Chapter 15: Who Would Have Thought?

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"Now let's get you into your uniform!" Chelsea walked over to sinks and grabbed a package.
"This is your brand new fencing gear!" She handed the package to me and I stared in awe.
"Go on! Open it!" Chelsea smiled brightly ushering me to open the package. I unwrapped it and saw a mask that looked like it had a bunch of little holes. I opened the rest of the package and saw the fencing suit.

(Picture above^. That pretty much how the fencing suit would look but with your features of course. I know almost absolutely nothing about fencing so if you see anything wrong, please let me know in the comments. And yes, that's Adrien as a girl.)

"This is so awesome!" My face lit up in excitement.
"I know right! Just way until you fight in it! Oh! Take a look at the right leg of the pants!" Chelsea pointed to the embroidery on the leg. It had an (F/N) and under is was (Y/N).
"When did you guys have the time to order it?" I smiled hugging the suit.
"We didn't. Sensei just had a spare suit. Isaac always says every single one of his students are like his children. He wants us to feel special. He spends his nights embroidering our names and favorite numbers into the suits. It's kind of his way of welcoming us to the family." Chelsea smiles at me.
"He's a great teacher." Chelsea nods.
"Yup! Now go get changed! I'll wait for you outside." She waves goodbye and walks out. I quickly put on the uniform to not keep Chelsea waiting. I looked in the mirror near the sinks and smiled. I love this uniform.

I walked out of the changing room, feeling excited. I saw Chelsea sitting on a bench next to Thomas.
"We should 1 on 1 soon, Chels." Thomas smiled and Chelsea blushed lightly.
"Anytime, anywhere~!" She replied with a coy smile. I don't want to interfere, they look so cute together! Imagine if they started dating-!
"Whatcha looking at?" I jumped in surprise.
"Auggie don't scare me like that!" I punched his shoulder.
"Oh hey (Y/N). Didn't see you there." Thomas gets up and walks to Auggie and I. Chelsea looks at us and smiles, walking to us too. Looking at Chelsea standing next to Thomas I realize how tall he is compared to her. I think Chelsea is about 5'2 and Thomas is about 5'6. Though it's just a small difference, they look perfect for each other!
"Auggie, how about I get you started on the basics?" Thomas offered to Auggie.
"Sure!" Auggie nodded excitedly.
"(Y/N), I'll get to you in a moment. Just sit and wait with Chels, Alright?" Thomas tells me. I just give him a thumbs up in return. He smiles and walks away with Auggie.
"Chels, huh?" I smirk at Chelsea.
"It's just a nickname!" She blushes furiously.
"You like him don't you!" I smile excitedly. Chelsea blushes even more.
"I don't! He's just a friend!" She frantically waves her hands.
"Your face says otherwise~" I tease her nudging her side. She just hides her face in her hands
"Is it that obvious?" Chelsea sighs.
"It's not, I just have a matchmaking gift! I think you guys would make a great couple!" I smile reassuringly.
"You think so?" She smiles shyly.
"When did you meet him?" I asked curiously.
"I was one of Isaac's first students. I met Thomas the first time he came to visit his uncle. I despised him at first." Chelsea explained. I laughed lightly.
"You know what they say, the best relationships start with 'I hated you at first'." She just rolls her eyes and smiles.
"He was Mr. Perfect. Sensei made him duel someone so he could see where to place him. Thomas beat Jeremy in a flash. I saw him as a rival so I immediately challenged him. It was a close match but he beat me. I'm not a good loser. He tried to help me up but I smacked his hand away." Chelsea acted out the hand-smacking. I burst out laughing.
"Poor Thomas!"
"I still feel bad for treating him like that!" She shook her head in disappointment.
"I would ignore every time he came to visit for about four months. Until one day after practice, I went to The Jasmine Dragon to get some tea, then I realized I had forgotten my wallet. Then the door swung open. Woosh! A wild Thomas appeared!" Chelsea mimicking a wind noise.
"Being the gentleman he is, he saw me and said hello. I ignored him and he just sat in front of me. He told me that he really wanted to be friends and asked me to give him a chance. I looked into his eyes and I couldn't say no. So I ended up drinking tea with him..." Pink dusted Chelsea's cheeks.
"So, a date?" I told her.
"N-No! I mean... Anyway! I had to tell him I forgot my wallet and he just said he was planning on paying anyway. I asked him to let me pay him back but he wouldn't let me. So the day before he left back to London, I slipped $10 into his bag and a note with my phone number on it." She started playing with her fingers and continued her story.
"We texted quite a bit and I slowly started to tolerate him more and more. We face-timed a few times and he was really sweet... I didn't really like to show my face on the face time because I was insecure... He told me that I shouldn't be and that every girl is beautiful in their own way..." Chelsea smiles to herself.
"He's a great guy isn't he," I told her enjoying the sweet story.
"Definitely. The day he moved here we ran to each other and hugged. It felt like it was in slow motion. Gosh, I'd love to relive that moment... Anyway, he started coming every day after school and we got closer and closer. I learned to love him over time." We look over at Thomas who was teaching Auggie how to stand properly. Thomas ended up making eye contact with us and smiled.
"His smile brightens up my whole day... Ew, that was so cringy." Chelsea fake-barfs at herself. I just laugh in return.
"Anyway since that dork head is taking too long, I'll teach you the basics instead." Chelsea stood up and we walked to the guys.
"You take forever Tommy!" Chelsea slaps Thomas's back.
"Learning fencing doesn't happen overnight, Chels." Thomas lifted his mask and winked.
"Oh shut it, pretty boy!" She crosses her arms and grumbles. Thomas just chuckles
"Hey, guys! How ya doing? The old married couple fighting again?" Mr. Isaac came up to us holding his clipboard.
"Old married couple? Where? Isn't this the youth building?" Thomas puts a hand on his chin contemplating. Isaac laughs at him.
"He was referring to us, Tom." Chelsea deadpans.
"WE, are the old married couple."
"We're married? Shouldn't we wait until we graduate college first?" He questions. Mr. Isaac keeps laughing.
"No Thomas, the saying, 'You guys are like an old married couple', is just a way to describe two people that fight a lot over little things and in some cases love each other," Chelsea explains to him.
"I see. So we are an old married couple?" Thomas pulls out a little notebook and scribbles while mumbling, 'old married couple'. The front of the notebook said, 'Common American Sayings'. Chelsea sees the cover and stifled a laugh.
"Thomas you're adorable..." She starts laughing and patting his shoulder.
"You think I'm adorable?" Thomas smirks and loomed over her.
"I-I didn't say that! I meant it like- like-" Chelsea started stuttering and panicked. Thomas stands normally and smiles.
"I'm just teasing you. Anyway, we should get to practice." He shooed us all back to where we were before.
"Spoken like a true king!" Mr. Isaac shouts walking away.


