Chapter 6: Complecations.

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Soon enough New Years passed and school started again. Auggie and I walked to school together and the first person I happened to see was the trust fund kid himself. He came up to me and said.
"Hey (Y/N)! How was your winter break?" I responded,
"It was great. Thank you for the gift by the way. It means a lot." I smile and hug him. Julian melts into the hug and closes his eyes.
"I'm still here ya lovebirds." Auggie interrupted our little scene. Why must you do this Auggie?? I let go of Julian and look at him.
"Anyway, where's my gift? I sent you a pretty necklace and you give me nothing? How rude." Julian pouts. I take out a small box and hand it to him.
"Why is it so small?" I glare at him. He chuckles.
"I'm kidding." He opens the gift to reveal... nothing. The box is empty. He looks at me dumbfounded.
"They're my feelings for you." I look at him and smile.
"I like you, Julian. More than friends." His eyes widen in shock. I was super bold for that. Woohoo! Great job (Y/N)! Now embarrass him more!
"I'll see you around."
I quickly kissed him on the cheek and walked away with Auggie. In the corner of my eye, I could see Julian smiling like an idiot. Cute. Now we wait.


"Now that you all finished your tests, I want you to call start thinking about your science projects they have to be ready after spring break. Okay?" Ms. Patosa started explaining to us. I hate projects. Ugh.
"Mr. Will something more important to think about?" She scolded Jack.
"No," Jack replied.
"You guys will be put in pairs, Your partner will be your tablemate." That means I'm Julian's partner... This is gonna be awkward... Maybe I should pair up with Auggie. Julian interrupted my train of thoughts.
"Uh, Ms. Patosa? I know we're supposed to be in pairs, but Jack, (Y/N) and I had a project in mind that we were going to work on together." Julian explained to her. No thanks.
"Actually no," Jack spoke before Ms. Patosa could answer.
"I wanted to work with Auggie if that's ok?" She smiled and said,
"Of course." I raised my hand and said.
"Auggie and I work really great together, do you mind if I joined them too?" I asked hopefully.
"As long as they're ok with it." She responded.
Jack Will and Auggie look my way and smile.
"It settled then. Auggie, Jack, and (Y/N), you three are one group. So Julian and Amos you two can work together." I glanced and Julian to see him burning with jealousy. He clenched his fist.


      "You really want to work with that freak? You really chose him over me?" Julian yelled at Jack in the hallway. He said what? He just crossed the line. Suddenly Jack punched Julian. And then Julian pushed him against the lockers and they threw punch after punch.
"Julian stop right now!" I yelled trying to separate them. He pushed me to the wall.
"Stay out of this! It's none of your business! You left me too!" Two teachers separated the two as Julian yelled at me.
"Jesus Julian it's just a project! Stop overreacting!" I yell to him while heading towards Jack. Julian glares dagger into my back.
"You okay Jack?" I hugged him. It just pissed Julian off even more.
"(Y/N) I need to talk to you after school." Jack told me seriously.
"Alright, I'll meet you at the entrance.


I headed toward the school entrance looking for Jack Will.
"Over here!" I hear Jack shout from a few yards away. I walk to him and ask,
"What did you need to talk about?"
"I'm sorry. For everything. For not talking to you after Elementary School. For ruining your relationship with Julian. And I'm sorry for hurting Auggie. I miss you. I miss my best friend."
Tears welled up in my eyes and I hugged Jack.
"Jack I miss you so much. I thought you didn't want to be friends anymore. And you never ruined anything. That was all Julian."
We hung out for the rest of the day and caught up.


"What's so wrong of me not telling you about a stupid play! I'm not even doing anything only the lights!" Via yelled to Mom. Women are scary when they yell. Especially Mom.
"Because your boyfriend is in it and don't you think we would like to see him!" Mom yelled back.
"C'mon sweetie, let's go hang out with Auggie." Dad grabbed my hand and we walked upstairs to Auggie's room.

"What are they saying down there?" Auggie asked when we reached him.
"They, my friend, are saying a lot of things. But that doesn't concern us. Now let's see your Minecraft world, we might move into it." That is a great idea.


"Are we going to the play?" Auggie asked Mom once they cooled down.
"Well I heard about it and it's not going to be interesting to you guys. So Dad's going to go and we are staying home." Mom explained.
"So now you're punishing me by not going?" Via asked Mom.
"Your the one who didn't want us to go in the first place." Mom replied.
"Well now that you know about it, of course, I want you to go." Something happened that I didn't quite catch and we heard whimpering.
"Daisy girl?" Mom called.


We watched Mom enter the Taxi with Daisy. She looked so sad. It broke my heart to see her like that.
"Get better Daisy," Auggie said as we waved goodbye. We went back inside and Auggie asked Via,
"Did Daisy really bite Mommy?"
"She was whimpering and Mom tried to pick her up then Daisy bit her" Via answered sadly.
"Do you think the Vet can fix her?" I asked hopefully.
"She was in a lot of pain (Y/N). She's really old." Via replied and Auggie and I looked down.
"Auggie, (Y/N), I want you guys to come to my play. Okay?" Via told us trying to lighten up the mood.
"Really?" We said at the same time "Yes" she said then hugged us both.
Suddenly the door opened. No Daisy. No one said a thing. We all just looked down.

I walked to my room, made sure the door was locked, and let it all out. So many things had happened. First, it was Julian being a total jerk. Then all of the things that Auggie had to go through. Then Daisy... Sometimes I wish life was some fairytale where I live happily ever after...


     Soon Via's play was around the corner. Everyone tried to make light out of the current situation by saying things like Daisy's in a better place now or She was in a lot of pain but now she's free. I really hope she likes it up there.


The evening after the play Justin and Miranda came over and hung out with us for a while. Mom started talking about Auggie and I's birth.
"There was the nurse who farted, and I don't use that word a lot, about a hundred times." I giggled. Or so you thought.
"Actually that was you," Dad said out of nowhere. Everyone burst out laughing.
"I didn't know how else to put it!" Nothing cures the heart better than a good laugh.
"Raise your hand if you want to change the subject," Mom asked. So Justin raised his hand.
"Okay, I will. I've been wondering, what is that?" He asked as he pointed to our project.
"Oh that's Jack, Auggie, and (Y/N)'s science fair project. Not to be confused with an Eye Sore in the middle of our living room." Dad joked. Everyone chuckled.
"But what is it?" Miranda asked curiously.
"Well, I don't know." Dad shrugged.
"Follow me you'll see," Auggie told them as directed them toward the box.
"But no kissing." He scolded as Via and Justin went inside.
"We're going to open the amateurs in 3... 2.. 1," Auggie said as he turned the hatch.


I was standing next to Jack and Auggie with our project. I could tell Julian was jealous as he glared at our project getting the blue ribbon. We made eye contact and I shook my head at him.


Auggie grew more popular each day. I was so happy for him, but deep in my heart, I missed Julian. I missed our friendship.

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