tonight," I I whispered to him while trying to hold back tears.

He nodded his head in understanding but I saw that he was still wanting an answer. He let go of me and I made my way to the bed. After I got in and was comfortable, I felt the edge dip and felt his warmth behind me. He drapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him. I inhaled his scent which smelled of the woods after a storm and slightly of cologne. Soon I heard his breathing steady and knew that he was asleep and that was when I let the tears of earlier flow out. He's a soon to be Alpha so he won't know about Guardian wolves and I need it to stay that way for a while. I will tell him about the fire but change up why our house was set ablaze and why my family was killed by that dreadful Alpha.

I cried myself to sleep and all the while I was haunted by nightmares of fires and screams and a Black wolf with red eyes.

When I woke up the next morning Gabriel wasn't in bed, which wasn't unusual since it was 9 in the morning. I made my way to my bathroom and when I looked in the mirror I felt disgusted with my self. Along with my crazy hair, my eyes were puffy from crying myself to sleep last night. I went and grabbed my make up bag and applied blush and mascara to my face. By the time I was done no one would ever know that I had cried.

After changing into dark jeans and a T- shirt I went down to the kitchen to find something to eat. As I was walking down the stairs I heard laughter coming from the kitchen. When I walked into there I saw two guys that seemed to be the same age as me sitting at the island. When I walked in they both stood up and bowed their heads respectively at me. The one closest to me stepped towards me and introduced them.

"Hello Alpha. My name is Damon Cooper and this is my twin brother Derek." That's when I remembered him from school.

"You're Gabriel's Beta!" I exclaimed remembering the authoritative tone he had at the school. "It's nice to finally meet you, I'm Tessa Parker," I told him extending my hand. He shook it and sat down again. Derek came around the island and shook my hand as well and that's when I remembered something else from school. "You're the one who tracked me to the boarding house," I said outraged that he was the one who found me and tipped them off to where I was.

He just chuckled. "Yeah, But I must say your scent is different from other wolves," He said.

" Now that you mention it Derek, it is different," Damon said turning to face me and now both of them had curious expressions on their faces. Crap, how am I going to pull this off?

But before I could answer Gabriel walked in saving me from responding. I ran over to him and he picked me up and gave me a hug. When I glanced over his shoulder, Derek was smiling but Damon had a look that told me the earlier conversation wasn't over between me and him. As Gabriel and I made our way to the kitchen I could feel Damon's eyes on my back the whole time. Now I don't have to worry about Alphas wanting to kill me but a curious future Beta as well. Great.

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