After practicing Auggie, Chelsea, Thomas, Mr. Isaac, and I walked to The Jasmine Dragon for some tea.
"Welcome everyone! How are my favorite lovebirds?" An elderly man came out from behind the counter and greeted us. He winked at Chelsea and Thomas. That's right! they had a little 'date' here. Maybe they come here all the time?
"Come! Take a seat!" He led us to a table with five chairs. I sat next to Auggie and Thomas and Isaac sat next to Chelsea across from us.
"I see you brought some new friends Isaac!" He smiled.
"Yes, I did. These are my new students August and (Y/N) Pulman." Auggie and I waved ad Mr. Isaac introduced us.
"It's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Iroh, but you can call me uncle Iroh. I am everybody's uncle!" Mr. Iroh laughed and smiled. What a kind man.
"Zuko! Come take their order, please! I have to get started on Isaac's favorite. Be nice! Introduce yourself too!" Uncle Iroh walked away.
"Yes, Uncle..." A young man a couple of years older than us came to take our order.
"My name is Zuko, you probably have already met my uncle Iroh. What would you guys like today?" Zuko had a strange scar on his face but I decided not to question it. Just like how Auggie doesn't appreciate it when people ask about his face.
"I'll take some Chamomile tea please," Chelsea ordered politely.
"I would like a Green Tea please!" Auggie asked.
"I would like some (fav tea), Thank you." I smile and Zuko nods.
"The usual?" He asked Thomas. He just nodded in return.
"I will return with your tea shortly. Thank you for coming." Zuko bowed and walked into the kitchen.
"What a nice guy," Auggie said after he left.
"You're lucky you didn't know him in his teen years." Isaac, Thomas, and Chelsea started laughing. We enjoyed our tea and laughed together for the rest of the day. I'll definitely be coming to fence more often.

Hi everyone! This chapter was pretty long, I'm sorry... Anyway, I promise the next chapter is all about Julian! Comment if you recognized the special guests! Thank you for reading! Have an awesome day/night!

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