Chapter 10: Skateboard Girl?

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I had a dream similar to this and boy was it crazy. I suggest playing the song above to fit in with the vibe of the chapter :)

In a dream...
I was in Hogwarts. Yes! Next to me was the one and only Draco Malfoy in his quidditch uniform.
"Hey (Y/N), do you play quidditch? I'm a seeker." Draco stated proudly
"She doesn't like you Stupid Hair! She likes a man with an amazing quirk! Am I right (Y/N)?" Bakugou Katsuki from My Hero Academia, butted in our conversation.
"You really think she'd like a hot-headed jerk like you? That's rough buddy." Prince Zuko from Avatar: The Last Airbender, also butted in.
"Shut it, you annoying brats. She likes me." Levi Ackerman from Attack On Titan popped out of nowhere and glared at the guys.
"Have you been to my chocolate factory (Y/N)? You should visit Charlie and me sometime?" Willy Wonka winks and smiles at me. Oh my.
"This is going to be the death of me," I told myself
"Butt wha aboot mee mah qeen?" A Ugandan Knuckles said out of the blue. Suddenly everyone was on brooms and we flew to Neverland where Levi was married to Windex? Then Zuko and Bakugou started fighting for my hand in marriage? I am so confused?? Soon enough it was only me and Knuckles. I ran for it. Bye weirdo dream. All I heard was:
"Baby Shark doo doo doo" No! Please! Anything but that! Everything began to fade as I woke up...


Wow. What a dream. I got up and got ready for school.
"Hey, Mom?" I called Mom,
"Yes Honey?" She replied in the kitchen drinking her coffee.
"Where's Auggie?" I asked her. I haven't seen him all morning.
"He went to school early with Jack." She answered. Traitor! </3
"Oh alright." I grabbed an apple to eat on my way there. I put on my backpack and walked to the door.
"(Y/N) if you're going alone, go on your skateboard!" Ah, my skateboard. I spent all summer practicing. Time to put it to good use!
"Alright, Mom! See you later!" I wave goodbye and left the house. I put in my earphones and played my main playlist. I love this feeling. Skating while listening to music is the best. I was about to cross the street but then the walking light turned off. Oh god. I'm going to get run over! I haven't mastered the brakes yet! The front wheels of my skateboard hit the black cement and I braced myself for the impact... but it never came. Instead, I felt a hand grab my shirt and pull me back. We both tumbled to the floor and hit the groud.
"Hey, are you alright?" I hear a gentle voice with an English accent. Omg. English accents are so soothing! I look up to see a super cute guy. He stood up and held his arm out for me to grab ahold.
"Yeah... I am, thanks to you." I grinned, grabbed his hand and stood up.
"It was just the right thing to do." He gave me a closed-eyed smile. I finally got to get a good look at him. He had blonde hair it was kinda straight but pretty wavy. I really loved his eyes. They were brown but still beautiful, they had this wonderful wonder to them. Auggie always says you can tell a lot about a person from their shoes, I think you can tell more from their eyes. The mystery boy in front of me had eyes filled with kindness and pure joy. He also had freckles right over his cheekbones and his nose. His smile was so innocent it made me smile. Oh my, I'm probably staring. I check the time on my phone to see it was 7:54! School starts at 8!
"What's your na-?"  He started,
"I'm sorry I really have to go! Thank you for saving my life! I owe you one!" I tell him while skating away. He seemed nice! I hope we bump into each other again.


I huffed and puffed as I ran through the hallways.
"Hey! (Y/N)! You know the rules! No running!" Mr. Brown shouts from in front of his classroom. I miss that class already.
"Sorry, Mr. Brown! I'm going to be late!" I apologize while zooming past him. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him smiling and shaking his head. He probably misses us too. Finally! I found my class! I started panting and checked the time. 7:59! I can still make it! As soon as I put my hand on the handle the bell rings.
"Oh c'mon! I was already here! Ugh. First day bad luck." I rolled my eyes and walked inside.
"Ms. Pulman! You're late!" Our new homeroom teacher scolded me. Of course, I had to get a strict language arts teacher!
"By two seconds! Cut me some slack! I almost died this morning!" I plead to her. I wasn't lying. I did almost die.
"Only because it's the first day. Not take a seat young lady." She glared at me, and sent shivers down my spine. I shook it off and I took a seat next to Julian. We sat in the third row, there were four rows in total. Five chairs each row. There was an empty seat to my left. On Julian's right was a blonde girl, with brown eyes. She looked so familiar.
"Psst! Cutie!" She whispered to Julian. Ugh. Buzz off. Julian points to himself confused.
"Yes, you!" She giggles. Gross. The blonde girl begins to play with her hair in a flirtatious manner. Calm down, sis! We're only in 6th grade! Geez. Our little scene was interrupted by the door opening. It was him! The boy from earlier!
"My apologies Ma'am, I had a little situation on my way to school." The boy bowed as he apologized. I could hear all the girls in class whispering amongst themselves. Except for the blonde girl who was flirting with Julian. Wait a minute... that girl and the blondie look similar! Are they related somehow?
"Alright. Take a seat." Our mean teacher stared him down as he took a seat. He just happened to take the empty seat next to me.
"It's you! You're skateboard girl from this morning!" He whispered to me.
"Yeah, I am," I replied with a smile. My mood quickly dropped when I turned to my right and saw the girl flirting with Julian again. His face was pretty red and he was smiling like an idiot. I already don't like this girl.
"Jealous?" The boy asked me.
"What- No!" I quickly deny. I avoided eye contact and he just chuckled in return.
"It seems like you are~!" He whispered in a sing-songy voice.
"Oh shut it!" I crossed my arms and huffed just for him to laugh again.
"What's your name Goldilocks?" I asked him.
"Thomas Anderson, but please call me Tom." He answered in that English accent of his.
"Nice to meet you, Tom. I'm (Y/N), (Y/N) Pulman."

What's going to happen next? Will Thomas mess everything up? Or make it even better? Stay tuned! And Enjoy!

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