Chapter 3: Halloween!!

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It was picture day and I happened to be placed right next to Julian. He put an arm around my shoulders when we took the photo. I was still mad at him for bullying Auggie, so I pinched his hand. He ended up making a really ugly face and the camera snapped. Best. Picture. Ever.


"(Y/N) sit with me." Begged Julian. I ignored him, walked away, and sat with Jack and Auggie. That's how all our Lunches where: Julian begging and me sitting with Jack and my Brother.


Julian came up to me after school. "(Y/N) why do you keep on ignoring me? What did I do wrong?" I glared at him and said. "You should know exactly what you did. I have to walk with Auggie so... bye!" He grabbed my wrist and said, "I'm sorry okay! I need you! You helped me become a better person. Without out you, I hate myself..." He began to tear up. I look at him sympathetically and purse my lips. "Fine... I'll forgive you. Just this once! If you buy me Ice Cream!" He smiles in relief and said, "I'll bring you some tomorrow." I smile once more and walk away.


Soon enough it was Halloween.
I was dressed as a Storm Trooper from Star Wars. (Picture Above.) Auggie was Ghost Face. When we walked into the classroom I sat next to Julian "Hey, what's up?" I realized I had my helmet on and took it off. "Awesome Storm Trooper costume!!" He complimented. I smiled proudly. "Thanks! I feel so cool!!" I walked away and went to talk to a few other friends. I noticed Auggie disappeared so I went to look for him. It turns out he threw up so he left home early. I was on my way back to Julian when I heard "Julian why do you like (Y/N) so much, she just like her brother, hideous, and annoying. She never shuts up and is always so clingy." I didn't even hear the rest of what he said. I just ran. I put on my helmet so no one would see the tear slide down my cheek. Julian wouldn't agree... right? I sit down in the hallway and think deeply about what the kid said. I always thought I was clingy, but I thought Julian liked it... maybe I just assumed too much. Maybe he's just being my friend because he feels bad...
I hear footsteps and I see a pair of shoes in front of me.
"Go away or you'll get the plague" I retorted.
"You're not annoying, or clingy. You're (Y/N). My best friend." He spoke softly. I stood up and hugged him and we spent the rest of the day together trick or treating.

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