Chapter 16: Camping Preparations!

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Hi guys! Just like I promised! A chapter all about Julian! This adventure will have two parts. PSA: (F/F) = Favorite Flavor and (F/S) = Favorite Snack. Enjoy!

"So how was practice?" Julian asked me the next day at school.
"It was awesome! I made a new friend!" I beamed with delight.
"That's great. I'm glad you enjoyed it!" Julian smiled.
"Anyway, Mom and Dad said we were going camping for the weekend! I wanted to ask if you want to come?" I asked hopefully.
"I can go! I'll pick you up from practice and stay the night if it's okay?" Julian suggested.
"Sounds good! My parents won't mind. See you later?"
"See you later." Julian winked and walked away. I really like this guy... This is so exciting! I can't wait until he sees the surprise!


"So where are you off to this weekend?" Chelsea asked me while we were changing back into our regular clothes.
"Oh, I'm going on a little camping trip!" I tell her excitedly.
"With who?" She asked.
"With Auggie and my parents, of course..." And Julian...
"Are you sure that's it? You're blushing!" She points to my cheeks.
"Oh, andmyboyfriend," I said quickly.
"Your what now? You have a boyfriend?!" Chelsea grins.
"Yeah... his name is Julian..." I told her playing with my sleeve.
"Oooooh~! Tell me more!" She jumped up and down excitedly.
"Well... Julian and I met when we were little. He was bullying another one of my friends named Jack. I defended Jack and Julian got pissed. We ended up becoming friends. I like to think that I made him a better person." I smile to myself.
"If he ever breaks your heart, I will break his face." She clenched her fist with a smile.
"There's no need for that. He's a great guy..."
"If he makes you smile like that then I'm sure he's wonderful!" Chelsea gives me a thumbs up.
"I need to meet this Julian fella!"
"You're in luck. He's picking me up today. I'm sure you'll get along." I gave her a smile. Our heads turned when we heard a knock on the locker room door.
"Are you ladies dressed?" A familiar English accent called.
"Yeah." Chelsea and I said in unison. Everyone else had left earlier.
"Hey, Chels." Thomas smiled at Chelsea, and she just waved.
"Anyway (Y/N), Julian is here to pick you up." He gestured toward the entrance.
"Oh! Thanks! Chelsea, would you like to meet him?" I asked her. Chelsea nodded excitedly.
"Sure!" Thomas frowned slightly.
"Actually, Chelsea, I wanted to get some tea today. Care to join me?" He asked.
"I'm up for some tea right now. Just let me meet Julian first!" Chelsea got her things and walked out of the locker room. Thomas extends an arm out to stop her.
"But-! She left..." He sighs in defeat.
"Are you... jealous?" A smile creeps on to my face.
"No! I'm just worried she'll replace me..." He sighed again.
"She could never replace you! Anyway, cheer up! You are getting tea with her after!" I wiggled my eyebrows at him. Thomas just turned away with a light blush. I walked out of the locker room to see Chelsea speaking with Julian.
"Hey (Y/N)!" Julian waves to me.
"Ready for our trip?" I asked kissing his cheek.
"Yup! We'll see you later Chelsea, Thomas." Julian took my hand and we walked away. I took one last look to see Thomas and Chelsea waving goodbye.


"Mom, we're home!" I yelled just loud enough for her to hear. Dad greeted us from the living room.
"Hey, sweetie! How ya doing?"
"Good! Thanks for asking!" I beamed.
"C'mon Julian, let's go watch a movie! I'll grab snacks!" Julian nodded and went upstairs. I walked into the kitchen and searched for snacks. Hmm... I'm thinking some (F/F) ice cream... I open the freezer to see the ice cream. I grabbed the (F/F) and chocolate ice cream for me and Julian. I also grabbed (F/S). I love these so much!


"You got the goods?" Julian asked me when I walked into my room.
"Yup!" I held up the snacks and showed him.
"Chocolate! My favorite! You're the best!" He stood up and gave me a tight squeeze.
"What movie did you pick?" I asked him, laying on my bed.
"The Lion King!" Julian grinned ear to ear.
"Amazing choice!"


"Are you crying?" Julian laughed at my sad state.
"No *sniff*... I always get sad when Mufasa dies..." I wipe my nose with some tissues.
"Crybaby!" Julian mocks me and I throw a pillow at his face.
"Hey! That's not nice!" He yelled out.
"hEy! tHaT's nOt nIcE!" Julian glares at me and pouts.
"Who's the baby now~?" I tease him.


"Hakuna Matata~! What a wonderful phrase~! Hakuna Matata~! Ain't no passing craze~!"
I sing my heart out while Julian makes fun of me.
"You sound like a dying monkey!" He bursts out laughing. I cross my arms and look away frowning.
Remind me why I like this dummy?
"It means no worries... for the rest of your days..." Julian quietly sings. I smile and we start singing together.
"It's our problem free~! Philosophy~! Hakuna Matata~!" I take a sip of water because that singing parched me.
"You know, you're not a terrible singer... Your singing is cute..." Julian smiles sheepishly and I just wink.
"My new album is coming out soon, you should check it out!"


"Isn't Scar the coolest?" I asked Julian. His song is literally so cool.
"Definitely one of the best Disney villains out there." He agreed.
"Oh look! Simba reunited with Nala!" I pointed to the screen. This scene was so romantic...
"They're so cute together..." I smiled lovingly at the two lions at the screen. Julian inched closer to me and put his hand on mine. Our fingers intertwined and the song began...

Can you feel the love tonight,
The peace the evening brings.
The world, for once, in perfect harmony.
With all, it's living things.

Julian smiles and starts to sing.
"So many things to tell her, but how to make her see. The truth about my past? Impossible. She'd turn away from me." He stares deeply into my eyes. I begin to sing Nala's part.
"He's holding back, he's hiding. But what, I can't decide. Why won't he be the king I know he is. The king I see inside." I smile and start to lean in.

Can you feel the love tonight,
The peace the evening brings.
The world, for once, in perfect harmony,
With all, it's living things.

Our lips meet and we hold each other.
"I really like you (Y/N)... a lot." Julian smiles. I just grab his arm and wrap it around me.
"I know." I kiss his cheek and lay on his chest.

Can you feel the love tonight,
You needn't look too far.
Stealing through,
The night's uncertainties.
Love is where they are...

I begin to fake cry.
"And if he falls in love tonight~ *sniff* It can be assumed~!" I wipe my fake tears and Julian joins in.
"His carefree days~, with us, are history~!"
We sing in unison:
"In short our pal is doooooooooomed~!!"


"I could never get tired of that movie." I yawn and get ready for bed. Julian gets ready as well.
"Yup. Simba's the best." Julian lays on my bed.
"Hey! I thought you were sleeping in Auggie's room?" I yelled at the boy.
"I can't sleep here?" He smiles innocently.
"Whatever... just don't throw me off the bed," I grumble as I tuck myself in.
"Night (Y/N)~," Julian says.
"Night Julian..."

I hope everyone reading this likes The Lion King. If not, I'm sorry. I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Have a wonderful day/night!

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